Motion Picture News (Apr - Jun 1914)

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THE MOTION PICTURE NEWS 71 A-^ I : JESSE L. ^ LASKY Presents The Comedy of a Thousand Incidents "BREWSTER'S MILLIONS" It F*lays a Tune of iJoy on Your I_augH Organ WITH XHe Screen's New^est and y^Vblest Coniedian EDWARD ABELES The One Instance Where Dramatic and Trade Reviewers Forget Competition and are a Unit The M. P. World "Resembles the greatest comedy ever devised by the brain of man." Mirror "An expensive artistic photoplay." M. P. News "Sets the pace Lasky's Billboard "Comes as near being per competitors will have to fol feet as one might hope to see. low." N. Y. Herald "Full of thrills and superb humor." Motography "A perfect photoplay with thrills and humor in abundance." BOOK NO^A^ N. Y. Globe "The Editor laughed — Go see it and laugh." Released May 11 EDMUND BREESE IN *']VIA.SXER IVIIND" Another absorbing subject with a prominent star in the lead LONG ACRE THEATRE JE55f L LA5KY COMPANY PRESIDEMf N . V. C. W.48th5TREET samuel g0ldfi5h TREAS. & 6EN'l nAtlA&ER CECIL D Def^lLLE DIRECTOR GENERAL /T) In writing to advertisers please mention "THE MOTION PICTURE NEWS"