Motion Picture News (Jul - Sep 1927)

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.Bi BIG BIG SAY what's the use of talking. By this time everybody in the industry is CONVINCED that FOX doesn't make 'em any other way f I MONEYINTHEBANKPICTURES A De Luxe Attraction EAST SIDE, WEST SIDE George O'Brien Virginia Valli t Janet Gaynor in 2 GIRLS WANTED THE JOY GIRL Olive Borden Neil Hamilton LUNA PARK Victor McLaglen Greta Nissen Charles Farrell f PAJAMAS Olive Borden SILK HATS Madge Bellamy Victor McLaglen Edmund Lowe VERY CONFIDENTIAL Madge Bellamy Mary Duncan HANGMAN'S HOUSE Charles Farrell Virginia Valli Victor McLaglen PUBLICITY MADNESS Lois Moran Edmund Lowe THE GAY RETREAT Sammy Cohen Ted McNamara also 14 WESTERNS with TOM MIX and BUCK JONES FOX SHORT SUBJECTS 104 issues of FOX NEWS 26 Comedies 26 Varieties Fox Pictures are Proeit Pictures