Motion Picture News (Apr - Jun 1927)

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Af>ril 8, 19 27 1J7.? Quarantined Rivals (.aliforiiitt Lilted I Ins (tiiv (^i{«\ii'\\««l l>> K. (.. Joliii>l<»nj HKlv'ALDKI) l)y (iotliiiin 's i)iil)licily (Icpartiiiciit iis liaviti;; rccfivi'd lavorahlc coiimu'Mt I'roiii I'Vi-ryoiU' wlio liad sci'ii it in (aliforiiia, tliis ])ictuiizati(tn of (iCdr-jf Haiulolpli Chester's stoi'v recently arrived in New York lor a well-attended Wuriitzei' Hall showinjr. Now, takiiij; everythin;^ into coiisiilei-ation and niakiiifr the jjroper allowanees, it looks as thou^^h the Calitoiiiians sized thiiifTs up pretty well. True, there are no pi-oniinenl nanus to shout about — and so many eharaeters are involved duri!!-; the first half that the aetion sutlers somewhat — hut on the whole Director Ar(diie Mayo and staft' have turru'd out a very creditahle piece of work. Tlie linal reels ai'e (juite snappy. The suhtitles are not. It's all ai)()nt a couple of younj; fellows in lo\e with the same jjirl. They, alonp; with the girl's family, a jealous harher, his manicui'ist-tiancee and a burly plund)er are the not too clubby inmates of the (piarantined home of the jrirl's mother. C"omi)lications introduced durinjj the start of the stoi-y become more and more involved and finally come to a head durinj; tli(> s(>veral days' cpiarantine. Credit would seem to be due Robert Ajjin-w, John Mil.jan and ''Bis' Boy" Williams; the latter 's work standinfj out as well as any. The Cast: Robert AgneiK.', Kathleen Collins. John Miljaii. Vcora Daniels, Ray Haller, "Big Boy" JVilliatns, Clarissa Selwynne. George Pieree, Joscpliine Borio (Did U'ni. A. O'Connor. Direetor, .-Irehic Ma\o. THEME: Comedy drama dealing with the complications which befall numerous occupants of a quarantined home. PRODUCTION HIGHLIGHTS: Good story by wellknown author. Fast comedy action in last half. EXPLOITATION ANGLES: Play up strong the author";; name and comedy ansle. DRAWING POWER: Sui^ able for better class of neighborhood trade, and others. Length, 6.806 feet Released March 25. 1927. Produced by Gotliani and distributed by Liiniis Film Corf'. Scciii.s jroin "Cidiarvt." a I'nruniDunt picture The Broken Gate Snidll Tomi Scdiuhil Slory I cry U ell Donr I l{t'%ie\vcd b\ llurolil Mavinj AX'KHV human story of small-town life, fjood screen treatment, well directed, and enacted by an unusually capable cast is this picturization of the Phiierson Housh novel of the same name. Performances not achieved by many of our present day stars are jjiven by Dorothy Phillij>s, who has been in retirement for a lon<? time; Florence Tuiner, one of the first screen stars; Phillips Smaller, another well-known trouper — in fact, Tiffany has gathered together a cast of players than whom there is no better. The continuity and direction is first-rate — the story moves along logically and swiftly, no jumps or cut-backs. Despite pregnant condition of Aurora Lane. Lucius Henderson will not marry her for fear of disinheritance. Town gossips note condition of Aurora but she does not name man. Boy is born but sent away. Aurora pretending he died. Boy grows up and •Julia, friend of Aurora, watches him, pretending she is his aunt. He goes through college, meets and falls in love with girl from his mother's town. He graduates, secures position, but stop-; over to see aunt. Aunt brings him to mother. leaves them alone, and scandal-mongers spread story. Mother is driven out of town l)y constable but son firings her f)ack. He is arrested f'lr constable's murder, is about to be lynched by town mob but half-wit confesses. The Cast: Dorothy Phillips, WdVunn Collier. Jr., Jean Arthur, Phillips Snujliey. Florence Turner, Gibson Goivland, Charles A. Post, Caroline "Spike" Rankin, Vera Lewis, Jack McDonald. Charles Thurston, Adclc Watson. Directed by Janits C. }fcKdy. THEME : Melodrama showing the havoc small-town scandal mongers can create in lives of utterly respectable people. PRODUCTION HIGHLIGHTS: Human story, splendid performances of cast and able direction. EXPLOITATION ANGLES: Dorothy PhiUips, Florence Turner. Use press book suggestions, cuts and lobby displays. DRAWING POWER: Excellent draw for any house though it lacks production values. Dramatic excerpts from "Madame If' ants Ao Children," a Fox Films picture Length, 5.600 feet Released March 15. 1927. Produced and distributed by Tiffany Productions.