Motion Picture News (Apr - Jun 1927)

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^■slCTic ^r^3•^i5^ol^■P5^H^^y SS^^o-i^^^^^^N-iVh^Sof^ v. S. Government Repeats! Army Motion Picture Service Purchases Ten More VENTILATING @i NO more convincing evidence of Arctic Nu-Air supremacy in the field of theater cooHng and ventilating can be submitted than its list of "circuit repeaters." Here is business that can only be transacted on a PAST PERFORMANCE basis. The history of the U. S. Army Motion Picture Service purchases of Arctic Nu-Air Systems is typical of the repeat orders we are receiving from the biggest circuit owners of the country. The first War Department Theater was equipped last May. By September eleven more systems had been installed. Ten more have already been ordered this year. "^ There is more of this indisputable evidence that we will gladly submit if you will send the coupon. ARCTIC NU-AIR CORP. 512-514 So. 4th St., Minneapolis, U.S.A. BRANCH OFFICES Chicago New York San Francisco Dallas Atlanta Kansas City Sales Offices in Other Principal Cities Factory, Boone, Iowa Arctic Nu-AIr Systems Purchased WAR DEPARTMENT THEATERS EQUIPPED LAST YEAR Fort Riley Kansas Fort Benning (4 systems) Georgia Fort Eustis (2 systems) Virginia Fortress Monroe (2 systems) Virginia Camp Lewis Washington Fort Snelling Minnesota Fort Sheridan Illinois Up to April 1st the following theaters had been ordered equipped from the 10 systems purchased this year. Camp Meade Maryland Langley Field _ _ ^Virginia Fort Humphreys Virginia Fort Sill (2 systems) Oklahoma Fort Sam Houston (2 systems) Texas SYSTEMS DON'T be misled! There is a size and type of Arctic Nu-Air to fit your theater and your pocketbook. And regardless of price every Arctic Nu-Air comes equipped with all necessary accessories — no extras to buy. The patented Dual Deflector, an exclusive Arctic Nu-Air feature which has never been successfully imitated, and which insures uniform distribution of air to all parts of the theater, is regular equipment on all models. Prices range from ^395.00 for the largest all steel type with all the latest improvements, down to as low as Q*5r And a Year to Pay Cotn'eiiienf moiithli/ fcriiif: make it possible to pay for i/oiir Arctic Nii-.iir out of the c.rtnt siiiiiiiicr profit" (inrt the winter fuel srivinos. Send tlic coupon — no obligation. A Sf^ 3^'^BZb Send «i;lioiit obligation Hooklet No Theater City -. My Name Seats: Main KJoor ^^Ventilation —WHEN you need It —WHERE you need it —AS you need it"