Motion Picture News (Apr - Jun 1927)

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IJ ay 20 . / p _' 1983 Feature Star Distributed by Length Reviewed Rubber Heels Ed. Wynn-T. Todd C. Conklin-L. Gray. Paramount 6303 feet Silver King Comes Thru . . F.Thorason-E. Murphy. F. B. O Silver Shield, The vtenta tive) Thomas Meighan . . . Paramount Sinews of Steel A. Vaughn-G. Glass Lumas Ma* feet Slaves of Beauty O.Tell-H.Herbert-M. Livingston Fox Song of Steel Tiffany Splittmg the Breeze Tom Tyler F. B. O Tillic the Toiler Davies-M. Moore . . . M-G-M Tired Business Man, The Tiffany Tracked by the Police Rin-Tin-Tin Warner Bros BSSS f e«t . . M«y IS Yours to Command G. O'Hara-S. Palmer . F. B. O Feature Star Distributed by Leneth Reviewed JUNE Length ReTiewed Feature Star Distributed by Back to Nature (tentative) .Richard Dix Paramount Bulldog Pluck Bob Custer F. B. O Callahans and the Murphys, The S. O'Neil-M. Dressler L. Gray-G. Olm stead M-G-M Claw, The KerryWindsor Universal Crimson Hour, The L. de Putti-I. Moskine N. de Brulier ... . Universal Drums of the Desert (tentative) W. Baxter . Paramount Fighting Three, The J. Hoiie-Hasbrouck. Universal 4108 feet . . May 6 Grinning Guns J. Hoxie-E. Gregory. Universal 4689 feet. .May 6 Ladies of Leisure Tiffany Men of Daring Hoxie-E. Gregory-F. Ford Universal 6169 feet . . April 1 Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary, The M. Robson-H. Ford P. Haver Prod. Dist. Corp Rich Men's Sons R. Graves-S. Mason Columbia Pictures Snowbound B. Blythe-Agnew-L. Rich Tiffany Squads Right Tiffany Tale of a Vanishing People Tiffany 6S00 feet Ten Modern Commandments Esther Ralston Paramount Unknown, The L. Chaney-J. Craw ford-N. Kerry M-G-M Western Rover, The Art Acord Universal 4404 feet Whirlwind of Youth, The . . L. Moran-D. Keith L. Kent Paramount Wild Geese Tiffany Winning Spirit, The (tentative) Raymond Gri£Sth Paramount World at Her Feet, The (tentative) Florence Vidor Paramoimt JULY Distributed by .F. B. O Feature Star Galloping Thunder Bob Custer . . . Grounds for Marriage (tentative) B. Bronson Paramount Harp in Hock, A Schildkraut-Coghlan . Prod. Dist. Corp Hero on Horseback, A . . . . Hoot Gibson Universal LastOutlaw,The I tentative) .Gary Cooper Paramount. . . . . New Morals tentative. , . Lya de Putti Paramount See You Later (tentative) .. Douglas MacLean. . .Paramount Tom's Gang Tom Tyler F. B. O Leng;th Reviewed Coming Attractions Feature Star Distributed by Adam and Eve L. Cody-A. Pringle-G. Lee M-G-M Ace High Hoot Gibson Universal After Midnight N. Shearer M-G-M Length Reviewed F. B. O. Air Raiders, The Al Wilson . Alias the Deacon J. Hersholt-J. Mar lowe-R. Graves. . Universal American Beauty B. Dove First National Annie Laurie L. Gish-N. Kerry . . M-G-M Arizona Nights F. Thomson F. B. O A. W. O. L G.Cameron-S.Cohen T. McNamara Fox S reels Avenger, The Bob Custer F. B. O Back to God's Country. . . .R.Adoree-R.Frazer. .Universal Backstage Tiffany Bad Little Good Girl Chadwick Barbed Wire P. Negri-C. Brook-E. Hanson Paramount Bamura ( road show) Wallace Beery Paramount Beau Geste (road show) . . . N. Beery-Colman-N. Hamilton-Forbes . Paramount 10 reels . . Sept. 11 Beau Sabreur E. Ralston-G. Cooper G. Bancroft . Paramoimt Beauty Shoppers, The M. Busch-W. Crane . Tiffany Becky S. O'Neil-O. Moo.e G. Olmstead M-G-M Ben Hur i road show) Special Cast M-G-M 12000 feet . Jan. 16 Better'01e,The(roadshow).Syd Chaplin Warner Bros 9481 feet. .Oct. 23 Big Sneeze, The W. Beery-F. Steriing Z. Pitts Paramount Big Gun, The George Lewis Universal Big Parade (road show) . . . Gilbert-Adoree-K. Dane-T. O'Brien M-G-M 12860 feet Nov. 28 Black Diamond Express, The Monte Blue Warner Bros Black Ivory (road show) . . . M. Blue Warner Bros Blood Ship, The H. Bosworth Columbia Body and Soul A. Pringle-L. Barry more-C. Nagel . . M-G-M Border Blackbirds L. Maloney-E. Gil bert Pathe Branded Bob Custer F. B. O Bndes Will be Brides Laura La Plante Universal Bugle Call, The J. Coogan-H. Rawlin son-C. Windsor . . . M-G-M Call of the Heart Dynamite Dog)-E. CobbJ. Alden . . . .UniverwU Carmen Del Rio-Mcl.aglen-D. Alvarado Fox Cat and the Canary, The. . L. La Plantc-F. Stanley-C. Hale-T. Marshall-O. Astor . Universal Certain Young Man, A. . . Novarro-Adoree-W. Louis-C. Myers M-G-M Chang rjungle Film) Special Cast Paramount May IS Cheating Cheaters B. Compson-K. Harlan Universal Chinese Parrot, The M. Nixon-H Bosworth Universal Circus, The Charles Chaplin United Artists Circus Ace, The T. Mix-N. Joyce .... Fox Clancy's Kosher Wedding .G. Sidncy-M. Gordon S. Lynn-R. Lease F. B. O Cohens and the Kellys in Paris, The Universal Colleen Bellamy-MacDonald Cohen, McNamara . Fox College B. Keaton-A. Corn wall-G. Withers . United Artists Cossacks, The John Gilbert M-G-M Country, Beyond Law, The (tentative) K.Maynard-D.Dwan First National The Country Doctor Faye-R. Schildkraut Prod. Dist. Corp Crowd, The J. Murray-E. Board man-D. Sebastian M-G-M Crystal Cup, The A.O-Nillson-L. Stone. First National Dance Magic A. Truex-B. Lyon-P. Starke-S. Hardy. First National Darling of the Gods, The . . Special Cast United Artists Dearie L Rich-Wm. Collier, Jr.-E. Murphy .... Warner Bros Deer Drive. The W.Baxter Paramount Devil's Saddle, The K. Maynard-K. Collins First National Dirty Work Johnny Burke Pathe Don Juan ( road show) .... John Barrymore . . . Warner Bros 10018 feet . Aug. 31 Dove, The N. Talmadee-G. Ro land-N. Beery United Artists Down Grade, The Wm. Fairbanks . . Lumas Duke of Ladies, The Lyon-Brian-Beranger First National Empty Saddle. The Fred Humes Universal Enchantress, The (tentative) Milton Sills First National Enemy, The L. Gish-L. Hanson. . M-G-M Eternal Silence, The Bushman, Jr.-N. Hamilton-J. Marlowe. . Universal Fangs of Destiny Dynamite iDog)-E. Cobb Universal 6 reels Fangs of Fury Sandow (Dog) Pathe Fangs of Justice Silverstreak (Dog)-J. Walker-T Marlowe Bischoff Prod. (S.R.) . BOOO feet Fireman Save My Child . . , W. Beery-R. Hatton. Paramount Flag Maker, The C. Ray-B. Love G. K. Spoor-J S. Blackton i:prodacers) . . Four Flushers, The Reginald Denny Universal Framed M. Sills-N. Barr N. Kingston First National Freckles F. B. O Frontiersman, The T. McCoyJ. Gadsen M-G-M Garden of Allah, The Alice Terry M-G-M Gentlemen Prefer Blondes Paramount Get Set— Go George O'Hara F. B. O '. . Gingham Girl, The L. Wilson-G. K. Arthur F. B. O Girl Friend, The E. Cantor Paramount Good Service Eddie Cantor Paramount Gorilla, The First National Grand Army Man, The .... Alec. B. Francis Fox Grand Flapper, The H. Herbert-O. Tell-E. Foxe-M.Livingston Fox Grandma Bemle Learns Her Letters R. Walling Fox Hard Boiled Harrigan M. Sills First National Heart of Maryland, The. D. Costello-J. Rob ards-H. Costello. . Warner Bros Hell Ship Bronson Mrs. Wallace Reid . Lumas His Dog J.Schildkraut-J.Faye Prod. Dist. Corp Hitting for Heaven E. Jannings-F. Wray . Paramount In the First Degree A. Calhoun-G. Hughes B. Washburn Steriing Pict Irish Destiny D.O'Shea-P.O'Rorke Dr. I. J. Eppel . . Jazz Singer, The (Vitaphone) George Jessel Warner Bros Jenny Lind M-G-M Joy Girl, The O. BordenJ. McDon ald-N. Hamilton. Fox Judgment of the Hills V. Valli-F. Darro . F. B. O King of Kings, The Special Cast Prod. Dist. Corp. Lady Be Good Mackaill-Mulhall First National Lady Bird Compson-McGregor . Chadwick 6400 feet Last Outlaw, The Gary Cooper Paramount Les Miserables Special Cast Universal Love G. Garbo-R. Cortez L. Barrymore D. Sebastian M-G-M Love Me and the World Is Mine Philblin-Kerry Loves of Ricardo George Beban Macushla (tentative) Madame Pompadour D. Gish-A. Moreno Magic Flame, The Colman-Banky . Man Who Laughs, The .. C. Veidt-M. Philbin Message to Garcia, A Special Cast M-G-M Midnight Rose L. de Putti Universal Mike Donovan of Ireland First Natiotial Missing Link, The Syd Chaplin Warner Bros 6436 feet Money Isn't Everything. . .P. BonnerM. Carr G. Fawcett Columbia Mother Machree Belle Bennett Fox Motor Maniac, The "Red"Grange-J. Ral ston-W. Heirs . . . . F. B. O Napoleon Special Cast M-G-M 14 reels . Naughty But Nice C. Moore-D. Reed-H. Cooley-K.McGuire First National Naughty Marietta Marion Davies M-G-M Noah's Ark road show) . . . Special Cast Warner Bros Not for Publication R. Ince-R. Lease-J. Mendez F. B. O Now We're in the Air .... W. Beery-R. Hatton . Paramount Oh! What a Life ^tentative). Colleen Moore . First National Old Heidelberg R. Novarro-Shearer. .M-G-M Old Ironsides (road show) . Special Cast Paramount 12 reels . T reels . . . April 29 13500 feet. April S« Universal F. B. O Fox British National Pic. United Artists , . Universal Dec. 18