Motion Picture News (Jul - Sep 1926)

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592 M olio ii P i c t u r e X e w s =St 3l ■)(■ Jl Jl Jfc iC i€= Jfc ■)£= f Resume of Current News Weeklies _■ — •• JC_ _>:_ ^c= FOX NEWS, VOL. 7, NO. 87: Brookline, Mass. — "Big Bill" Tilden wins Longwood Bowl Trophy; Arcadia, Cal. — Swedish Crown Prince and Princess pay visit to Prince Erik of Denmark on his American ranch; Stillwater, Minn. — The "Last Man's Club," dwindled to 3 Veterans of Bull Run. holds its annual reunion; La Crosse, Wis. — Great throng witnesses dedication of bath house and beach queen contest; Vfoore town, N.Y. — Cherry-picking time in Xew Jersey finds workers gathering record-breaking crop; New York City — Cardinal Bonzano returns to Rome after attending Eucharistic Congress; Paris, France — President Doumergue and throng attend prize dog show ; Shreveport, La. — South acts to save cotton crop from the "Leaf flea"; London — King Alfonso of Spain, leads polo team to victory over British; Ocean Park, Cal. — 8,000 bathing beauties display charms for title "Miss Los Angeles"; Versailles — Throng attends opening of the famed Versailles fountains. PATHE NEWS NO. 64: Rye, N.Y.— Bryn Mawr poloists lead in national junior championship contest; Oberstdorf, Germany — Gorgeous historical celebration staged in Bavarian Alps; I )es Moines, Iowa — Senator A. B. Cummins dies in 77th year. End comes suddenly to prominent Republican who served 18 years in Senate; Dublin, Ireland — President Cosgrave rewards Irish valor; Paris, France — Grave financial crisis brings in new coalition cabinet ; Camp Sparta, Wis. — Lead busy lives at one of nation's chief training camps; London, England — King and Queen of England hosts at garden party; Rome, Italy — Overhaul St. Peter's cupola; Chicago, 111. — Boot to Boot wins rich American Derby; Nassau, Bahama — Worst recorded hurricane devastates Bahamas; Philadelphia, Pa. — Sesqui coins take flight; Casper, W\o. — Governor of Maine honored at convention; Chincoteague Island, Va. — Wild ponies penned in annual roundup: Luray, Va. — llold Main Gateway, Shenandoah National Park, celebration; White Bear, Minn. — Frank Dolp captures Western Amateur golf championship; Niantic, Conn. — Celebrate Governor's Day; Cheyenne, Wyo. — Governors of twentyStates hold conference; Pittsburgh. Pa. — Who said youngsters didn't like watermelon? INTERNATIONAL NEWS XO. 63: Palm 1 Beach, Fla. — Tropical storm spreads ruin along Florida coast ; Twickenham, England — King's swans marked as warning to poachers; Noroton, Conn. — "Days of 61" return in Xew England festival; London, England — First picture of Krishnamurti, hailed as new Messiah by theosophistsj Isle of Wight, EnglandPrince of Wales resumes his duties as Britain's chief spreader of good cheer ; Frisco, Cal. — Sweden's Crown Prince and Princess reach the Golden Gate ; Colorado Springs, Cal. — Jack Dempsey really expects to tight Gene Tunney for his title; Nome, Alaska — Eskimo "cowboys" round up big reindeer herds ; Xew York City — How to keep cool; Off Ft. Hancock, X.J. — Floating targets blown up by submarine mines; Washington Park, 111. — American Derby revived for $100,000 stakes ; Cheyenne, Wyo. — "Bronco Busters" contest for World's championship; Chincoteague Island, Va. — Wild horses rounded up on Virginia east shore ; Spokane, Wash. — Blackfeet braves learn latest paleface dances ; Philmont, Pa. — Remarkable driving in national title contest. Jimmie Adams Finishes First Educational for Season The first Jimmie Adams comedy for the 1926-27 season of Educational has been completed. It is titled "Beauty a la Mud" and as indicated the action is staged in a beauty parlor. The supporting cast is headed by Charlotte Merriam, Billy Engel and Eddie Lambert. Harold Beaudine directed. Ann Cornwall Working on Her First Educational Under Harold Beaudine 's direction, Ann Cornwall is far in work on her first Christie comedy for Educational at the Christie studio. Jack Duffy, Jimmy Harrison and Billy Engel have the other supporting roles. The picture, as yet untitled, is from a story by Frank Poland Conklin. Stern Brothers List lor August Buster Brown, Wanda Wiley, Edna Marian and Bartine Burkett Comedies Scheduled B I STEP HELPS DAD," a new Buster Brown Comedy, heads the list of Stern Brothers' two-reel releases for the month of August. If is the twelfth Buster Brown comedj released and is the final picture of the first series of Blister Brown Comedies. Thus it is the lasl Buster Brown comedy to be released on the regular Stern Broth ers' schedule, the Buster Brown Comedies having been re-rated as Universal Junior Jewels for the coming year. "Buster Helps Dad" was directed by (Ins Meins. The new Wanda Wiley CO] ly to be relea ed by the Stern Brothers for August is ".Mixed Brides." It was directed by -less Bobbins and has Al Ford as the leading man. '•Wait a Bit," the Edna Marian-Ear] McCarthy two-reeler being released by the Stern Brothers this month, is a comedy of young love and parental obstacles. Francis Corby directed it. "Her Ambition," the final Stern Brothers' release of the L925-1926 film year, is a two-reeler directed by Charles Lamont, with Bartine Burkett and A I Alt in the leading roles. Art Rowlands and Dorothy Vernon also are principals. It is a nearburlesque on the old style melodrama. Battleship Co-operates in Making "Jolly Tars" \ll officers and sailors of the flagship of the Fa, -Hie fleet, the U. S. S. California, assisted in the production of "Jolly Tars," Lloyd Hamilton's tirst Educational comedj for the 1926-27 season. During' their -ta\ on the ship, the comedian and his director and staff were guests of the officers and were entertained by them. Pre-Release Showing of "Blue Boy" in August THE BLUE BOY," Eugene H. Roth's second Romance Productions in technicolor, is now being prepared for release by Educational Exchanges, Inc. First run houses will be able to show it as a pre-release in time for the beginning of the Greater Movie Season in August. Phillipe De Lacy will impersonate the title role while John Roche, star of "The Vision," the initial offering of the series, plays one of the leading characters. Jane Thomas, Esther Rhoades and Montague Shaw are in the supporting cast. "The Blue Boy" was named after the renowned masterpiece by Thomas Gainsborough. Educational is preparing layouts for exploitation and advertising, which includes feature press sheet, art mat photographs, colored lobby cards, newspaper ad layouts, black and white stills, slides, posters and art store tie-ups. Pathe to Release More Holy Land Pilgrimages Further releases on the "Pilgrimages to Palestine" series begin September 12th. The first of the new series is "Abraham, the Patriarch." Following this will be scenes of the life of Joseph, the route followed by the Israelites on their journey to the Promised Land. One subject will be released every two weeks. Fun-provoking circumstances in "The Merry Widower," a Pathe short subject