Motion Picture News (Apr - Jun 1927)

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■I p ril S , 19 27 12S7 ! Inquiries and Comments { {Contmucd from preceding page) This agrees almost exactly with the ratio nt the measured sereeii intensities and so proves lliat the larger efifective lens area of system No. 2 is responsible lor the inereased screen intensity obtained with this system. Total Lumen Comparison Let us now go back to the iris openings and compare the total lumens passing through each opening with total lumens as measured on the screen. System No. 1 Jris shutter oj)ening=l-ll/lG inches Area of opening^3.14 x 0.85 x 0.8.") :^2.'27 sq. inches System No. 2 Iris shutter opening=2V2 inches Area of opening=3.14 x 1.25 x 1.25 =4.91 sq. inches Ratio^^ 4.01 2.27 =2.1(5 The ratio of the respective screen lumens is as follows : System No. 1 Area of projected .3 ft. 6 in. spot=3.l4 x 1.75 X 1.7.)=9.6 sq. ft. Pleasured intensity^=12.8 foot-candles. Luiuens=Area x Intensity =9.(5 X 12.8 :^^123 lumens System No. 2 .\i-ea of projected 3 It. ti in. spot 9.)i sq. ft. .Measiiied intensity=20.5 foot-candles x 2(i.5 =255 lumens The ratio of the screen lumens is, tliereI'lirc : Ratio^255 =123 =2.07 This agices almost exactly with the ratio (it the iris ojienings as given above and shows that where the jirojection lens '.< large enough to accommodate the full beam in each case, the screen lumens (hence intensity) will be directly proportional to the size of the respective iris openings. (C'lticl tided in next issue) Phila. Local Encourages "Better Projection" Operator's Local Xo. .307, LA.T.S.E., of riiiladelphia, Pa., have started a school in Ix'tter i)rojection for their members, the lirst session of which was held at midnight on IMonday, March 7th. Before a record attendance of almost two hundred members, Irving Samuels, president of the Automatic Devices Company, manufacturers of the Stabilarc motor-generators, addressed the school on the subject of "Current Requirements for Picture Arcs." The relative advantages and disadvantages of the various forms of current supply for motion picture arcs Avere thoroughly covered and the popular interest in the subject was evidenced by the numerous questi(>ii< asked at the conclusion of tlie talk. Marr & Colton Workshops Again Increased .Vnulher iMillriil inn ul tiir j>|-M-iiiTit \ .i| our iiKJustry i,., the n-pnrt fi'mii the .M;irr iV Colton Com|)any, <if Warsaw. N.\'., manufacturers of jiipe organs. This company states that 1920 was the largi-st year in the history of the comfiany anrl that the new contracts on hand for 1927 point to a still greater year. The increase has ber-n a steady growth arul it has been necessary again to increase the capacity of their workshops at Warsaw, X.V. This is the second adilition to |>lant capacity in less than a year. Over 14,000 s(|uare feet of floor space has been addeil to the present plant. Steel Furniture Catalogue Off The Press A new c.italogue, entitled ••.Mudeiii Theatre Seating," has been published by the Steel Furniture (.'ompany, 1475 Buchanan Avenue, Grand Rapids, Mich. This catalogue gives, with fidl illustrations, a complete line of theatre chairs made by that company. I'ree copies of this catalogue may be obtained upon ajjplication to the Steel Furnitui'e Company. Robert Morton Organ Co. Has New Chicago Address An announcement ha.s been issued from the New York offices of the Robert Morton Organ Company to the etTect that this firm's Chicago office was recently moved from the building at 845 So. Wabash Avenue, and is now located at 624 So. Michigan Avenue. Chicajro, Til. \mm^ % AUTOMATIC REGISTERS 5PE.CIFIE0 AS HIGHEST STAMDARD BOX OPFICE: E. Q U I P> M E INT %codnized fir ECONOMY ^ ^ SIMPLICITY DURABILITY & DEPENDABILITY Over A// Other Types AUTOMATIC TICKET REGISTER CORR 723 SEVENTH AVE NEW YORK CITY ^ r' The newest, most luxurously furnisfied and conveniently I iitujted hiolel in the metropolis The town home of Tiany dslin^uished authors, producers and stysci(lhtsl4t isc-een belvedere;; 46'? STREET WESt oi B«0*OV.«. ( Vw r,me5 -Xiui'ti Larje room, private bath fix on< • four Dollars ■ fof Two five OoMBrs( serving pantry optonjll " -Restaurant '! / 7^ Every hot day — cvcr^ summer There's nothing like the Tyi>h<)on Coohng System to keep voiir house filled to capacity the whole summer through — — and to keep vour audience comfortahlv cool and contented when it is filled. ^'i hv not let us show vou what Typhoons can do for ^ 01 ? Write for Booklet N-2. S TYPHOON FAN COMPANY .3^ WIST 39lh SIHKKT Jacksonville NK\^ YOHK New Orleans