Motion Picture News (Apr - Jun 1927)

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2266 Motion Picture News Jacques Bitrkhardt, M. H. Hoffman and Emit B. Burkhardt with the new third-dimension picture device invented by the Burkhardt brothers and to be handled in America by Mr. Hoffman. Iff ASnookums Romps With "Cal' S a brilliant climax to his tour of exchange centers in the East and Middle West, Snookums, the baby star of Stern Brothers comedies, early last week called on President Coolidge in the White House at Washington, and enjoyed the distinction of a romp on the White House lawn with tlie nation's chief executive. Wliile a score of cameras, both still and newsreel, clicked, Snookums and President Coolidge shook hands and got acquainted. The young screen star was presented by Senator Smoot, of Utah, who previously had fallen a victim to the baby's sunny smile and cute ways. The President smiled broadly at the youngster's trick costume, as seen on the screen, and at the elf -like spit of hair that is Snookums' badge of individualism. The President stooped down to take the baby in his arms. Quick as a wink and with surprising agility, Snookums seized the President's hands and walked up the President's legs just as he is accustomed to do with liis father, L. D. McKeen, a physical instructor. This surprised the President but it tickled him immensely and it threw the cameramen into feverish activity. Here was a new kind of a Presidential reception. Safe in the President's arms, the baby smiled and talked to him, waved his chubby hands at the cameramen, and beamed upon his proud mother standing a few feet away. The President, Senator Smoot, Snookums and Mrs. McKeen then were snapped and filmed in various poses. From Washington the Stern Brothers starlet is due to go to Atlantic City and thence to Bridgeport, Conn. After that he will be taken to New York City for a week or ten days, before returning to the Hollywood studio of the Stern Film Corpoi-ation. T Luminous Make-up ..^RA MORGAN, a cinematographer at the Metro-GoldwynMayer studios, is working along interesting lines in the use of colored lighting to replace make-up. It is being tested on "Twelve Miles Out." Colored spotlights and "pin lights" of various colors, and hence varying photographic values, are thrown on various parts of the face. Blue lights may be used to lighten a too ruddy complexion, or red for shading, and so on. Jones With F. D. D. IlIARLES REED JONES, who has been an advertising man, publicist and editor in New York and California for the past 10 years, has been appointed director of advertising and publicity for First Division Distributors, Inc., the new Jesse J. Goldburg distributing enterprise. Metro-Goldwyn-Maycr executives and Mayor (Jeorge Cryer of Los Angeles ivelcome branch managers to convention; left to right: Hunt Stroma berg, Irving Thalberg, Mayor Cryer, Felix Feist, Louis B. Mayer, Harry Rupi, Bernard Hyman, E. J. Mannix and Eric Pommer. First National executives snapped in Chicago just before they entrained for Hollywood for the annual sales convention. LTea for Leo Meehan EO MEEHAN, star director on tlie F. B. 0. lot, passed through New York long enough to be made guest of honor at a tea given him by tlie company on Monday afternoon, at the apartment of Joseph P. Kennedy, president of the company, at 200 West 57th Street, attended by representatives of the entire motion picture press in New York. Mr. Meehan left Hollywood a week ago for Rome City, Indiana, to shoot exteriors for his next film "The Harvester," but decided to come on to New York for one day, say "hello" to the executives in the East, and then return to Rome City, where the entire company awaits him. j\Ir. Meehan is now on his way West, and expects to complete exteriors in Rome City in two weeks. C French Beauty to Coast IIRISTTANE YVES, French beauty wlio appeared in some of tlie foreign made sequences of "Ben Hur. '" left New York last Sunday by automobile en route to the West Coast in response to a call from Fred Niblo. She was in films in France for three years, and was one of the Parisian beauties brought to Rome for the Lew Wallace drama. While in New York she has been a special guest of the French consul.