Motion Picture News (Jan - Feb 1926)

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January 9 , 1926 187 ''Flashes of Past" Two-Reeler New "F iLASHES OF THE PAST" is to be released by Pathe as a two-reel subject. It was issued originally in connection with the Pathe New Fifteenth Anniversary film and met with such approval that its issuance as a two-reeler was decided upon. It is a comprehensive review of the historic events of the last fifteen years, and brings back to the screen the important happenings throughout the world as presented by Pathe News. Newspapers in all parts of the country devoted much space to reproductions of scenes from the film in both rotogravure and black and white sections. Subsequently at the request of members of the National Press Club it was given a private showing at Keith's Theatre in Washington. Century Feminine Stars a New Screen Departure Haviiiy taken nvci tlic Note, hnyish haircuts, the §:ubernatorial chair in at least one st^te, and various other strongholds of the male, the fair sex is likely to iinsui-p man's position in still another field — that of stardom in screen comedies, is the declaration ■of Julius Stern, president of the Century Film Corporation, makers of Century Comedies. Two years ago, with one exception, no feminine player had ever been starred in tw'o-rcel comedies since the days of Mabie Kormand. Then the Century Comedy company decided to tiy two-reelers with feminine stars. Wanda Wiley was the fii-st comedienne to he elevated to stardom, and soon after, Edna [Marian was made a Century star. The first series of comedies starring these two capable young performers were so popular, that both were given long-term •contracts. In little more than a year, ^liss Wiley and Miss Marian have become two of the leading attractions of the short-sul)ject field, and tlireaten to eclipse the many masculine stars. Both of these stars have made several extra good comedies for Laugh Month release. Blanche MehafFey Signed to Universal Contract Blanche Mehatl'ey, former Follies girl, and more recently the Mamie Shannon of Univcrsal's "His People," has been signed to a long time Universal contract. She is the second of the "His People" cast to be so signally honored. George Lewis, who played her prize-fighting sweetheart in the picture, is the other. Miss Mehaffey was born in Cinciiinnti and graduated from Lasell Seminary in Philadeh)hia. From the Seminary she graduated directly into Mr. Zeigfelds' justly famous Follies Seminary. She appeared with Will Rogers on the New Amsterdam Roof. From the Follies, it was an easy juni]) to bathing girl comedies, and she had heeii in moving pictures almost two years l)ef(ire she was offered this first opportunity to phiy a dramatic role. Her success in it was the determining factor in the minds «f Universal officials in giving her a long time contract. Ne\vsreel Boosts Laugh Month International and King Feature Syndicate Add to Interest in Coming Event A SPECIAL Laugh Month section in International Newsreel No. 1, the current issue, and a full page layout now being sent out to newspapers all over the country by the King Feature Syndicate, mark two important steps during the past week in the drive for National Laugh Month. The newsreel section included a peek behind the scenes, showing several popular newspaper cartoonists at work. Included in the subject are Billy De Beck, creator of Barney Google, and George McManus, the pen-daddy of Mr. Jiggs. The International Newsreel cameraman caught McManus drawing some special cartoon adventures of Mr. Jiggs tied up with Laugh Month. Mai St. Clair and Adolphe Menjou were present during the taking of these pictures. These two stars are ardent supporters of the Laugh Mouth idea and are shown watching and ai>plauding the work of the cartoonists in furthering the Laugh Month propaganda. The Laugh Month page being sent out by the King Feature Syndicate is a lay-out showing the leading comic cartoonists of that syndicate, at work drawing cartoons of their famous jiroteges. Included in the page ai-e Harry Herschfield, with his great character, Abie the Agent; Cliff Sterrett, with Pa Perkins; Jack Lait with Gus the bus boy; Russ Westover, with Tillie the Toiler; Billy De Beck, with Barney Google and Sparkplug, and George McManus, with Mr. Jiggs. The page is headed "Laugh and the World Laughs With You," one of the Laugh Month slogans. Each sup-caption on the jmge refers to Laugh Month. Pathe Lists Comedy Releases Sennett and Roach Comedies and Other Features for Second Laugh Month Week PATHK'S list of releases for the second week of Laugh Month includes Mack Sennett and Hal Roach two-reel comedies, an Aesop's Film Fable, "Topics of the Day" and other features. "Wide Oi)en Faces'' is the title of the Mack Sennett comedv release. It was di rected by Lloyd Bacon. In the supporting cast are Thelraa Parr, Eugenia Gilbert, Marvin Lobach and Leo Willis. The "Our Gang" holiday comedy produced by Hal Roach and directed by Robert MeGowan is titled "Good Cheer." The gang encounters a whole army of Santa Clauses. Mary Korman, Farina, Mickey Daniels, Joe Cobb, Jackie Condon, Johnny Downs and Jay Smith all contribute to the fun. "Three Blind Mice'' is the Paul Terry animated cartoon for Laugh Month, while "The Mystery Ship" is the title of the sixth chapler of the Pathe serial, "The Green Archei'," :i picturization of the Edgar Wallace novel of the same name. Allene Ray and Walter .Miller are the featured players. "All Astride'' is a Grantland Rice "'Sportlight. " Rice shows how the liorse is still supreme in the cattle country, as a means of transportation in the rough mountain roads, on the polo field and the race track. Pathe Review No. 2 presents "Plundering (he Sea," a camera record of the Arcturus Oeeanogra])hic Expedition released in cooperation with the New York Zoological Society ; "Innocence," ])ictorial studies of babyhood a Pathe color living painting; "A Date in Egypt," stealing sticky fruit from the stately palm. Two issues of Pathe News complete the Pathe schedule for the week of January 10th. Scenes from "The Mystery Ship" No. 6 of "The Green Archer," a Pathe serial release. FABIAN'S Branford Newark first-run plays "SILVERY ART" One-reel skiing special this Week. 729 7th Ave. T iWaitff.L' N. Y. City Edwin Miles Fadman, Pres.