Motion Picture News (Apr - Jun 1927)

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M ay 13 -^ P -' 7 1857 Atlanta Ol.. [■ 111. iiiau, .Hi >.i.i 1 liiaii in the Atlantic oHicc of Paramount, returned to tlie city earl\ Tluirscla\ niorninij; from Daylona, l-'la., where he attended the tri-state conxention of IClks. Hank tiearn, head of the Atlanta exchanfje of Liberty-Specialty, left early this week for an extended trip throufih the South (Georgia and I'lorida territory. Mrs. P. G. Maddox, of Archer, l"la., operating: theatres in Stark, Williston, Cedar Keys, Inverness and Archer, visited Film Row this week. Arthur C. Brombcrg, President of Arthur C. Hromherg Attractions, with headquarters in Atlanta, returned to the city early this week from an extended trip which took him to Dallas, Texas. Paul A. Strachan, well-known >alesman for First National, working out of the Atlanta ofiice, was iiporlc'd tin.s week well on the road to reco\er\ at the (Jeor^ia Bajitist hospital here, after his recent operation for appendicitis. George P. MontRomcry, manager of the Wells Tlieatre at Anniston, Ala., was a visitor on l'"ilm Row on Thursday. At the request of the War Department and in behalf of putting Georgia, Alabama and other Southern states "over the top'' on their i|uota for the Citizens' Military i'raining Camp, Jack Connolly, Washington representative for the Hays organization, and himself Lieutenant-Colonel in the Signal Corps Reserve, visited Atlanta recently to confer with members of the film fraternity in the interest of this undertaking. William Ci. Minder, Southeastern manager for Tififany Productions, Inc., with headquarters at 106 Walton Building, Atlanta, an nounces the appointment ni Irani L. Hudson, one of the best-known film exchange men in this section, as special representative for this territory. Paul Short, who has been in Savaimah for the past few months doing special work for the Tlicater Operation Company of that city, is now manager of the West lind Theater in West End, one of the chain operated by the LucasJenkins Enterprises. Under the group insurance plan inaugurated by Carl Laemmle. Ijrcsident of the Universal Pictures Corporation, the Atlanta exchange of Universal has been "written up" 100 per cent. Ben Y, Cammack, branch manager of Universal in Atlanta, announces "promotions wi^liin the ranks" as follows : E. L. O'Neill, formerly short product booker, has been made a ii.ui, \ He ( ,. >. \\ are, resigned ; Paul Stephens, formerly shipper, has been promoted to short product booker; Horace Stc|)hcns, formerly manager of the accessory flepartment, has been made shipper, and (icrvis Kimbcrly, assistant in tiie accessory de))artment, has been made manager of acccssiiries. Mr. O'Neill's territory is North (jcorgia and part of Tennessee. I''annie (jroodzinsky, private secretary to Ben Y. Cammack, Universal branch manager in Atlanta, continues very ill at her home on South Pryor Street, being threatened with pneumonia. Earle E. Griggs, Universal exploiter in the Southeast, returned to the Atlanta exchange this week from Huntsville, Ala. Giarlie Crute's house in Huntsville has undergone a complete renovation, a new lobby and marquee being installed. 3igg iSteSI -?^.^'^ WB. SEIB, new branch • manager of Pathe, Inc., who has officially taken charge of tlie San Francisco office, comes to the San Francisco exchange rich with Pathe experience. He has been identified with the film industry since 1913. Mr. Seib was introduced to his brother film exchange managers by Manager E. L. Kennedy at the Film Exchange Board of Trade recently. Local Manager Louis Reichert, oi TitTany Exchange, vi'as host to his general manager, Wm. H. F. HotYinan, who came in from Los .\ngeles for a short stay and business conference. Miss M. Peterson, Pathe's district manager's secretary, has gone and done it, having married Mr. Wm. Whitlow. San Francisco Exchange of P. D. C. was visited recently by district manager "Les" Weir, conferring with branch manager Mark Cory. Mrs. .Vlice Bates is superintending work on a new motion picture theatre which is planned to be ready for opening the last of May in Portola, California, near San I'Vancisco. Following more than one year continuous service as leader at the West Coast Theatre at Long Beach Owen Sweeten, was transferred to the Sacramento Senator Theatre, where he is now manager. J. Nichols has returned to Los Angeles to take over Joe Johnson's position with Pathe Weekly. Mike Blache is the new local Pathe camera man to take the place of J. Nichols. George F. Sharpe, manager of the Fresno Theatre, is a candidate for Legislative Commissioner. L. E. Kennedy departed from Los Angeles upon his resignation of the Pathe local exchange. Kennedv will become connected with the Pathe Los Angeles exchange, and will be identified with the sales department. Local employees of Pathe, as is the usual custom, presented Kennedy with a suitable gift in appreciation of their high regard for the departing manager. Miss Dorothy Taylor, charming secretary to (J. C. Parsons, San Francisco branch manager of Mcrto Goldwyn Mayer, has anannounced her engagement to Johnnie Luft, projjrietor of the X'arsity Theatre at Davis. The wedding is planned for the latter part of July, after which Miss Taylor will make her home in Davis, near San Francisco. ALDERMAN W. A. Summer\ille of Toronto has opened his second imposing suburban theatre in Toronto, this being the l-^astwood Theatre on Gerrard Street East. He also has the Prince of Wales Theatre on Danforth .\venue. Roy O'Connor, manager of this house, is actively associated with the Ontario M.'P.T.O. in an official capacity. The Star Theatre, Aylmer, Ontario, has been re-opened as the Capitol, the house having been remodelled and enlarged by the owner, Ed. Johnson. John Coimor, proprietor of the Savoy Theatre, Glace Bay, N. S., recentl.v destroyed by fire, has undertaken the erection of a new theatre on a site which he has bought. Morris Harris, contractor of Windsor. Ontario, is building a $40,000 theatre at Josephine and London Streets, Windsor, which will be under the management of Max -Mien, former manager of the Palace Theatre, Windsor, which is now under the control of Famous Players along with the Capitol Theatre of Windsor. The new house has a seating capacity of 499. Justice Logic, in the nonjury assize court at Toronto, ( )ntario, has awarded Mrs. Ena Hudd $3,500 damages against the Eastern Theatres, Limited, operating the Pantages Theatre, Toronto, of which N. K. Miller is manager, for injuries which she received when she tripped on a stairway in the theatre one year ago. The plaintiff claimed that the lighting and construction of the stairway were deceptive and because of this fact she fell, receiving contusions and a fractured ankle. The Publi.x Theatres Corporation has been organized under a Quebec Provincial Charter with headquarters at Montreal, Quebec, for the purpose of operating, purchasing, erecting, etc.. moving picture theatres in the Quebec Province. Recently a Publix Theatres enterprise was incorporated under the Federal laws of Canada with head office at Toronto, Ontario. No announcement has been made of Publix plans in the Dominion. The B. F. Keith-Albee Corporation of Canada has been incorporated in the Province of Quebec, under a Provincial charter. The Keith-Albee interests are rebuildin_£ the .-\uditorimii Theatre at Quebec City and will re-open the enlarged house next August for vaudeville and film presentations. The many film exchanges having offices in the .Albee Building, 12 Mayor Street, Montreal. Quebec, missed their mail the other morning and there was considerable excitement when it was learned that a youth had walked off with the bag of the mail carrier when he had laid it down in the ground floor corridor for a moment. A few minutes later the police received calls from nearby banks with the information that a suspicious-looking young man was attempting to cash a variety of chec|ues. The Royal Canadian .Mounted Police were soon on his trail and within an hour the thief was behind the bars. He was Harry .•\nderson of Plattsburgh, N. Y. In court a few^ minutes later. .Anderson pleaded guilty to the charge of stealing His Majesty's mail and was sentenced to three years imprisonment at once. The cheques and letters were later delivered to the film exchange offices, little the worse for wear. EMPIRE FILM VAULTS, INC. 723 Seventh Ave., N. Y. Bryant 5437-5736-2180 STORAGE OF MOTION PICTURE FILMS