Motion Picture News (Apr - Jun 1927)

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1288 Motion Picture N e zu s Colored District Grows 3 De Luxe Theatres Projected in Chicago* s Fast Growing Negro Section ANOTHER big motion picture theatre, the third projected within as many months, is planned for Chicago's rapidly growing colored district. The latest project is in many ways a composite of the two previously announced and is unusual in some respects. Its roof garden, for instance, will be in the basement. It will be of Moorish architecture, reminiscent of the finest buildings of ancient African civilization, and will cost $1,140,000. Two sites on South Parkway between 40th and 47th streets are under consideration. The structure is to be known as the Sylvia Standard VAUDEVILLE for Motion Picture Presentation THE FALLY MARKUS VAUDEVILLE AGENCY Lackawanna 7876 1579 Broadway, New York City MURPHY &BRODE IHC 5I0W.45'ST.N.Y. CHICKERING 6IOO REACH THE THEATRE BY MAIL THRU OUR UP-TO-DATE MAILING LIST SERVICE 18,138 U. S. THEATRES SHOWING PICTURES Under 250 seats. 30%; under 500. 70%: under 800, 85%: over 800. 15% The most economical method of reaching theatres Is our ADDRESSING SERVICE. $4 00 PER M UP. Lists If desired 30 to 50% saved In postage, etc., through elimination of dead and duplicate theatres usually listed. Lists of Producers, Distributors and Supply Dealers MULTIGRAPHING — MIMEOGRAPHING FOLDING — ENCLOSING — MAILING MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY CO. 709 Sixth Ave. at 41st St. New York City Phone, Pennsy 7484-7485 Hallberg Generators and Reflector Arc Lamps with free STEREOPTICON Write Now! J. H. HaHberg, 27-7B-West 57th Street, New York Augustine Theatre and Commercial building. It will be five stories in height, topped by a tall tower. The theatre portion will contain at least 2,500 seats, according to promoters of the project. There will be shops on the first and second floors, offices on the upper floors and a Moorish terrace garden inspired by the gardens of the Alhambra in the basement. John Eberson, who designed the Capitol and other theatres controlled by the National Theatres corporation, is the architect, and it is said that the National Theatre Corporation will lease the theatre portion for twenty years. The building is to be built by the Commonwealth Theatre Corporation composed of Attorney Benjamin A. Browning, E. F. E. Williams, Leon d'Harcourt Comick and W. F. Parker. Jefferson A. Williams & Co. represent the owners. National Supply Carries Large Relief Stock According to report, the National Theatre Supply Company has over $120,000.00 (actual replacement value) invested in such equipment as projectors, mechanisms, intermittent movements, lenses, motors, generators, etc., which are kept on hand in all of their 31 branch stores ready for relief and emergency cases that may develop in theatres which the company serves. At first thought this seems to be an unwarranted investment ; but according to an official of the National organization, "it is one of the necessities of the business and by reason of it we are able to render a service that is needed in the theatre industry and we feel that this investment in emergency apparatus is completely justified." Wide Interest Shown in Equipment Drive Wide interest is already being shown in the campaign now being launched by the Theatre Equipment Association. Membership in this organization is composed of the leading manufacturers, distributors and dealers throughout the United States and Canada. It is a thoroughly independent movement to offer to exhibitors the services of that Association and its members to improve business conditions in the Motion Picture Industry. The Association has adopted the slogan: "Better Equipment Means Better Business." This slogan, says Mr. Hertner, was adopted as a result of considerable discussion and the unanimous opinion that larger patronage invariably follows better ecjujpment in the theatre. Exhibitors are invited to write to the offices of the Associ{ition. Questions or problems will be handled by the respective members as every member of this Association is in position and eager to give constructive help in this way to the thousands of exhibitors throughout the country. The officers and directors of the Association are as follows: J. H, Hertner, president; S. A. Louis, vice-president; S. S. Behrends, treasurer; S. S. Behrends, J. C. Brown, Walter Green, John H. Hertner, S. A. Louis, J. E. McAuley, I. L. Nixon, Irving Samuels and C. D. Struble. The manufacturer and dealer members of this Association have large trained forces who are experts in their respective lines. It is really astonishing the wealth of technical information that can be secured through this organization if the exhibitor will take advantage of this information. The Association is desirous of adding to its membership, as it is open to reliable manufacturers and dealers who wish to join in this movement. Correspondence should be addressed to the Theatre Equipment Association, Old Colony Building, Chicago, 111. S. M. P. E. Arranging Fine Norfolk Program W. C. Kunzman, chairman of the Arrangements Committee of the spring meeting of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers to be held at the Hotel Monticello, Norfolk, Va., April 25th to 28th, announces that a splendid social and business program is being arranged. In addition to a number of features specially prepared for the ladies, there will be a golf tournament and oyster roast at Virginia Beach. Twenty-nine papers have already been sent in and a full list of these will be given out at a later date. The industry in all its branches is beginning to come to a better realization of the importance of the conventions of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers and it is believed that there will be an exceptionally large attendance at the Norfolk meeting. Heywood Wakefield Issues New Catalogue The Heywood-Wakelu'ld Company, of Boston, Mass., has just published a very attractive catalogue on theatre seats. This book contains illustrations of the complete line of theatre seats made by that company. Copies of this catalogue may be had upon request from the Heywood-Wakefield Company, 209 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. Prosperity Continues in Equipment Field Further indication of prosperity among equipment manufacturers in the motion picture field is evidenced in a recent communication from the Kilgen Organ Company, reporting that during the past thirty days they have received several new orders, all well scattered throughout the country. COSTUMES FOR HIRE PRODUCTIONS EXPLOITATION PRESENTATIONS BROOKS 1437 Broadway Tel. 5580 Penn.