Motion Picture News (Apr - Jun 1927)

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24 BUYERS' GUIDE SECTION O E June 24 , 1927 Peter Clark Stage Rigging and Equip ment Used for the Famous Stage Presentations at the Roxy Other Peter Clark Equipment installed in the Roxy are: Peter Clark Orchestra Lift, with capacity for 110 musicians. Three Organ Console Lifts, each separately operated Grand Piano Lift. Three section Manual Stage Lift. Special Sky Sounding Board Cyclorama and Fire Curtain. Peter Clark stage rigging, orchestra and organ lifts, and other stage equipment are selected by the country's leading showmen and theatre architects because they are particularly suited for the modern motion picture theatre. Peter Clark equipment has been installed in the country's most prominent theatres for the past quarter century. Among important Peter Clark installations are: Faraniount Theatre, New York; Colony Theatre, New York; RivoH Theatre, New York ; Koxy Theatre, New York ; Metropolitan Theatre, Boston; Capitol Theatre, Boston; Uptown Theatre, Chicago; Oriental Theatre, Chicago; Howard Theatre, Chicago; Tower Theatre, Chicago; Harding Theatre, Chicago; Belmont Theatre, Chicago; Diversey Theatre, Chicago; North Centre Theatre, Chicago; Royal Theatre, Joliet; Missouri Theatre, St. Louis; St. Louis Theatre, St. Louis; Slate Theatre, Detroit; Orchestra Hall, Detroit; Michigan Theatre, Detroit; Shea's Theatre, Buffalo; Saengers Theatre, New Orleans; Eastman Theatre, Rochester; Kilbom Hall, Rochester. Peter Clark, Inc* 534'-546 West 30th St., New York City The Roxy Theatre, Walter W, Ahlschlager, Architect