Motion Picture News (Apr - Jun 1927)

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M a V ■? (> ' 9 V)7') K. Jv. Iv. I Kickers Kill Kontontnicnt just as they ruin motion pictures. If you want to keep your audience from kicking, show them good pictures through a good projection lens such as the B. & L. CINEPHOR. Think this over and call your dealer toaay Bausch& Lomb Optical Co. 633 St. Paul Street Kochestor, N. Y. ATTENTION! The next Showman will appear in the June 3rd issue of the News. Out May 27th. It's just a matter of comfort III winter, jkm)|»I<' < an -la\ liomr ami l)«" conifortul)!*'. liul in ,-unuucr you can cool tlicni — make them far more eomfortahle with Typhoons lliaii tlicy could he at lionic. Doe>iri il >(M-ni a» ihou-ih >ununcr cooiinfi ou.'^hl to pay you at least as well as winter heatinj^? Especially since it costs less than heating.. Our Booklet JS-7 tells you more. TYPHOON FAN COMPANY 345 West 39th Street IMiiladelpbia Jacksonville New York New Orleans Bigger Audiences for You! It takes a perfect screen to assure perfect projection — projection that makes even the best pictures appear better! And that means satisfied audiences — bigger audiences! Your patrons will quickly appreciate the clearer, brighter projection of a Minusa Screen. And their appreciation means dollars and cents to you! Install a Minusa DeLuxe Special. It will pay you! MINUSA CINE SCREEN COMPANY Bomont at Morgan Saint Louis THE BEST De Luxe Special SINCE 1914