Motion Picture News (Jan - Feb 1926)

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988 Motion P i c t u re News Scenes from the Marshall Neilan production "Wild Oats' Lane" released through Producers Distributing Corporation. Universal Signs Many Players Number of Well-Known Actors Secured for Parts in Forthcoming Productions A NUMBER of prominent film players have been sioned by Universal to appear in forthcoming procluctions of that company which will include four productions to be started shortly. Viola Dana will api)ear opposite Kenneth Harlan in "Crashino' Timbers'' with Henry B. Walthall in a prominent supporting role. Frank Hagney, DeWitt Jennings, Fred Kohner and Bill Kent will also be in the cast. Louise Fazenda will be seen in the cast of "The Old Soak," Edward Sloman's picturization of the Don Marquis stage play which he will also direct. George Louis, June Marlowe, George Siegman, and Wil liam V. Moug will also appear in this production in which Jean Hersholt is starred. Edward Everett Horton will be staiTed in "The Whole Town's Talking" under the direction of Edward Laemmle and the supl)orting cast wnll include Dolores Del Rio, Trixie Friganza, Virginia Lee Corbin, Malcolm Wliite, Robert Ober and Margaret (^uimby. Mack Swain, comedy "heavy," Cissy Fitzgerald, and Billy Kent, the cliild actor, will play supporting roles in "The Big Xight," Laura La Plante's forthcoming starring production, which Melville Brown will dii-ect. Columbia Acquires New Plant Company Purchases California Studios in Hollywood for Extensive Production Plans COLUMBIA PICTURES CORPOR.VTIOX has ])urchased the California Studios located on Gowcr Street near Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood. The transaction involves the studio grounds comprising eight acres with a 350 foot frontage on Gower Street; three stages, administration buildings and various producing e(|uii)ment. Columbia announces that more than ••f!25(),000 will be spent for imjjrovements on the property. A modern stage measuring 150 by 270 feet will be erected and additional equipment will be installed. The name of the studio in the future will be Columbia Pictures Studio. The company's i)roduction activities were formerly housed in the Clune studios, also in Hollywood, under the name nt Waldorf Productions. With the move to the new plant all pro duction activities will be conducted under tlie Columbia name and all ])ictures for the coming season will be under that brand. For the 1920-27 season the Columijia output will be greatlv increased. Filming of ''Yellow Fingers^' is Finished "Yellow Fingers,'' Olive Borden's first starring vehicle for Fox Films, has just been comjdeted under the direction of Enmiett Flynn. This adaptation of the novel of the South Seas by Gene AVright known as "The Just and the Unjust" ha.s a cast which includes Ralph Ince, who plays the leading male role, aiul Claire Adams, Edward Piel, Nigel de Brullier and May Foster. Pathe Editing New Rex Feature at I AHE Devil Horse," a new sevenI reel feature starring "Rex," "*■ the equine actor is now being edited and previewed preparatory to distribution to the theatres by Pathe. The story is an original by Hal Roach and the picture was made largely in Montana and Wyoming, where Indian tribes and wild horses were used in many of the thrilling scenes. The human cast in "The Devil Horse" is headed by Gladys McConnell, Yakima Canutt and Robert Kortman. Fred Jackman, who has directed all of the Rex features is responsible for the current film. Releasing arrangements will be announced shortly. Mulhall Added to Cast of De Mille's "Silence" Jack Mulhall has been added to the cast of '"Silence," now being produced at the Cecil De Mille Studio. H. B. Warner has the leading role, while in the supporting east are Vera Reynolds, Raymond Hatton and Rockcltffe Fellowes. Rupert Julian is directing. Long in Comedy Role in "Eve's Leaves' Walter Long, well known as a screen villain, is to play a comedy character in Leatrice Joy's starring vehicle, "Eve's Leaves," for Producers Distributing Corporation release. Paul Sloane is directing and William Boyd plays opposite the star. Colleen Moore as "Irene." the screen adaptation of the stage success of that title in which she will star for First National.