Motion Picture News (Apr - Jun 1927)

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1982 Motion Picture News FEATURE RELEASE CHART Productions are Listed Alphabetically and by Months in ivhich Released in order that the Exhibitor may have a short-cut toivard such information as he may need. Short subject and comedy releases, as well as information on pictures that are coming, will be found on succeeding pages. (S. R. indicates State Right release.) Refer to THE MOTION PICTURE NEWS BOOKING GUIDE for Productions Usted Prior to September MARCH Feature Star Distributed by Length Arizona Whirlwind, The ... Bill Cody Pathe 4134 feet Beloved Rogue, The John Barrjrmore United Artists 9380 feet Birds of Prey Dean . . . ^ Columbia Pictures. . . 6008 feet Blazing Days Fred Humes Universal 4639 feet Blind Alleys . Meighan-Brent-Nis sen Paramount 5597 feet Broadway Drifter, A G. Walsh-D. Hall. . .Excellent Pictures. . .5512 feet Broncho Twister T. Mix-H. Costello Fox 6435 feet Children of Divorce Bow-Ralston-Cooper E. Hanson Paramount 6662 feet Evening Clothes A. Menjou-L. Brooks V. Valli-N. Beery Paramount 6287 feet Fourth Commandment, The B. Bennett-M. Carr R Agnew-J. Marlowe Universal 6863 feet Heaven on Earth C. Nagel-R. Adoree . .M-G-M 6301 feet Held By the Law M. De La Motte-J. Walker Universal 6929 feet High Hat Lyon-Brian-Hardy . First National 6161 feet Is That Nice? G. O'Hara-D. HilI...F. B. O Love Makes 'Em Wild .... J. Harron-S. Phipps A. Housman Fox 5608 feet Love of Sunya, The Gloria Swanson United Artists 7311 feet Man From Hardpan, The . .L.Maloney-E.Gilbert.Pathe 5814 feet Metropolis Special Cast Paramount 10400t eet Moulders of Men C. Tearle-M. Morris . F. B. 0 6413 feet Mr. Wu Chaney-Adoree Forbes M-G-M 7603 feet Mysterious Rider, The .... J. Holt-B. Jewel Paramount 5957 feet Mystery Club, The M.Moore-E.Roberts. Universal 6969 feet Night Bride, The M. Prevost-H. Ford R. Edeson Prod. Dist. Corp 5736 feet No Control P. Haver-H. Ford . . . Prod. Dist. Corp 5573 feet One Chance in a Million. . . Wm. Fairbanks Lumas . t. 6000 feet Orchids and Ermine C. Moore-J. Mulhall . First Nat .ional 6734 feet Outlaw's Paradise Al Hoxie Wild West Pictures. . 4500 feet Perch of the Devil P. O'Malley-Busch . . Universal 6807 feet Price of Honor, The Revier-McGregor. . . . Columtjia 6936 feet Princess on Broadway, The. P. Garon-J. Walker D. Dwan-H. Miller . Pathe 5705 feet Resurrection La Rocque-Del Rio . . United Artists 9120 feet Riders of the West Ben Wilson Rayart 4834 feet Saddle Jumpers Dick Hatton Rayart 4482 feet Sea Tiger, The Sills-M. Astor First National 5623 feet Sensation Seekers, The B. Dove-H. Gordon. . Universal 7015 feet Set Free Art Acord Universal 4634 feet Slide, Kelly, Slide W.Haines-S. O'Neil H. Carey-K. Dane . M-G-M 7865 feet Sonora Kid, The Tom Tyler F. B. O 4566 feet Terror of the Bar X Bob Custer F. B. O Turkish Delight Faye-R. Schildkraut K. Thomson Prod. Dist. Corp Venus of Venice The C. Talmadge-Moreno. First National 6322 feet Venus of Venice, The C.Talmadge-Moreno.First National 6322 feet Wanted — A Coward L. Rich-R. Frazer. . . . Sterling Pictures .... 6 reels . . What Every Girl Should Know P. R. Miller-L Keith . Warner Bros 6281 feet When a Dog Loves Ranger (Dog) F. B. O Whispering Sage B. Jones-N. Joyce . . Fox 4783 feet White Flannels L. DresserJ. Robards V. B. Faire Warner Bros 6820 feet White Gold J.Goudal-G.Bancroft.Prod. Dist. Corp 6198 feet Reviewed ..Apr. 1 . Mar. 25 . . Mar. 11 . .April 1 April 1 ..May 6 . .April 8 . . Oct. 30 . . Mar. 25 . . May 13 ..April 29 . Mar. 25 ..Mar. 11 . . Mar. 18 ..April 1 . . Mar. 25 . .Oct. 16 ..April 15 . .May 6 ..Feb. 4 . . Mar. 11 . .April 1 . .May 6 . . Jan. 28 ..April 24 ..AprU 22 . AprU 22 . . May 6 ..AprU 22 1 .May 6 .May 6 AprU 16 Feb. 18 . Mar. 25 .AprU 1 .Mar. 11 .May 13 .AprU 15 . AprU 1 . Mar. 25 APRIL Feature Star Distributed by Ain't Love Funny? Alberta Vaughn F. B. O Afraid to Love F. Vidor-C. Brook-N. Trevor-J. Lee Paramount 6199 feet . Arizona Bound G. Cooper-B. Jewel . .Paramount 4912 feet . Beware of Widows La Plante-T. Moore. .Universal 6777 feet . Bitter Apples M. Blue-M. Loy Warner Bros 5463 feet . Brute, The M. Blue-L. Hvams. Warne i Bros 6901 feet . Cabaret G. Gray-T. Moore-C. Conklin-M.Palmer.Paramount 6947 feet CamUle N. Talmadge-A. B. Francis-G. Roland . First National 8700 feet Casey at the Bat W.Beery-S.Holloway Z. Pitts Paramount 6040 feet Convoy D. MackaUl-L. GrayCollier, Jr.-L. Sher man-I. Keith First National . Cyclone of the Range Tom Tyler-E. Tarron.F. B. O 4800 feet. Fashions for Women E. Ralston-E. Han son-R. Hatton. . . .Paramount 6296 feet. Fighting Comeback The. B. Roosevelt-C. Hor ton Pathe 4415 feet . Frisco Sally Levy S. O'Neil-C. Delaney R. D'Arcy M. G. M 6900 feet . Hard Fists Art Acord Universal 4387 feet Hey Hey Cowboy H. Gibson-K. Key Universal 5378 feet Horse Shoes Monty Banks Pathe 5668 feet Knockout ReiUy R. Dix-M. Brian Paramount 7080 feet Long Pants Harry Langdon First National 5560 feet Lost Limited, The R. Hawes-D. Farley. . Rayart 5264 feet Lovers? Novarro-Terry M-G-M 6291 feet Madame Wants No Children M. Corda-H. Liedtke Fox 6416 feet Length Reviewed .April 22 . May 6 .May 6 April 29 .April 8 .May 6 AprU 16 .May 6 AprU 15 April 1 .April 22 , . April 15 . April 15 . May 6 April 8 . April 8 Feature Star Distributed by Length Reviewe 1 Married Alive Livingston-M. Moore.Fox Matinee Ladies McAvoy-McGregor Hopper Warner Bros 6352 feet . . AprU 22 Mother BeUe Bennett F.B.0 6686 feet . . Mar. 18 Mountains of Manhattan. .D.Devore-C.Delaney.Lumas 6358 feet Naughty Nannette V. Dana-Ed. Brownell.F. B. O 4949 feet No Man's Law Rex (Horse) T. von Eltz-B. Kent Pathe 6903 feet Notorious Lady, The B. Bedford-L. Stone . First National 6040 feet Pleasure Before Business.. P.O'MaUey-V.B.FaireColumbia Pictures ... 5669 feet Princess of Hoboken, The.E. Bums-B. MahaffeyE. Clayton-L. Tel legen Tiffany 5500 feet Rambling Ranger, The .... Jack Hoxie Universal 4439 f eet Red Clay W. Desmond-M. DayUniversal 4626 feet Ridin' Rowdy, The Buffalo Bin, Jr Pathe ...4794 feet Ritzy B. Bronson-J. Hall G. Short Paramount 5306 feet Rookies K. Dane-M. Day-G . K. Arthur-T. O'Brien M-G-M 6640 feet Rough House Rosie C. Bow-R. Howes-D. Gilmore Paramount 5952 feet See You in JaU J. MuUiall-A. Day . . . First National 5800 feet Smoking Guns Al Hoxie WUd West Pict. (S. R.) 4600 feet Somewhere in Sonora K. Maynard-K. Collins First National 5711 feet Special Delivery E. CantorWm. Pow ell-J. Ralston Paramount £524 feet Spuds L. Semon-D. Dwan . . Pathe 4930 feet Taxi, Taxi Horton-Nixon Universal 7173 feet Three Hours C. Griffith-J. Bowers . First National 5774 feet Thunderbolt's Tracks Jack Perrin Rayart 4846 feet Too Many Crooks M.Davis-G.Bancroft L. Hughes Paramount 5399 feet Vanity L. Joy-AHale-C.Ray.Prod. Dist. Corp Yankee CUpper The W. Boyd-E. Fair ... . Prod. Dist. Corp 7920 feet April 15 When Seconds Count Billy SuUivan Rayart 4803 feet MAY Feature Star Distributed by Length Reviewed An Aboard J. Hines-E. Murphy . First National 6300 feet . . AprU 1 Avenging Fangs, The Sandow (Dog) Pathe 5 reels Babe Comes Home Babe Ruth-A. Q. Nils son-L. Fazenda. . . . First National 5761 feet Broadway Nights L. Wilson-S. Hardy.. First National 6765 feet. .May 13 Broncho Buster, The Fred Humes Universal 4687 feet California T. McCoy-D. Sebastian M-G-M Captain Salvation L. Hanson-G. Faw cett-P. Starke-E. Torrence-M. Day . .M-G-M Catch As Catch Can Wm. Fairbanks Lumas City of Shadows, The J. Luden-S. Lynn....F. B. O Climbers The L Rich-F. Stanley . . . Warner Bros 6621 feet . . May 13 Code of the Cow Country, The Buddy Roosevelt .... Pathe 6 reels Cradle Snatchers L. FazendaJ. F. Mc Donald-D. PhiUips.Fox Don Desperado L. Maloney-E.GUbert.Pathe 6804 feet . . May 6 Down the Stretch Agnew-Nixon Universal 6910 f eet . . AprU 22 Enchanted Island H. B. Walthall Tiffany Eyes of the Totem, The . . . W. Hawley-T. Sant schi-G. Hughes-A. Cornwall Pathe 6228 feet. .May IS Fast and Furious R. Denny Universal Fighting Hombre, The Bob Custer F. B. O Follow Your Hunch Viola Vana F. B. O Glorifying the American Girl E. Ralston-F. Wray . Paramount Heart of Salome A. Rubens-W. Pid geon-H. Herbert. .Fox 5617 feet Heart of the Yukon A.Comwall-J.Bowers.Pathe 7 reels Heart Thief, The J. Schildkraut-L. de Putti-T. Edeson . Prod. Dist. Corp 6036 feet Hills of Peril B. Jones-G. Hale. . . . Fox 4943 feet . . May 13 Hints to Lovers Bebe Daniels Paramount His First Flame H. Langdon R. Hiatt.Pathe 4660 feet Holy Terror, A B. Jones-G. Hale Fox Irish Hearts May McAvoy Warner Bros Is Zat So? O'Brien-Perry-Lowe. Fox Ladies Must Love Rod La Rocque Prod. Dist. Corp Lightning Tiffany 6600 feet Little Adventuress, The ... V. Reynolds-V. Var coni-P. Haver Prod. Dist. Corp Love Thrill The La Plante-T. Moore . Universal 6038 feet Lost at the Front C. Murray-C. Sidney N. Kingston First National Meddlin' Stranger, The . . . Wally Wales Pathe 6 reels Million Bid, A D. Costello-C. E. Mack Warner Bros Outlaw Dog, The Ranger ( Dog) F. B. O 4721 feet April 8 Outlaws of Red River T. Mix-M. Daw Fox 6327 feet . . May 6 Pirates of the Sky C. Hutchinson-W. Hawley Pathe 4828 feet Poor Girls D. Revier-E. Burns R. Stonehouse .... Columbia Pictures Prairie King, The Hoot Gibson Universal Rich But Honest N. Nash-C. Holland . .Fox