Motion Picture News (Apr - Jun 1927)

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1980 Motion Picture N e zu s Keep Abreast with the latest ideas in the equipment field by utilizing the services of the members of the Association. Their experience and suggestions are yours entirely without obligation. THEATRE EQUIPMENT ASSOCIATION Headquarters Old Colony Building Chicago, III. BETTER EOUIPr^ENT MEANS BETTER BUSINESS Standard VAUDEVILLE for Motion Picture Presentation THE FALLY MARKUS VAUDEVILLE AGENCY Lackawanna 7876 1579 Broadway, New York City MURPHY & BKODE 510W.45'ST.N.Y. CHICKERING 6IOO REACH THE THEATRE BY MAIL THRU OUR UP-TO-DATE MAILING LIST SERVICE 18,138 U. S. THEATRES SHOWING PICTURES Cnder 250 seats. 30%: under 500. 70%; under 800. 85%; over 800. 15%. The roost economical roethod of reaching theatres Is our ADDRESSING SERVICE. $4 00 PER M UP. Llsta If desired. 30 to .'50% saved in postage, etc.. tbroUKh elimination of dead and duplicate theatres usually listed. Lists of Producers. Distributors and Supply Dealers MULTIGRAPHING — MIMEOGRAPHING FOLDING — ENCLOSING — MAILING MOTION PICTURE DIRECTORY CO. 709 Sixth ATe. at 41st St. New York CItj Phone. Pennsy. 7484-7485 View of one of tlie recently built theatres of the Middle West — Note the ornate diesigu Festival Week Attends Opening of Illinois Theatre !\/f AKING its bow as one of the largest, ^^'^ most modern and most beautiful theatres in the middle west, the New Orpheum theatre, Springfield, 111., magnificent two million dollar playhouse, opened April .30. State officials, city and county officials of the Great States Theatres, Inc., and the Orpheum circuit took part in the celebration. A flag raising ceremony was also held in which National Guard units, the American Legion, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and Girl Reserves participated. Among the prominent theatrical people who arrived in Springfield for the opening were J. J. Rubens, general manager of Great States Theatres, Inc., which built the theatre, and M. J. Leonard of this company Avlio witli the committee of Springfield business men conceived the theatre project (iriginally and promoted it to a successful culmination. The Orpheum circuit was represented by Hugh Flannery, divisional manager; Asher Levy and Mort Singer, general managers ; ]1 B. Kahane, of the legal department; •loseph Finn, vice president of the circuit; (leorge Brown and J. R. Reeves of the con.struction department of the circuit; LeRoy Brown, personnel department; Samuel Kalil, ])<)()king department; and Samuel Tliall, transportation department. These officials joined iManager Byron F. "Binly" ^Nloore of the New Orpheum theatre in receiving Springfield at the opening performance of the theatre. The New Orpheum theatre has been built at a cost of two million dollars. It gives to Springfield not only a large and beautiful theatre, with a magnificent auditorium and tlioroughly modern stage of fine size, but a l)uilding with eighteen stores and fifteen suites of offices, a ball room, cafe, bowling alley and billiard and pool room. It fills a long felt want in Springfield for a new and larger theatre, and is the successful fruition of the efforts of a group of business men in the vicinity where the theatre has been built who first worked out the plan, started its promotion and have worked untiringly to unite the necessary forces and bring it to completion. If Your Theatre is Modern Tell 'em, Says Typhoon "Not only must you have an up-to-date equipped theatre," says J. F. Dailey, vicepresident of the T^-phoon Fan Company, "but you must let the public know about it," and as an aid to the pursuance of this policy the Typhoon organization has inaugurated a service which consists of supplying the exhibitor with banners, one sheets, newspaper cuts, publicity stories, slides and other materials. Contracts recently received for Typhoon installations include the Amityville Theatre, Amityville, L. I.; the Acme Theatre, New York City; and the Follv and Empire Theatre, Brooklyn, N. Y. Marine Barracks Open for Bids on Chairs Proposals for 125 opera chair seats and an equal number of opera chair backs, for use at the Marine Barracks at Quantico, Va., will be opened by the Quartermaster, United States Marine Corps., Wasliington, May 21, it has been announced. The chairs and backs are to be of birch, the former to have a 5-ply and the latter a 3-ply veneer, in cherry finish. COSTUMES FOR HIRE PRESENTATIONS EXPLOITATION PRODUCTIONS BROOKS 1437 Broadway Tel. 5580 Penn.