Motion Picture News (Apr - Jun 1927)

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IQ2: K)2S ..(iOLDWyj, V. lie STAIRWAY lo llic STARS ^\ty^ II or alone the power ot its pictures, luit the draw ing-strength ot its stars makes -Mctro-G'5A/t£V//-Maver the first choice ot motion picture theatres in 1927-1928. In these davs when vou are planning a program tor a season in advance, the guiding tactor in vour transactions must he your taith in the organization with which you arc dealing. Mctro-Cr'^^A/tiV''/Mayer has earned the implicit confidence ot exhibitors. Its record ot consistency and quality in production is unrivalled. The producing brains back ot the organization are admittedly tar and aw av the superior ot all contenders tor show-makini: honors. But, it anyone tells vou that vou can live on mere promises, send him out ot your ottice^ — and don't do it with a smile.