Motion Picture News (Mar - Apr 1926)

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April 17, 19 2 6 1833 CLASSIFIED AD SECTION RATES: 10 cents a word for each insertion, in advance except Employment Wanted, on which rate is 5 cents. Wanted FAMILY of four would take full charge of your theatre — manager, operator, musician and ticket seller. Fifteen years' experience. Will lease or buy small theatre. Box 665, Motion Picture News, New York City. CAMERAMAN.— Open soon for local news reel, special stunts, screen prologues, exploitation, amateur photoplays, contests, etc. ; want permanent place ; salary basis ; reliable theatre only; own camera. Address, Rowe, 6855 Vinewood, Detroit, Mich. MOTION PICTURE PHOTOGRAPHER at liberty, desires position anywhere. Have my own cameras. Write J. H. D., 159 Orchard Street, Elizabeth, N. J. PIANIST desires engagement to play alone evenings only, in picture theatre within commuting distance from New York City. Box 680, Motion Picture News, New York City. WANTED.— To rent or buy motion picture theatre. Give full particulars in first letter. Mrs. J. Beucher, 2880 Elston Ave., Chicago, 111. WANTED.— Portable stereopticon, with or without slides. Spot cash. Must be cheap. Lyric Theatre, Odell, Illinois. WANTED. — To lease a good theatre or take job as manager. Have had twelve years' experience. Married. Can give best of reference. Address E. L. Marquet, Opera House, Richwood, Ohio. WANT to lease movie theatre 600 seats or over; anywhere in State of Wisconsin ; would consider house somewhat run down, or will buy interest in bona fide proposition where owner wishes to retire; all replies absolutely confidential. Address, Box 660, Motion Picture News, Chicago, 111. OPERATOR and electrician with 9 years' experience in large houses ; married ; wants work at once. W. F. Ingalls, 313 So. "B" St., Oskaloosa, Iowa. For Sale SEVERAL used pipe and pit organs of standard makes, completely overhauled, traded on new ; Page organs ; priced to sell. The Page Organ Company, Lima, Ohio. THEATRE for long lease or sale. Fully equipped pictures or road shows. Seating capacity 900. Charles Bellinger, Findlay, Ohio. PRICED RIGHT for quick sale. Theatre fully equipped, pictures and road shows. Four apartments, store-room. Eastern Pennsylvania town. Box 675, Motion Picture News, New York City. TWO SIMPLEX MACHINES, complete with motors ; fine condition, $300 each ; National ticket-selling machine, $50 ; Brandt Changer (cost $100), $25. Box 82, Canton, Ohio. FOR SALE. — Beadle's dime novels ; invaluable plot material. James Madison, 544 Market St., San Francisco. DEALERS. — Verascope stands and mechanisms ; Edison supermechanisms at bargain prices ; Gundlach Radiant lenses, new, 5^4, 5% and 7-inch focus ; value, $45 ; sell $15 each; like new Klieg] plugs and pin connectors, 5, 15 and 30-ampere, 50 cents each. Brinkman, 607 W. 137th St., New York. Mail only. lKs-ImHereAnofher ^ogK / MO ORE I REN E" -LLOYD HUGHES CHULIC MURRAY GE0RSC K UTMUI It's a Hit! «e BIG WEEK! * MiM^^^ ^3 he BAT*""" ?"■ >rB*''5 -.'. COLLEEN N00RE Colleen £v With a popular star and an elaborate fashion sequence to exploit, exhibitors found at their disposal ammunition ivith which to bombard the public with selling points in their advertising for First National's "Irene," judging from the representative displays gathered from newspapers and shown above. These theatres whose ads comprise the group are: Mark Strand, Albany; Mark Strand, Brooklyn; Mainstreet, Cleveland; Walnut, Cincinnati; Adams, Detroit; Circle, Indianapolis, and Pantheon, Toledo.