Motion Picture News (Apr - Jun 1927)

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It's time for improvements To keep pace with the continually advancing standards of entertainment— to anticipate and provide means of meeting keener business competition — these are vital requirements which no exhibitor can afford not to observe. Knowing to what quarter public attention is directed; playing up to popular appeal; replacing and improving with timeliness and logic — is not only good showmanship but good business as well. No phase of the motion picture theatre business is occupying greater interest today than projection. Nothing is more deserving of attention. That is why an investment in better projection is a most logical and profitable one to make. Why not decide now to make first class projection your objective? You will be rewarded with greater earnings and greater profits. Whether your present projectors need to be partly or entirely replaced, the requirements are worth their cost. S i r7i f) I e x SIMPLEX DIVISION INTERNATIONAL PROJECTOR CORPORATION 90 Cold Street, New York Projectors for Better Projection