Motion Picture News (Sep - Oct 1926)

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September 11, 1926 1013 onal News from Corresponden ji ROLLA DUX' CAN sold his interests in the Billings theatres on August 1st to Fregger, of Billings. The new firm of Fregger and O'Keefe, are changing their policy f^om second-run of the Lyric Theatre, back to first-run. Their other holdings will continue firstrun. W. J. Heineke, manager of the Judith Theatre, at Lewistown : H. W. Knutson, manager of the Liberty Theatre and W. G. Hyde, manager of the Strand, of Allies City, are reported buying heavily of the new product, 1926-27, for the coming theatre season, and in other words, are helping out the Greater Movie Season. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Knutson, of Miles City, are just moving in to their new home which has lately been completed. It is one of the most artistic and most modern of the homes in that city of beautiful homes. Butte JMarcell Cenis is the new theatre man to enter the ranks this month. He has taken over his brother's interest in the Happy Hour at Bear Creek. It will be recalled that his brother, Nestor, died at Bear Creek recently in an automobile accident. ;VIcDonough and McCall are two live-wire young men, who have taken over the theatres and dance halls at Bridger and Fromberg. They are sparing no expense to give their patrons a gay season and worth-while programs in both enterprises. Universal is out for the new sales drive and Manager \V. J. Heineman has recentlv returned from a state-wide trip that* took him as far east as Miles City. A part of the time he had his salesman, C. J. Severson, with him. Al Finkelstein, assistant to general manager Harry Arthur, of North American Theatres, was in Butte all of last week to confer with W. J. Sullivan, who has been the local manager for the Silver Bow Amusement Company and who continues to be manager for the present under the new regime. It is said the American Theatre will be opened about the 15th of September. At the close of the week Mr. Finkelstein returned to his home office. The June Honor Roll in the fire prevention campaign of the Film Boards of Trade was accorded to Frank Murphy, booker-manager for Famous Players-Lasky Corporation in Butte. Al Oxtoby, manager of First National at Portland and C. M. Hill, former manager of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Seattle Exchange, received first place in their respective centers. Dave Mclllhinney, territorial representative out of the Montana branch office in Butte, has just left for an extended sales trip through the state in the interest of M.-G.-M. W. M. Hughart. of the Pathe Exchange, is at home again and back at his managerial desk after a number of strenuous weeks in eastern Montana, conducting a sales drive. City SETH D. PERKINS, district, manager for Metro-GoldwynMayer, was in this city a few days ago and has left with Branch Manas:er L. C. Wingham and all of the local sales force for a sales drive in Butte, Mont. J. A. Epperson has come back from his fishing trip more tired than when he left, due to horseback riding ; says he is off horses for life. Epperson leaves for a two weeks' trip into the Idaho branch. .\\\ of the Pathe sales representatives have come in this week to attend a sales conference. L. A. Davis, former branch manager for F.' B. O. in this c'ty, has been appointed district manager in Salt Lake. Denver and Butte for Associated Exhibitors. Davis is now in Montana installing Joe K. Soloman, who was previously associated with F. B. O. here in the capacity of salesman, as branch manager there. Joe B. Roden is now coverina: the territory for Associated Exhibitors. J. E. Ryan, owner of the Liberty Theatre at Brigham City, Utah, is visiting the local exchanges this week. T. Duvall, manager of the Gem Theatre at Murray, Utah, is spending his vacation, accompanied by his wife, at Bear Lake, Utah. John Rugar of the .American and Orpheum theatres at Park City, Utah, is spending a few days here in the interest of these houses as well as the new Egyptian Theatre which he and Frank Knotts are building there. Al O'Keefe, local manager for Producers' Distributing Corporation, is in the Montana territory for about two weeks. Jack Connors is mak'ng a swing through the Idaho country out of this office. Walter S. Rand, sales manager out of the local United Artists exchange, has just completed a trip through the principal cities of Montana. Paul DeMordaunt is in this city from Blackfoot, Idaho, attending to the booking for his Mission Theatre there. James R. Keitz has left his managerial desk at the local office for Columbia Exchanges, to spend about two weeks in the southern Utah territory. C. M. Stringham, owner of the Colonial Theatre at Ogden, Utah, is among exhibitor visitors seen along film row this week. Branch Manager Mathew Aparton of the local Universal exchange, is in from a swing through the northern territory. C. W. Peck, Jr., booker at tinUniversal office here, has returned from h's vacation spent in Yellowstone Park. Jimmie Beale. sale:; representative, is in from his territory in the Idaho country, and it is rumored that wedding bells will soon be ringing for Jimmie and Miss Caroline. Tony Hartford is now mak'ng the Nevada territory out of this office. Manager Aparton announces that Boise, Twinfalls, Black Foot and Idaho Falls. ■ Idaho, and Ogden and Logan. Utah, have recently been closed one hundred per cent Universal. Sid D. Weisbaum, supervisor of the Denver territory for F. B. O., is visiting this city. Fred Lind, local' branch manager for F. B. O., has returned with W. T. Withers, sales representative out of this office, from a tr'p through Idaho and Montana. Ruben Harris, southern Utah representative, is leaving for his territor}within a few days. Vete Stewart, First National representative, has been busy the past two weeks touring the Yellowstone The office of the 'Victory Theatre here, under the management o' Carl A. Porter, has been completely redecorated and beautiful new furniture installed recently. F. C. and Carsten Dahnken, own ers of the American Theatre in this city, have arrived here for the purpose of completing arrangements for the extensive improvements which the American will undergo within the near future. The office force of the Famous Players-Lasky Corporation here are enjoying an outing at Saltair, a local bathing resort, the latter part of this week. Clyde H. Messinger, manager of the local Educational exchange, just left for a ten-day trip into the Idaho country. 7i'->Yc<or(o).6fa TRAILERS SFIKFAK -sr^T^wr^rrTcF THE ONLY TRAILER SERVICE WITH ACTUAL SCENES FROlvI THE MEGATIVE Cliica^,lll. New"V&rkCity LosAii^eIes,CaI. 64^So.Wal>%sliAtre. j2aWest 46 St.. iql2 So.Vcnuont Ave. ^^ *