Motion Picture News (Apr - Jun 1927)

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in with Lindy . / Greater F. B. O. Hops Off! ^ Lindy and the Year's nV^^ Comedy Hits Arrive /^ Together! Showmen From Cape ? Cod to the Golden >, Gate Join F. B. O/s r' Pageant of Prosperity. And here are T^O oj the Greater Thirty Gold Bonds! Lois Wilson Gco.KJrthw Ul > GINGHAM GIRL Wway Mitsi'cal Comedy Smash! One Year in New York! One Year on the Road! Giant Units of F. B. O/s Matchless Program Which Includes: 'Not For Publication" 'The Harvester" "Freckles" "Judgment Of The Hills" 'The Little Yellow House" "Skinner's Big Idea" "The Devils Trade Mark" "Little Mickey Grogan" "A Legionnaire In Paris" "Crooks Can't Win" "South Sea Love" "Coney Island" "Hook and Ladder No. 9" "Loves Of Ricardo" "Jake The Plumber" "Her Summer Hero'' "Sally Of The Scandals" "The Coward" "Alex The Great" "Red Riders Of Canada" 'Wallf,owers' "Chicago After Midnight" "In A Moment Of Temptation" "Beyond London's Ligtit* 'Shanghaied" "Great Mail Robbery" "Dead Man's Curve" "Aflame in The Sky" Tom Tyler and his Pals, Bob Steele, Buzz Barton, Ranger, the Dog and the trade's greatest line of short product.