Motion Picture News (Apr - Jun 1927)

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Ma V / 9 \^,7 The Understanding Heart Old Idea Is Made Colorful (Krvi<'we<l by Laiirrnct' K«'i<l) Till'', |.iiiiic\:il lurcst takes uj) the l)jick<,'n>iiii(l of tliis picliin-wliicli you luifrlit trucss rt'lcascs a (U-al oT melodrama in its journey aeross the screen. The story revolves around a rafjin-r lire in the Se(|uoi.i forest, and it is tliis climax which pives tlie film its i)uncli. Otherwise it is old stuff — which has not been very ex])ertly handled. The picture is rug{?ed, liowever, not i>nly in its settinjys, hut also in its characterization. They have j^atliered a lot of he-men who lit riiilit into the atmosphere. The central fipure is a forest ranker and it is his jol) to win the heroine after overcoming: various oi)stacles — some of which are ])laced in his"i)ath by ol<l Mother Nature or ])erhaps old Dame Fate. The rantrcr takes plenty of punishment before he succeeds at his heroic tasks. Also in the j)icture is an escaped convict who has been wromrly accUM'd and jailed for mur <ler. It all works out accordiufj to the l)est screen traditions. But before its llnish one is in for some picturesque shots of the fire which enveloi)s the characters — and several more which concern the tall sentinels. They {jrace the scene from all sides. There is an t'lVective rescue via tlie parachute route before the conclusion is reached. Altofjether its appeal rests with the eye — after a couple of thrills arc taken into consideration. It is competently acted. The Cast: Joan Craavford. Rockdiffc FcUowcs. Crancis X. Ihtslniiaii. Jr.. Carmcl Myers, Kichard Carle, Harvey Clark. Jerry Miley. Director. Jack Comcaw THEME: Romantic melo EXPLOITATION ANGLES: drama of forest ranger and a Play up the title and tell how girl who is rescued with others from raging forest fire. PRODUCTION HIGHLIGHTS: The forest fire. The rescue via parachute. The backgrounds. The heart interest. The color and thrills. it figures in story. Feature the forests of the Northwest. Play up the forest fire. Capitalize the thrills, etc. DRAWING POWER: Suitable for any locality. Good for average trade. Trodiieed by Cosmopolitan. L)i.stributcd by Metro-CoUhvyii. Length, seven reels. Released, May, 1927. Highlights from the I'nnimount comi'dy dnima, "Senorila" Rich But Honest Li}ilit lilt I Annisiny: (Reviewe<l by E. G. Johnston) LHITTT in plot and lifjlit in atmosphere, but with a jjenerous licll)in<: of just the kind of entertainment that should prove Efood fare for the Tired Business Man or Woman, is what we think of this picture. It is also an excellent example of how one or two fairly well known j)layers may be combined with several others more or less obscure to produce good results. Albert Ray's .direction is commendable and so is the work of the principals, Xancy Xash, Clifford Holland and Charles Morton. It may not be amiss to say a few words in behalf of one of the more obscure members of the cast. We refer to Majorie Beebe, who seems to be a natural born comedienne. Her work is fine. Also that of .1. Farrell MacDonald's in the stage rehearsal sequence. How two girls gi-aduate from a department store to the stage and their adventure en route, is what the story of Arthur Somers Roche deals with. One of them, a Charleston prize cup winner, arrives ahead of the other and on proving a flop, is given the role of Lady (lodiva. The other makes good as comedienne. With a better choice of mates in view, they have given their regular boyfriends the icy stare and the Lady Godiva business brings things to a climax. The two erstwhile lovers work in a garage and arc called to Lover's Lane to tow the crippled auto driven there by bloiul Minnie and her new steady, an "angel" of the show business. Vengeance in the shai>e of a wild ride follows. The "angel" proves he's a regular fellow by whipping the former suitor in a rough and tumt)le fight Everything is smoothed out in the end. The Cast: Xancy Xash. Clifford Holland. Charles Morton. J. Farrell MaeDonald. Tyler Brooke. Ted McXainara. Marjnric Feehe. Trnic Shields. Doris IJoyd. Directed b\ Albert Rax. THEME: Comedy drama EXPLOITATION ANGLES: dealing with adventures of two Play up amusing comedy angle, shop girls en route to footlights. PRODUCTION HIGHLIGHTS: The stage rehearsal, the auto tow ride, work of cast and direction. also Charleston. The Lady Godiva stuflf also ofi'ers some weird possibilities. DRAWING POWER: First class neighborhood patronage. Driimie.ic I'pisoiles from "Convoy" a first \tilioiiiil Length. 5480 feet. Released. May 22. \^)2Produeed and distributed by Fox Films.