Motion Picture News (Apr - Jun 1927)

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May IS, 1^2 J 1833 Highlights of Warner Bros. Meet Sales Convention Advised of Product and Policies for New Season; All Films Vitaphone Equipped WAHXKK IJHOS. sales oxc.iitivcs, lioiiic oflicc cxcciitivi's and spocMiil ifpri'sciitativcs concluded on May first a three day convention held in tlie Pennsylvania Hotel. New York City, called for the i)urpose of acfjiiaintinfj the sales forces of the product and {)olicies for the couuntr season. The hiirhlifrhts of the convention were: Announcement of 2() New Warner Winners and a hirije niiiiiIxT of Kxteiuled Kun Productions. Information that seven of the Extended Kun )M-oductions are completed and ready. Word from Jack L. Warner that the production of the New 2G Warner Winners would start next week with 10 completed hy Sept. 1 and several ready early in Aujjust. Announcement that every picture would have a Vitaphone accompaniment, and that the installation of instruments and the preparation of suh.jects would be made more ((uickly durinjr the coming: year. Word that Dolores Costello has been promoted to an Extended Run star and her l)ictures would be released entirely in the Extended Kun line up. Announcement of the creation of a now conu'dy team starring Louise Fazenda with Clyde Cook and William Demarest. Further word from Jack L. Warner that new players, new directors, and now writers had been signed. AniKiuiiccnieiit by Sam 10. Morris that the sales dei)artment lias been divided into two territories with Arthur Abeles in charge of the ('astern division, C. C. Ezell directing the western, and Harry Lustig remaining in charge of the Pacific; coast. Word from Sam E. Morris that prol)ably there would be a mid-seas(»n convention which will be attended i)y the entire sales force. Announcement by ]\rorris Safier that a si)ecial sales force would be i)ut in the field to haiulle the Extended Hun Pi'oductions. The following line-nj) of the new 26 Warner Winiu'rs for the coming season was announced. Monte Blue in "The Bush Leaguer," "One Round Hogan," "On the Stroke of Twelve" and one picture be selected. May McAvoy in "Slightly Used," "Rebecca O'Brien" and two stories to be announced. Irene Rich in "Powder My Back," "Beware of Married .Men" and two stories to bo selected. Louise Fazenda with Clyde Cook and William Demarest in "A Sailor's Sweetheart," "Five and Ten Cents Annie" and two comedies to be announced. Rin-Tin-Tin in "A Dog of the Regiment," "Jaws of Steel," "Rinty of The Desert," and "The Devil Dog," the i;;tter a temporary title. One ])ictuic to he made from one of the best Arthur Sinners l{oche stories. "Cood 'J'ime Charley," with a star to be annouDced. "O'Weiliy and the 4(»()" with a star of prominence. "Finnegan's liall" with a special cast. Two other pictures with sj)ecial casts, to be aiiiU)unce<l later. The Extended Hun line-ui) consists of .John Barrymore in "Don Juan" and in "When A Man Loves" with Dolores Costello, both of which are completed. Syd Chaplin in "The Plotter 'Ole," "The Mi.ssing Jjink" and another comedy, all completed. George Jesse! in "The Jazz Sing»'r" and "Sailor Issy Murj)hy, " the latter now in preparation. "Xoah's Ark" with a prominent star and a special cast which will be a spectacle. "The First Auto" with Barney Oldfield, the Speed King, and Patsy Ruth Miller which has been completed. Dolores Costello in "Old San Francisco," already finished and two productions now being prepared. "Ham and Eggs At the PVont, " a novelty comedy war picture with two colored comedians featured and now in prei)aration. "Black Ivory" from a best seller with a prominent star and a special, now in preparation. {Coiiti)ii(rd oil iicxl page) Kennedy Outlines F. B. O. Product Schedule for New Season Includes Fifty-Nine Features and Seventy-Four Short Subjects; Convention On FILM BOOKIXC. OFFICES wound uj) on ^lay third the first of three sales' conventions called to inform salesmen of the company's product for the coming season. This first meeting was held at the Ambassador Hotel, Atlantic City, with Jose])h P. Kennedy, president of F. B. 0. ]iresiding. Senior Vice-President J. I. Sclinitzer and Lee ]\[arcus, general sales nuuiagor, addressed the selling force telling of the new pictures. Just before starting the Atlantic City meet Mr. Kennedy announced that his coml)any will release a total of fifty-nine features and seventy-four short subjects during the coming year. Thirty of the fiftynine features will be special attractions including: "The Gingham Girl," an adaptation of the musical eonu'dy which will be a Gold Bond release with Lois Wilson as the "Gingham Gii-l" and George K. Arthur in suitport; "The Great Mail Robbery," a story of the marines protection of the nuiils, directed by George B. Seitz with Lee Shuinway in the loading role; "The Harvester" aiul "Freckles," two Ovne Stratton-Porter luivols to be directed by J. Leo ^[eehan; "Judgment of the Hills," based on "Down Our Way," by Larry Evans, with Frankie Darro and Virginia Valli starriuK. "The Little Yellow House," a story by Beatrice Burton which will be serialized in McCall's Magazine; "Wallflowers," another Gold Bond written by Temple Bailey which was serialized in Good Housekeeping; "Clancy's Kosher Wedding," another Jewish-Irish comedy with George Sidney; "Not For Publication," a story of the city with Ralph Ince as director and actor of one of the leading roles; "Skinner's Big Idea," by Henry Irving Dodge, which apjiearod in the Saturdav Evening Post; "The Devil's Trade Mark," a Gold Bond written by Calvin Johnston; "Little Mickey Grogan," a story of the Xew York slums written by Guy Empey with Frankie Darro in the starring role. "Shanghai," a story of San Francisco and the sea in which Ralph Inc(> will star as well as direct with Patsy Ruth Miller in the leading femanine role; "A Legionnaire in Paris," with Kit Guard and Al Cooke playing the leading roles; "Crooks Can't AYin," a story of big city police; "Chicago After ^Midnight," by Charles K. Harris, a story of night club life; "South Sea Love," with Ralph Ince in the star and directorial roles; "Coney Island," a story of the jjopular resort. "Hook and Ladder Xo. !)," based on the story of John Moroso; "Loves of Ricardo, " already made, stars George Beban; "Jake the Plumber," a conu'dy of a Jewish plumber setting up in business; "In a Moment of Temptation;" "Dead Man's Curve," an automobile story; "Her Sumluer Hero," glorifying the beach lifeguards; "Sally of the Scandals," a story of a chorus girl and Bohemian life; "The Coward," a story of Xew Y'ork and the North woods; "Alex the Great," by H. C. Witwer; "Red Riders of Canada," a melodrama of the far X'orth; "Beyond London's Lights," based on the English novel "Kitty Carstairs;" "Trent of the Navy," a tale of a young ensign on shore leave. A series of Westerns starring Tom Tyler are included in the 1927-28 schedule. Among these will be "The Santa Fe Twister," "The Monterev Kid." "Ridin' 'Em Ragged," "West of El Paso," "Tom and His Gang," and "The Roving Rider." Buzz Barton, a young western juvenile, and Bob Steele, will make a series of westerns, among which will be "Buzzing Bullets," "Across the Colorado," "The Texas Terro." "Dessert Destiny." "The Rescue Rider." "The Heart of a Cowboy," "The Wvomintr Kid," "Sure Fire SlcKee," "Rough and Tumble Bill." "The Desert Romeo," "Two Fisted Law," "The Law of the Open Spaces," and "The Man from Diamond X." (Continued on next page)