Motion Picture News (Apr - Jun 1927)

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/ u nc 10 , I'J 2 7 2217 Brenon Finishes Castin<> "Sorrell and Son" llorhcrt Brenon, wlio is to make a scroi'U version of the sueccssful novel, "Sorrell and Son," as his first independent production for release through United Artists, this week aiinouneed from Hollywood his selection of jjlayers to portray the characters of the book. They are us follows: Stephen Sorrell, father, H. B. Warner; Christopiier Sorrell, son, as man. Nils Aster; Christopher Sorrell, as boy, Mickey McBann ; Fanny Garland, Alice Joyce; Molly Roland, Mary iMcLcan; Thomas Roland, Norman Trevor; Florence Ralfrey, Carmel Myers; Dora Sorrell, Anna Q. Nilsson; SergeantMajor Buck, Louis Wolheim and Dr. Semon Oragge, Paul JIcAllister. Nils Aster is a 25-year-old Swedish-horn actor, who makes his American debut in " Topsy and Eva." Louis Wolheim and Paul McAllister have both appeared in United Artists' pictures, the former in "Two Arabian Knights" and the latt(>r in "The Winning of Barbara AVorth. ' ' Brenon has signed James Wong Howe, formerly with him at Paramount, as chief photographer for this production. No actor has as yet been chosen for the role of Kit, although Brenon is seeking players indicated as the public's preference for the parts. Chicago's Woodlawn Theatre Sold to Lubhner-Trinz Andrew Karzas' Woodlawn Theatre, Chicago, a])out which there have been rumors for many months, has been sold to B. F. Lindheimer, who represents Lubliner & Trinz interests in their various real estate transactions. The consideration for the property, part fee and part leasehold estate is reported to be $1,063,000 cash. It is reported on good authority that Mr. Lindheimer is head of a syndicate, which will erect a $1,500,000 structure on the Woodlawn Theatre site, which will include a three-story, two thousand seat theatre, a ten story hotel and a six story office building. It is further said that the proposed theatre has been leased to Balaban & Katz who are vitally interested in this neighborhood through their Tivoli Theatre. The sale discloses, however, the retirement, whether permanent or not, of ]\Ir. Karzas from the motion picture field, for in addition to the Woodlawn Theatre sale, the lease on the North enter Theatre, at Lincoln and Robey, and also on the State Theatre at Hammond, was assigned by the Karzas Theatre Corporation, to the Lindheimer interests, Lubliner & Trinz having taken over the operation of these theatres a few davs asTO. After Abe Fabian Dies Long Illness Abraham M. Fabian, son of Jacob Fabian, of the Stanley-Fabian Corp., died Wednesday after a long illness following a nervous breakdown. Funeral services were held at Paterson, N. J., Thursday. He withdrew from active participation in business last year. James Cruze With Pathe-P. D. C. De Mille Announces at Convention J \Mi;S CKIZK ha. joiii.-d I'iillu-I'. \). C. a« on. of its prodiK-cr.'* and will ilirrct two roail-hliow altracli((ii> iiixl sii[t<rvi-< llircc rcfjiilar rch-ascs for llir (oiiipaiiy. was an aiiiioiiiM-cdn-iit <if (It-eil B. I)c Milh at llic joint coiivoiition of the I'atlic-I'. I). (1. mi<l-\\<-icrri ?-alcs forces at llit Ilnlcl Strviii-*. (!lii<;tgo. la-l \\<» k. \\\v. amiouiicc int-nt o( (^nizi" anilialion \silli lli< ((diipaiiy was one of llic liifzliliglil of Mr. I). Milh' talk ill wiiitli 111' iiullinril the program tor iIk coming season. Mr. Cruze will establish himself at the Metropolitan sturlios, ill IFollvwood. and will make "The Pioneer Woman" and "The Army Mule." which will he ]»rodueed on an elaborate scale: he will also supervise production of "My rrieiirl IVom India," a pictiirization of a stage faree. "The Skyscraper." starring W illiam Boyd, a romance of a modern skyscraper by Dudley Murphy, and "The IViglil Flyer," a drama of the railroad from the story by Frank Speerman, 'TIeld for Orders." Another statement of Mr. De Mille was to the effect that \\ alter Wood-, who has been associated with Cruze on many of his productions, ha. been signed as a production supervisor. James Cruzo B'klyn Building Program Totals $25,000,000 Paramount, Fox and Universal Theatre Projects Included in List of Twenty-One OF all sections in the New York and New Jersey zone, Brooklyn and Queens have probably shown a more marked increase in theatre projects and actual construction than any others, according to reports which include one issued by the Brooklyn Real Estate Board to the effect that a minimum expenditure of $25,000,000 will go for theatre development in the Brooklyn Borough during 1927. Twenty-one projects are listed, from the two big de luxe theatres planned by Fox and Paramount in the downtown Brooklyn section, to the several neighborhood houses. The cost of the Fox project is estimated at American Legion Honors S. L. Rothafel BEARING the signature of Howard P. Savage, national commander of the .American Legion, a bronze placque and an honorary certificate setting forth a resolution of the National Executive Committee of the American Legion, in session at Indianapolis. Indiana, was presented on Memorial Day to S. L. Rothafel in recognition of his humane work with wounded war veterans in various hospitals. The resolution contained an expression of the sincere thanks and apprewounded men are receiving entertainciation of the Legion for the origination by Roxy of the plan whereby the wounded men are receiving entertainment via the radio. $8,000,000, while Paramount 's investment in a proposed theatre and office building is said to run around the $5,000,000 mark. Paramount is also reported to have plans iHider way for the erection of two de luxe neighborhood theatres ; one at Flatbush and Tilden avenues, and one in the Jamaica territory. Both of these will directly compete with smaller suburban theatre circuits, and will probably seat about 3,500 each. Universal 's new neighborhood house, in the Boro Park section, designed by John Eberson, famous Chicago architect and said to be the first atmospheric theatre to be erected in iletropolitan territory, is fast nearing completion. The first part of September will undoubtedly witness its opening. Universal also has two others under way at Kingston and New York avenues on Empire Boulevard, and at Pineapple and Fulton streets in the Brooklyn Heights section. In Brooklyn and on Long Island, the A. IT. Schwartz theatre chain has several new theatres under wav. Dorothy Devore Starts Working for Educational Dorothy Devore recently signed to a contract whereby she will make six comedies for Educational, started working on the first of the series on June 1 under the direction of Norman Taurog, who has just finished directing Lloyd Hamilton. During the past year or more Miss Devore played the star role or feminine lead in a number of feature productions of different companies.