Motion Picture News (Jan - Feb 1926)

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1034 Motion Picture News CLASSIFIED AD SECTION RATES : lo cents a word for each insertion, in advance except Employment Wanted, on which rate is 5 cents. Wanted MOVING PICTURE OPERATOR (licensed), signpainter; -wishes steady posianvwhere. J. Hemgartner, 84i Tiffany St., New York City. :\LANAGER. — At liberty after March 15th; 20 years' experience managing vaudeville, road show, combination, picture, and picture with presentation houses ; able to do own publicity and exploitation work ; able to build own presentations and prologues; also able to buy and book vaudeville, pictures and road shows; have the very best of referenees from former positions and recognized showmen; am a business getter, as proven, and like lots of hard work; prefer large Class A theatre or a group of smaller houses; salary, what I am wortli to you, or will consider percentage proposition, or a fair starting salary ; married ; 39 years old ; will go anywhere if there is chance of advancement. Address, Manager, Motion Picture News, New York City. AT LIBERTY.— Manager ; live ^vire ; 10 years' theatrical and motion picture experience ; exploitation, advertising and ideas. Box 6.10, ^lotion Picture News, New York City. AT LIBERTY.— Manageroperator; 10 years' experience in the show business ; can furnish good references; will go anywhere. Write to Wm. H. Maxon, 138 Liberty St., Oswego, N. Y. PIANIST, expert, desires engagement to play alone, evenings only, in picture theatre within commuting distance from New York City. Box 635, Motion Picture News, New York City. WOMAN PICTURE ORGANIST.— A-1; large library ; country preferred. Madame Quinney, lOlSV^ Bangs Ave., Asburv Park, N. J. ORGANIST.— At liberty; 7 years at Columbia Theatre ; can give best of reference ; union. Elmer Howell, care Columbia Theatre, Muncie, Ind. LICENSED MOVING PICTURE OPERATOR wishes work at anything in a small or large picture house. Box 655, Motion Picture News, New York City. For Sale FULLY EQUIPPED neighborhood theatre in northern Indiana city; doing fine business ; for rent ; priced right for quick sale ; worth investigating. Box 640, Motion Picture News. New York City. ORGAN.— See D'Art Ridge for bargains in used Wurlitzers, Seeburgs, Fotoplayers, Cremonas, Kimballs, Bai-tolas, Robert Mortons, Reproduces, Electric Pianos and Music rolls. Have you an organ, piano or music roll to sell? List them with D'Art Ridge, 845 S. Wabash (6th floor), Chicago. WILL sell basic patents on "Aiselite, " designed to illuminate aisles; this device is used in many prominent theatres, but not manufactured at present ; patent expires in 1937 ; if interested, communicate with patentee. I. I. Hance, Meriden, Conn. FOR SALE.— Motion picture theatre ; town of famous summer resort of over 5,000 ; fully equipped ; seats 700 ; onlv theatre in Tannersville, N. Y. J. J. Byck. FOR SALE. — 300 new veneer green finish theatre chairs; always a large stock of used chairs on hand ; immediate shipment ; lowest prices. Theatre Seating Co., 845 S. State St., Chicago, 111. MOTION PICTURE THEATRE AND EQUIPMENT. Two machines ; long lease ; only theatre in county seat of 1500 ; leaving state ; must sell at once ; reasonable ; onehalf cash, balance, terms. Mrs. Lillian M. Braswell, Edd.vville, Ky. FILM SALESMEN Do you want to make $25 to $100 more a week ? Can offer you very attractive proposition. Write or see us immediately. PUBLICITY CLOCK CO., INC. 105 W. 40th St.. New York A MARVELOUS PICTURE posrrivELY tx> not miss FX^ITCmg J *ME«if*'s fOdEMpyr oiwi-tlTif TfTOK '^ ^ Feature* of Dellght/ul Screcnlar*^ .,„ '. ! -tf.-M^rit. An EnlcrWlnlna> Th»l Really Entertain. 10 AMERICAN HARMONISTS-10 CARL LAEMMLE PRESENTS THE PICTURE SENSATION OF THE YEAR' Coming Saturday. Feb fi 1 ^^^ ^S I n »J^ IZ, „■ . ■ ■■■",':: ^mT ni 1-^ {|P It takes a great picture to do what this picture * j will do to you \ rutfcfk. inM i"A(?nNii"™" ! m DUiECTlO.V. crt" in thr Tun. .PC. lu auKo iw irrmrnon fniTvM tUrrj hu bcro lUtrli —A pow«r4nl pbotoplajr thai lirinr jour »iim>1Iqd> mrnnE *.lliin i-ou imntdtbl* Jl<l ' inMl. Far(hL«waln)l>i>in it a b<-.n torn BEKCTuii^ "it will LI\K FOREVER! 1 gfljl ■ j e^^ HjJL JBi Rt. JH rULSH fROM 4 flECOmf HVn ON BKOADWAY mUOOLRM SCHILOKHAUT HIS PEOPLE „.Bl;W)I.PM srHILDKRAUT > | COLONIAL srrs TYliB5;CAJ)fd_^G«01EJTDA' ..• HELENA SftSCHCOPF: WtVr^.' Advertising carrivd in the newspapers by first-run theatres for [jniversaTs 'His People" generally followed the wise course of featuring the I\ew York run of the picture, as shown by the representative displays reproduced above. Those theatres represented in the group are the Capitol. Dallas; Cameraphone, Pittsburgh; Rialto, Washington, D. C; Colonial, Indianapolis; Plaza, San Diego. Cnl.