Motion Picture News (Apr - Jun 1927)

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1290 Motion Picture N e w s Feature Star Distributed by Length Reviewed Sin Cargo S. Mason-R. Frazer . .Tiffany . . .6147 feet . .Jan. 7 Son of a Gun Al Horie Barsky Productions .4500 feet Spangles P. O'Malley -Nixon . .Universal 5633 feet . .Nov. 6 Speed Cop, The Billy Sullivan Rayart 4972 feet Stepping Along J. Hines-M. Brian. . .First National 7038 feet. .Nov. 27 Tentacles of the North A. CalhounG. Glass. Rayart 5998 feet There You Are C NagelE. Roberts. M-G-M 5682 feet Timid Terror, The G. O'Hara-E. Yorke F. B.O 4892 feet.. Jan. 7 Tin Hats Windsor-Nagle-Roach G. Cooper M-G-M 6598 feet. Dec. 18 Tom and His Pals Tom Tyler F. B. O 4346 feet Truthful Sex, The M.Busch-H. Gordon. Columbia Pictures. . .5831 feet Twinkletoes C. Moore-K. Harlan First National 7833 feet. .Jan. 7 Unknown Cavalier, The. . . . K. Maynard-K. Collins First National 6595 feet Upstage N. Shearer-O. Shaw . M-G-M 6048 feet . .Dec. 4 We're in the Navy Now . . . . W. Beery-Hatton . . . .Paramount 5519 feet . Nov. 20 While London Sleeps Rin-Tin-Tin Warner Bros 5810 feet . Dec. 18 Wings of the Storm R. HowesV. Faire . . .Fox 5244 feet. Dec. 11 Winning Wallop, The Wm. Fairbanks Lumas 5000 feet . .Oct. 30 Wolves of the Desert Ben Wilson Rayart 4168 feet DECEMBER Feature Star Distributed by Length Reviewed Bad Man's Bluff Buffalo Bill, Jr Pathe 4441 feet.. Jan. 7 Bandit Buster, The Buddy Roosevelt . . . .Pathe 4468 feet Bertha, the Sewing Machine Girl Madge Bellamy Fox 5242 feet. .Jan. 7 Better Way, The R. Tnce-D. Revier Columbia Pictures. . .5540 feet Blond Saint , The Kenyon-Stone First National 6800 feet . . Dec. 4 Blue Streak O'Neil Al Hoxie Barsky Productions . 4500 feet Border Whirlwind, The . . . Bob Custer F. B. O 4862 feet Callof the Wilderness Sandow (Dog) Pathe 4218 feet Canadian, The Thomas Meighan. . . .Paramount 7753 feet . Dec. 18 Canyon of Light Tom Mix Fox , 5399 feet. Dec. 25 Corporal Kate "Vera Reynolds Prod. Dist. Corp 7460 feet . .Dec. 25 Cruise of Jasper B, The ... La Rocque-Harris . Prod. Dist. Corp 5870 feet Desert Valley Buck Jones-V.B.FaireFox 5500 feet . .Jan. 7 Exclusive Rights L. Rich-G. Whitman R.McKee-G.Glass. Famous Attractions. .6087 feet Faust E. Jannings-C. Hom O. Ekman M-G-M 8110 feet. Dec. 25 Flaming Fury Ranger (Dog) F. B. O 4464 feet Flesh and the Devil, The ... J. Gilbert -G. Garbo L. Hanson M-G-M 8759 feet. Jan. 21 Flying High Wm. Fairbanks-A. Calhoun Lumas 4698 feet Gallant Fool, The Billy Sullivan Rayart 4575 feet Going Crooked B. Love-O. Shaw Fox 5345 feet. Dec. 25 Her Big Night Laura La Plant Universal 7603 feet. Aug. 28 In Broncho Land Dick Hatton Rayart 4583 feet Just Another Blonde Mackaill-Mulhall-L. Brooks-Collier, Jr . . First National 5603 feet . . Dec. 25 Ladies at Play Hughes-Kenyon Fazenda First National 6119 feet . Dec. 11 Lazy Lightning Art Acord Universal 4572 feet Love 'Em and Leave 'Em . E. Brent-L. Gray-L. Brooks Paramount 6075 feet . .Dec. 18 Love's Blindness Starke-Moreno M-G-M 6023 feet Man Bait Marie Prevost Prod. Dist. Corp 5947 feet. .Feb. 4 Man of the Forest G. Hale-J. Holt Paramount 5187 feet Man of Quality, A George Walsh Excellent Pictures. . .5200 feet . Nov. 6 Money to Bum Devore-MacGregor . Lumas 6100 feet . .Dec. 11 Night Owl, The Reed Howes Rayart 5080 feet One Hour of Love J. Logan-R. Frazer. . .Tiffany 6454 feet. .Jan. 7 Prisoners of the Storm House Peters Universal 6102 feet . .Sept. 11 Readin','Ritin','Rithmetic E.Marion-G. White . . Artlee Pictures 4983 feet Redheads Preferred M. Daw-T. von Eltz R. Hitchcock Tiffany 5278 feet. .Jan. 3 Red Hot Hoofs Tom Tyler F. B. O 4681 feet. .Nov. 13 Regular Scout, A F. Thomson-O. Has brouck F.B.0 5601 feet. .Dec. 31 Remember D. PhiUips-E. Met calf Columbia Pictures . . . 5495 feet Ridin'Gent, A JackPerrin Rayart 5027 feet Rose of the Tenements J. Harron-S. Mason. .F. B.O 6678 feet Smoke Eaters Landis-Hawley Rayart 5716 feet Stolen Ranch Fred Humes Universal 4578 feet Stranded in Paris Bebe Daniels Paramount 6106 feet . .Dec. 25 Striving For Fortune George Walsh Excellent Pictures ... 5300 feet Summer Bachelors A. Forrest -Bellamy M. Moore Fox 6782 feet. .Dec. 31 Sunshine of Paradise Alley . Barbara Bedford Chadwick 6900 feet Third Degree D.Costello-J.Robards L. Dresser-R. Fel lowes Warner Bros 7647 feet . . Jan. 14 Uneasy Payments A. Vaughn-J. Luden.F. B. 0 4770 feet.. Feb. 18 Valencia M.Murray-L.Hughes R. D'Arcy M-G-M 5580 feet .. Jan. 7 West of the Law Ben Wilson Rayart 4937 feet White Black Sheep, The R. Barthelmess-P. R. Miller First National 6798 feet . .Dec. 18 Whole Town's Talking,The.E. Horton-V. L. Cor bin Universal 6662 feet . . Aug. 1 4 Winning of Barbara Worth Colman-Banky United Artists 8757 feet . Dec. 18 Feature Star Distributed by Length Reviewed Ice Flood, The K. Harlan-V. Dana . Universal 5747 feet. Oct. 9 Jewels of Desire P. DeanJ. Bowers. . .Prod. Dist. Corp 5427 feet Jim the Conqueror W. Boyd-E. Fair Prod. Dist. Corp 5324 feet. .Jan. 7 Johnny Get Your Hair Cut . Jackie Coogan M-G-M 6781 feet. .Mar. 4 Kid Brother, The Harold Lloyd. Paramount 7654 feet . .Feb. 4 Lady in Ermine C. Griffith-F. X. Bushman First National 6400 feet . . Jan. 14 Last Trail, The T. Mix-C. Geraghty.Fox 5190 feet. .Feb. 11 Lightnin' Lariats T. Tyler-D. Dunbar. . F. B. O 4536 feet Little Journey, The Haines Windsor Carey M-G-M 6088 feet ..Jan. 14 Loco Luck A. Acord-F. Wray Universal 4827 feet . .Jan. 7 Long Loop, The L.Maloney-E.Gilbert.Pathe 5934 feet . .Jan. 28 Lunatic at Large, The L. Errol-Mackail First National 5521 feet. .Feb. 11 Masked Woman, The A. Nilsson-H. Blinn E. Hanson-R. Roland First National 5434 feet Michael Strogoff Ivan Moskine Universal 9315 feet . .Dec. 4 Misplaced High-Brows H.Madsen-Karl Schen strom Imported Pic. (S.R.) Music Master, The A. Francis-L. Moran N. Hamilton Fox 7754 feet. Feb. 14 Mystery Brand, The Ben Wilson Rayart 4763 feet Night of Love, The Colman-Banky United Artists 7600 feet . . Feb. 4 Nobody's Widow L.Joy-C.Ray Prod. Dist. Corp 6741 feet. .Mar. 11 Oh, Babyl D. Butler-M. Kennedy C.Hale-Little Billy Universal 7152 feet. .Aug. 21 One Increasing Purpose ... LoweAllison-Lee . . Fox 7677 feet . . Jan. 14 One Man Game, A F. Humes-F. Wray. . .Universal 4689 feet. .Feb. 11 On the Boulevard (German film) Lillian Harvey Imported Pictures (S. R.) Paradise for Two R. Dix-B. Bronson. . .Paramount 6187 feet. .Feb. 11 Perfect Sap, The P. Starke-Lyon First National 5982 feet . . Jan. 21 Play Safe M. Banks-V. L. Cor bin Pathe 4915 feet.. Feb. 4 Potters, The W.C.Fields-M.Alden . Paramount 6680 feet . . Feb. 4 Red Mill, The M.Davies-O.Moore . M-G-M 6337 feet. . Feb. 25 Rider of the Law Al Hoxie Barsky Productions . . 4500 feet Rough and Ready J. Hoxie-E. Gregory. Universal 4409 feet. Jan. 7 Scarlet Letter, The L. Gish-L. Hanson H. B. Walthal-K. Dane M-G-M 8229 feet. Aug. 21 Scorcher, The Reed Howes Rayart Show Girl, The M. Harris-G. Glass M.Carr-R.McKim. Rayart 5201 feet Show, The GilbertAdoree-L. Barrymore M-G-M 6308 feet . Mar. 25 Silent Rider, The H. Gibson-B. Mehaf fey Universal 5879 feet. Jan. 7 Slums of Berlin, The E. Nissen-B. Goetzke M. Christians Imported Pic. (S.R. ). 671 2 feet. .Feb. 4 Smiling Billy Billy Sullivan Rayart Speeding Hoofs Dick Hatton Rayart Stage Madness V.Valli-L.Tellegan-T. Carmenati Fox 5320 feet . .Feb. 11 Stolen Pleasures Revier-Tucker-Chad wick-Whitman ... Columbia Pictures . . . 5064 feet TarzanandtheGoldenLion. J. Pierce-E. Murphy. F. B.O 5807 feet. Mar. 25 Tell It to the Marines Chaney-Haines-Board man-C. Meyers M-G-M 8800 feet. .Jan. 7 Tongues of Scandal Desmond-Busch-Hal lor Sterling Pict 5253 feet Upstream E. Foxe-Hitchcock-N. Nash Fox 5510 feet.. Feb. 11 Wandering Girls M. Harris-D. Revier R. Agnew Columbia Pictures . . .5426 feet Where North Holds Sway . . Jack Perrin Rayart Winners of the Wilderness . .Tim McCoyJ. Craw ford-R. D'Arcy M-G-M 6343 feet Wolf's Clothing Miller-Blue Warner Bros 7068 feet . . Jan. 28 Wolves of the Air J. Walker-M. Harris . Sterling Pict 5414 feet Yankee Clipper, The W. Boyd-E. Fair Prod. Dist. Corp FEBRUARY Length Reviewed JANUARY Distributed by Length Reviewed .5686 feet. .Jan. 28 Feature Star Auctioneer, The G . Hughes-NixonSidney Fox . Blonde or Brunette Menjou-Nissen-Mar chal Paramount 5872 feet. .Jan. 28 Cactus Trails Bob Custer F. B. O 4889 feet . .Jan. 21 California or Bust George O'Hara F. B. O 4659 feet Cheerful Fraud, The Reginald Dermy Universal 6968 feet . . Dec. 1 8 Cyclone Cowboy, The Wally Wales Pathe 4447 feet. .Jan. 28 Don't Tell the Wife I. Rich-H. Gordon . . . Warner Bros 6972 feet Driven From Home V. L. Corbin-S. Lewis V. Pearson Chadwick 6893 feet Finger Prints L.Fazenda-J.Mmray. Warner Bros 7031 feet First Night, The B. Lytell-D. Devore . Tiffany 5500 feet. .Feb. 18 General, The Buster Keaton United Artists 7440 feet. . Feb. 25 God's Great WiUemess L. RichJ. Beimett M. Can American Cinema 5398 feet Heroes of the Night Landis-Nixon-R. Lease Lumas 67S0 feet . . Jan. 28 Her Father Said No D. O'Shea-M. Brian.F. B. 0 6908 feet. Jan. 7 Homestruck V. Dana-N. Barrie A. Brooks F. B. O 5613 feet. .Jan. 28 Hotel Imperial Pola Negri Paramount 7091 feet. Jan. 21 Husband Hunters, The M. Busch-W. Heirs M. Harris Tiffrjiy 5600 feet . .Mar. 11 Feature Star Distributed by Action Craver, The Dick Hatton Rayart Affair of the Follies, An ... . StoneDove-Hughes. . First National 6433 feet . . Mar. 1 1 Altars of Desire M. Murray -Tearle . . M-G-M 6037 feet Ankles Preferred M. Bellamy-L. Gray. Fox 5498 feet Bachelor's Baby, The H. Chadwick-H. Meyers Columbia 5260 feet Between Dangers Buddy Roosevelt. . . .Pathe 4533 feet . .'Feb. 11 Broken Gate, The D. PhillipsWm. Collier, Jr. -J. Arthur . Tiffany Burnt Fingers E.Percy -G.O'Hara. . Pathe 5854 feet . .Feb. 18 Butterflies in the Rain Kirkwood-La Plante . Universal 7319 feet. . .Jan. 7 Cheaters O'Malley-H.Ferguson Hackathome Tiffany 6023 feet .Mar. 25 Denver Dude, The Hoot Gibson Universal : 5292 feet.. Feb. 25 Don Mike F. Thomson-R. Clifford F.B.O 5723 feet.. Mar. 4 Easy Pickings Nilsson-K. Harlan . . . First National 5400 feet Fighting Love Goudal-Varconi -Walthall Prod. Dist. Corp 7017 feet Final Extra, The M. De La Motte-G. Withers Lumas 6000 feet . .Feb. 25 Fire Brigade, The M. Avoy-C. Ray. . . .M-G-M 8716 feet. .Dec. 31 Galloping Gobs. The Buffalo Bill, Jr Pathe 4524 feet . Feb. 25 Gay Old Bird, The L. FazendaJ. Murtay J. Winton Warner Bros 6284 feet. Mar. 25 Getting Gertie's Garter . . . .M.Prevost-C.Ray....Prod. Dist. Corp 6859 feet. .Feb. 18 God Gave Me Twenty Cents Moran-de Putti-Mul hall-Collier, Jr Paramount 6532 feet. .Dec. 4 Hills of Kentucky Rin-Tin-Tin Warner Bros 6271 feet. .Mar. 4 His Rise to Fame G. Walsh-P. Shaw. . Excellent Pictures. . .5790 feet. .Mar. 11 It A. Moreno-C. Bow.. .Paramount 6452 feet. .Feb. 18 Laffin* Fool, The JackPerrin Rayart Let it Rain D.MacLean-S. Mason Paramount 6052 feet . Mar. 18 London ... Dorothy Gish Paramount 5584 feet Nov. 6 Love's Greatest Mistake . . . W. Powell-E. Brent J. Dunn Paramount 6007 feet . .Mar. 1 1 Magic Garden, The M. Morris-R. Keene F.B.O 6807 feet. .Feb 25 Marriage V. Valli-A. Durant-G. McConnell Fox 5440 feet. . Feb. 25 McFadden's Flats C. Murray-Conklin First National 7846 feet . .Feb. 25 Midnight Watch, The R .Stewart-M. McAl lister-D. Torrence . Rayart Mon'cey Talks, The J. Lemer-O. Borden D. Alvarado Fox 5500 feet . .Mar. 11 Moulders of Men C. Tearle-M. Morris F.B.O 6413 feet. .Apr. 1 New York Cortez-Wilson-E. Taylor Paramount 6877 feet.. Feb. 11