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June 10. I ') ■'
Snapped at the npeiiinii of Grauman's Chinese theatre in Hollywood tvi th "The King of Kin((x" De MUle's P. D. ('.. special; left, Cecil li. I)e Mille speidiirii! into the inirrophone ; centre, a niiiht shot of the theatre itself, ttith the crowd icaitinn to see arrivint! celebrities; rifiht. Will H.
Hays. Sid Craiinian and />. M . (Griffith
DI)<)!or<'s (\)stell<> Co OI.OUKS COSTKI.IJ), WiiriHM
.oniiiijs East
M Ilrnllicrs' star, will arrive in Xcw York siiortly for Ikm* first visit East since she entered screen work. Accompanied by her mother and her sister, Helene, wlio is also a Warner player, she will make the trip in time to be present at the first Broadway sliowinp of her new production, "Old San Francisco," which is scheduled to open at the Warner Theatre on June 21.
It is two years since Dolores Costello has been in New York. At that time she wa.s si<jrned by Warner Brothers when she was appearinj? on the stage in George White's Scandals. Shortly after her arrival in Hollywood she was selected by John Barrymore as his leading lady for "The Sea Beast." This was followed by other pictures, including "When A Man Loves. ' '
^6(C^ ""Snookuiiis"' Captures Gotham
k3.\0OKrMS," the baby starlet of "The Newlyweds and Tlieir Baby" comedies, arrived in New York Wednesday on his tour of the East, and was received witli an acclaim tliat would do credit to a Lindbergh. People crowded the curbs and .iammed around the automobile wliicli bore the youngster from the Grand Central Terminal to Broadway and I'niversal's New York exchange, 1600 Broadway.
A corps of news photographers, movie cameraman and reporters were at the train to meet the baby when he rolled in from Spuyten Duyvil, where he has been resting up for a week at the home of R. V. Anderson, of tbe International Newsreel Corporation, following his sti'einuous two weeks between Chicago and his visit with President Coolidge in Washington ten days ago.
After visiting the Big V cxcluuige, the baby was taken to the Roosevelt Hotel, which will be his home for the next two weeks. That afternoon he made a personal appearance in the Wanamaker Auditorum in connection with a Baby Health Week program, built around his visit to New York. His subsequent days were marked with a series of interesting occurrences, such as a meeting with Mildred ^I. Pinkenfeld, New York City's 100 per cent baby, personal appearances in the Branford Tlieatre, Newark, and a visit to Bridgeport.
"Kins: of Kings'" Shea to Boston
OSEPH C. SHEA, until recently grinding out belles Icttres regarding the merits of "Tlie Big Parade" for the benefit of the reading public of New York City, has transferred his typewritten affections to "The King of Kings." Joe left our midst this week bound for the city of beans, where he will arrange advance notices on the De Mille picture scheduled to open in that city June 13. Joe is doing lots more than telling the Bostonians about "The King" on this trip, as he has been made company manager, which involves counting the house, the cash, control of personnel, musicians, stage lumds. etc. The production will be housed in the Tre
nionl Theatre, and it i.> fxpccted that the performances will run right through until the start of the Fall sea.son. It would 1)(^ a good idea for the city fathers of Boston to lay in an extra supply of tea and ice crwim, for Joe's luncheon menu during the hot weatluM genei-ally consists of tiiree "l)alls" of ice cream and some iced tea — and a little hay fever.
Miss Hoffnian Knjjajied
iXI) MRS. H. HENRI HOFF.M.VX, of .Mid wood ^laiior. Brooklyn, announce the engagement of their daughter, Hcrmine, to Mr. David Lieberman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Lieberman, also of Midwood Manor.
Miss Hoffman is a graduate of the Benjamin School For Girls, and has taken special counses at Columbia University and Conu'll. Mr. Hoffman is Vice-Prcsitlent of Tiffany Productioiis. Inc.
Mr. Lieberman is a lawyer, a graduate of New York University Law School, and is a.s.sociated with his father, who is one of the leading real estate operators in the Borough of Brooklvn.
CLaeniinle Entertains Diplomat AI;L LAK.ALMLE, i)resident of the Universal Pictures Corporation, and his daughter, Rosabelle, entertained the German ambassador. Baron Von Maltzahn, at Beverly Hills last week. The fimction was a garden party, attenderl by several hundred guests, including jniblic officials as well as motion i)icture executives and stars.
Dias Dorados, the nuignificent estate of Laemmle, ha-s been the scene of many brilliant entertainments in Los Angeles during the pa.st few months. He will shortly close his home and arrive in New York the middle of June for his annual trip abroad.
J Murray Anderson Abroad
OIIN .MURRAY ANDERSON, producer of Publix stage shows, which open at the Paramount Theatre and then make a twenty weeks' tour of the country's leading cities, sailed Wednesday for England on the S. S. Aquitania. He will be abroad on a vacation of two months, during which time he will visit France and Italy. Upon his return, the early part of August, Mr. Anderson will resume his production activities for Publix at the Paramount Theatre.
A Goodman Convah'scing
BE GOOD^IAN, a.ssistant to Joe Fine, advertising manager of Fox Films, is rallying splendidlj' after an operation for appendicities at Dr. Farr's Sanitarium in Iloboken last week. Abe's many friends in the industry are pulling for his quick return to health and hope to welcome him back to his desk shortly.