Motion Picture News (Apr - Jun 1927)

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May JO, I (^ J 1971 southwest **fcja>M ■ ^ Boil O'DONXFCLL, special rcpri'Sfiitativc of tlie Interstate Aimisenu'iit Comi)aiiy, and I'Vank Starz. Piil)licit> Director of tinsame company, have just returned from a trip to Tulsa, Oklahoma. 'I'lie L\ ric Theatre, Dallas, has changed its policy frt)ni musical stock to first run pictures. A little later durint; the sununer the theatre will be remodelled and will reopen in the fall. Charles Ilennecke, former owner and mana<;er of the Columbus Theatre at Columbus, Texas, has sold his picture show business at I'earsall and has purchased a theatre at Dilley, Texas. ( )tto Rhodes' has been appointed branch nianasrer for I'athe at New Orleans. Rhodes was formerly connected with the Dallas ex change anil is succeeded b\ Louis Baxley. Oscar ^[o^Kan has been appointed district nianaper for Paramount, effective as of April 23rd. Oscar was formerly manager of the Dallas Pathc exchange. A. G. Garcia, owner of theatres in Mercedes, Texas, with his partner, H. Espiiiso, were in Dallas recently perfectinj? a deal with Juan Harbara for his theatre in Mission, Texas. A. Martini, owner and manajjer of the Martini Theatre. Galveston, passed throush Dallas several da\ s ajio on his way to Mineral Wells, where he intends to spend several weeks recuperatinij from a strenuous and successful season. The .Seminole Amusement Com • pauy, J. 1. Cline, president, announces that their new Ritz Theatre at Shawnee, Oklahoma, will open to the public July 1st. The theatre is 30 x 50 feet and will have a seatiuK capacity of 1381. Jake Jones, a director of the Seminole company, with his dauRhter, will assume acti\c management of the theatre. Ralph Xoble, manaRcr of the Rialto Theatre at McMesler, Oklahoma, announces the closiuR of that theatre for the season. The Rialto Theatre is operated by Publix. The theatre will reopen in the earlv fall. J3onald C. Douglas, executive secretary of the Dallas I'^ilm Hoard of Trade, was married to Miss Pauline McCIaran, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McCIaran of llanilni, Texas, i' ritla> alternoon, .April 2'), at the home of Leroy nickel, branch manager of MctroGoldwyn-.Mayer. After a short honeyn)oon t(j Vsleta, Texas, Mr. and Mrs. Doufilas will be at home at 4,5(X) Junius Avenue, Dallas. A. F. n<jrntx-ck, manager of the Cozy Theatre, will be the manager of the new theatre being constructed by the Griffith .Amusement Company at Shawnee, (Oklahoma. The new theatre, located at the corner oi Main and Philaflelphia, will be 50 X 140 feet, with a seating capacity of 1,500. The Rig Theatre, at Bowleg, Oklahoma, was formally opened to the public last Monday night. This new house has a seating capacity ot 450, and is owned by Cherry and Wilson, both of Bowleg. St. L OUIS RUSSELL S.VUWAGE, 20 years old. associated with his father. Former Maytjr William M. Sauvage of .Alton, 111., in the management of the Sauvage theatres in .Alton, and Miss Ruth Palmer, a chorus girl with the Tad W'ilkinson Musical Comedy Company, were married at Edwardsville, 111., on .\pril 27, it has been revealed. .\t the time Miss Palmer's com pany was i)laying at the Grand Theatre in Alton, and during the l)ast week was in Burlington, la. She will return to Alton within a few weeks to join her husband. St. Louis film stocks clo.sed on the St. Louis Stock Exchange on May 7 as follows: Skouras A — S40 bid and $42 asked. One year ago S42. St. Louis Amusement A — $47 asked. One year ago §51. Members of the St. Louis IClectrical Board of Trade on Tuesday, May 10, were shown an industrial film depicting the composition and manufacture of brushes by J. A. Robinson, engineer for the National Carbon Company. .A syndicate headed by Frank Sanders of Edwardsville, III., has had plans prepared by St. Louis architects for a new theatre in Wood River, 111. The new building will cost approximately $100,000. It is probable that construction contracts will be awarded this .Summer. Out-of-town exhibitors seen along Picture Row during the week included Mrs. I. W. Rodgers of Cairo, 111.; Jim Reilley of Alton, 111., and H. Clay of Mexico, Mo. Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^^ Deever ■SlIIIHIISHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllillllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIU AS. MITCHELL, Western • district manager, S. H. Cain, manager, and the entire Universal sales force returned from the Chicago convention Friday and held a banquet for Denver exhibitors at the Cosipopolitan Hotel Friday evening. The banquet was preceded by a screening of some of the outstanding product for this year at the Queen theatre in the afternoon. Chas. .A. Gillen is now assistant manager for Universal. Mr. Gillen was booker for Fo.x and prior to that time was owner and manager of the Ritz theatre of Denver. .Abel Davis and W. R. (iibson have arrived in Denver to open up a new exchange for the distribution of Tiffany pictures. They will be located at 2040 Broadway. J. T. Shefield of Columbia has returned to his Denver otTice after spending a month in Salt Lake City where he supervised the moving of the Salt Lake City branch of Columbia. Rick Ricketson of the D. & R. chain of theatres has returned from Sheridan. \\'yo., where he visited the Orpheum and Lotus theatres, two of the D. & R. circuit. M. I. Weisfeldt. Western sales manager for F. B. O. arrived in Denver last Saturday for a visit with Sid Weisbaum, local branch manager of F. B. O. A sales conference with all local salesmen of F.B.O. will be held during his stay here. R. S. Ballentyne, Western division sales manager lor Pathe spent three days in Denver this week visiting the local Pathc branch office. B. H. Snyder of the Princess theatre. Crested Butte, Colo., made one of his rare visits to Denver last week to transact business with exchanges. Hobart Kincaid of the Rialto theatre Florence, Colo., also came to Denver to arrange summer bookings. Howard Grain has resigned his position as assistant booker for Paramount and accepted a position with the local Fox branch office. Hugh Braly manager, and Gene Reid assistant manager, of Paramount returned to Denver Friday after spending the week visiting e-xhibitors in Western Nebraska. Gordon B. Ashworth, former owner of the Federal theatre and chairman of the local Board of Arbitration, will build a new 900seat theatre at 5th and Downing Streets. Mr. Ashworth's plans call for immediate construction of the building which will be modern and up-to-date in every sense of the word. ; • ••. r ■•I-. NATIONAL SCREEN SERVICE!^ Dishibuied throuphout the Unifei States ffoin CHICAGO NEW YORK LOS ANGELES 845 SWabash Ave. liSlSO W.-W^ St. 1922 S.>ferinont Ave