Motion Picture News (Apr - Jun 1927)

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Power, Strength! ( Short Feature Stars relea sin^ through Paraiiwunt Bobbv Vernon Jimmie Adams Jack Duttv Ncal Burns Billy Dooley Anne Cornwall Edward Everett Horton Directors Dorothy Arzner Rowland \'. Lee Eric von Stroheim Clarence Badger Ernst Lubitsch Frank Tuttle Monte Brice Luther Reed John Waters James Crure Arthur Rosson William Wellman 11 H. D'Abhadie D'Arrast m Victor Fleming ' Wallace Fox Richard Rosson Malcolm St. Clair Josef von Sternberg Maurit: Stiller Hector TurnbuU Lucien Hubbard Supervisors Llovd Ingraham Frank Strayer Hector TurnbuU Gregory La Cava Edward Sutherland Lucien Hubbard mi