Motion Picture News (Apr - Jun 1927)

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2278 Motion Picture News Ten Paramount Players Renew Their Contracts During the past week or so ten players, including six junior stars, re-signed with Paramount. The gi-aduates who renewed their contracts were: Ivy Harris, Thelma Todd, Charles Rogers, Jack Luden, Walter Goss and Josephine Dunn. Paramount views their re-signing as proving beyond doubt the success of Paramount school, that it proved valuable both to the corporation sponsoring it and the students who attended it. Norman Kerry With Greta Garbo in M-G-M's "Love" The male lead in "Love," Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's forthcoming production and Greta Garbo 's initial starring vehicle, will be Norman Kerry and the rest of the cast will consist of Lionel Barrymore, Zazu Pitts, Helene Chadwick, Mario Carillo, Andre Beranger, Dorothy Sebastian and Maude Turner Gordon. It had been originally intended to give the romantic lead in "Love" to Ricardo Cortez, but the selection of Kerry was made necessary because of the casting of Cortez for the romantic lead in "Terror." "Love" is now in work and is being produced on an elaborate scale at the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studio. M-G-M to Star Ghaney in "The Wandering Jew" "The Wandering .lew," a novel which has also been adapted to the stage, will serve as a forthcoming vehicle for Lon Chaney. Eugene Sue's story has been in the hands of the staff of scenarists at the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studio for some time. According to present plans Chaney will be starred in at least three new pictures for the present season. These are "The Hypnotist," "Hate," based on Frank Packard's "The Four Stragglers," and an adaptation of "Seven Seas," the prize story by Gaston Leroux. No'west T. O. Contract for Columbia Product A contract signed this week by W. A. Steffes, president of the M. P. T. 0. of the Northwest, and Joe Brandt, president of Columbia Pictures, consummates negotiations for the distribution of Columbia's group of thirty pictures in Minnesota, North and South Dakota and the Upper Peninsular of Michigan. The Northwest M. P. T. 0., which is a branch of the national organization, becomes, with the acquisition of the Columbia product, the largest independent exchange in the territorj, although it is only two years old. Dorothy Farnum Signs Contract With M-G-M Dorothy Farnum, scenarist, has signed a contract for one year with the MetroGoldwyn-Mayer company. She will write original stories, adaptations and continuities. Fox Films Signs Lois Moran to Contract A CONTRACT by means of which she will become an exclusive Fox star has been entered into by Lois Moran with Winfield R. Sheehan, vice-president of Fox Films. The young actress will begin working on her first picture of the new season at the Fox Films studio on the West Coast about July 15, according to an announcement from Mr. Sheehan. She will work under the direction of Dr. Ludwig Berger, director of "The Waltz Dream," in a picture to be called "I Don't Want to Marry," an adaptation of "Ich Heirate Nicht," a Hungarian stage success by Bela Szenas. Mr. Sheehan's announcement says that Miss Moran's screen personality will, .n the Fox pictures, be transformed from a sweet ingenue to the modern, vivacious girl, appearing for the first time in the picture with bobbed locks. More Gotham Distributors Announced by Lumas Five additional Gotham franchise holders, who will distribute the Gotham brand of productions during the coming season, are announced by Budd Rogers, vice-president of Lumas Film Corporation, who returned last week from a visit to the exchanges in the Central States. Signing up for another year of Gotham features are Security Pictures Co. of Ohio, which will serve exhibitors in Ohio and Kentucky; Favorite Film Corp., which will serve Michigan from Detroit; Messrs. Montague and McConville of Boston, who have held the Gotham franchise for the past three y ears, and who will continue to serve New England through Consolidated Films, Inc.; Jack Lannon of the Columbia Exchanges, Inc., of Seattle, Washington, who will cover Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and Alaska. Postpone Opening of "First Auto" Until June 27 Changing its plans for the first presentation of "The First Auto" to allow an extra week to the engagement at the New York Colony of "The Missing Link," Warner Bros, has postponed the opening of the racing story, an extended run production, from June 22 to June 27. In "The First Auto," which will replace the Syd Chaplin comedy at the Colony, are Barney Oldfield, veteran racer of autos, Patsy Ruth Miller, Russell Simpson, Frank Campeau, William Demarest, Paul Kruger, Gibson Gowland, E. H. Calvert and Douglas Gerrard. Roy Del Ruth is the director. Columbia Signs Players for Three Pictures Johnnie Walker, John Bowers and Ann Christie were signed by Harry Cohn, vicepresident of Columbia Pictures in charge of production, this week for roles in Columbia films. The title role in "The Kid Sister" was filled this week by Miss Christie. John Bowers will have the leading male role in "For Ladies Only" while Johnny Walker will play the juvenile lead in "The Clown." All M. P. T. O. Convention Details Settled (Continued from page 2273) PROGRAM Eighth Annual Convention MOTION PICTURE THEATRE OWNERS OF AMERICA June 6th to 9th, 1927, AT Columbus, Ohio. Convention and Exposition Headquarters, Neil House. Business Session — \Vest End of Ball Roora, Neil Homse. .Association Headquarters — Roora No. 160, Neil IIo¥se. MONDAY, JUNE 6th Golf Tournament at Elks' Country Cluh. Tee tS at 8;30 A, M. 10:00 A. M. Meeting of Administratiye Comatittee. Room 160 — Neil House. 8:00 P. M. Meetng of National BoarJ of Directors. Room 160 — Neil House. TUESDAY, JUNE 7th Registration of delegates. ALL DELEGATES MUST REGISTER. Infoimation and registration desk on Mezzanine Floor, Neil House. BUSINESS SESSION 11:00 A. M. Opening address by J. J. Harwood, Cleveland, Ohio, Chairman of the General Convention Committee. Address of welcome on behalf of the Motion Picture Theatre Owners of Ohio by State President William M. James. Address of welcome on behalf of the City of Columbus by Mayor James J. Thomas. Response by A. Julian Brylawski, Washington, D. C. Formal opening of Business Session of Convention and address by ^fational President R. F. Woodhmll of Dover, N. J. Report of Board of Directors by Joseph M. Seider. Report of National Treasurer Louis M. Sagal. Address by Past President Sydney S. Cohen, Chairman of the Advisory Committee. "Let There Be Light — and HOW." Address oa the Low Intensity Reflecting Type of Light Source by C. M. Burlingame, Vice President, Perfectio« Arc Company, Milwaukee. "The Independent Producer." Address by A. J. Moeller, President, American Cinema Association of New York. "Lighting and Projection Economies with Mazda Lamps." Address by J. C. Kroesen of Edison Lamp Works, Harrison, N. J. .Appointment of Committees. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8th 11:00 A. M. Report of Committee on Credentials. Report of Business Manager, M. J. O'Toole, New York. Consideration of Constitutional Amendments. "SHOWMANSHIP." Address by Samuel L. Rothafel ("Roxy"). "EXPLOITATION." Addiess by Harry Reichenbach, New York. Report of Special Committee. Nomination of National Directors. 6:30 P. M. Banquet in Ball Room of the Neil House. BANQUET PROGRAM Toastmaster, Harry Reichenbach. Short addresses by Hon. Vic Donahey, Governor of Ohio. C. C. Pettijohn. representing the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America. Samuel C. Rothafel, "Roxy" of New York City. Harry M. Warner, of Warner Bros., New Yoik. R. F. Woodhull, President, Motion Picture Tkeatre Owners of America. Nathan Burkan, New York City. Edgar Guest, Detroit, Mich. 10:00 P. M. Dancing in Ballroom, Neil House. THURSDAY, JUNE 9th. 11:00 A. M. Election of National Directors. Reports of Committees. Miscellaneous Reports. "The Trade Press." .Address by Fred J. McConnell, New York, Editor of Exhibitors Daily Review. Report of Board of Directors oa the election of National OflScers an* Administrative Committee. Installation of National Officers. Adjournment. PROGRAM FOR THE LADIES Headquarters, Parlor A — Mezzanine Floor, Neil Rouse. Reception Committee for the ladies — .Mrs. R. F. Woodhull. Mrs. J. M. Seider, Mrs. W. M. James, Mrs. P. J. Wood, Mrs. Maurice Sharr. 2:00 P. M. Tuesday, June 7th. .Automobile Sightseeing trip. Meet at High Street entrance. Neil House. 2:00 P. M. Wednesday. June 8th. Reception at Executive Mansion by Mrs. Governor Donahey. Meet at Iligfc St., entrance, Neil House. Official badge and courtesy card will admit all delegates and visitors to theatres. Olentangy Amusement Park and American Association Baseball Pack.