Motion Picture News (Sep - Oct 1926)

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i^^ricals, Turt Sports and Fin^ce\ UtINO HOMB-IO-Cu. JiUPPtALS !^ Sal iNEBftTHCAS' Dem Mculii NEW :--:%'."R,i.'"v ^^4 JEHlfRSDAV JMiiP^ A I GUST Tunnej Sept 23 ^-.f& --^'Sg-i^ PV<5^ M Qoses Con..„ 7'shl T.Ue Bom ,„./ <>u«e,/j:, I "•■'qui Sradi,,^ iais..« iswre Peacej^ «T)ay ^veicy ^Viete i*» Uant^^ t \0^?5 eVs ^vety vrhetc B^^ces License Board anil I L fc ^-^j,g,ge8gf^gwS Summary! -RngHere^am. WANTED TO BATTLE WILLS] !0H POSTS $150,000 FOR BOOT WITH OOSKYRIVAl;! Wr't^^:^^: ^^ K I Lc l» ^ ^v.g5s-Bss«p^ws summary! ''""g""°'"'°" i U|nN'T tluHl ifi fiViM * C^ R A ^ ''^ ^>^geg='^rZ:Lr l,„.MTrnTn BATTLE WILLS| nUni 1111^' Li/ r ^.^gair^ .■'•'■-' '..".'"'"■ .tl , .„■■„■..■.-»■ Ir ^>* -■■■■■ rw^ rt •»rmEfim EDITION School iJews "-r-Jf.*",:?.^ irr. ,ST 19. 1^21: Tn nil, Wjwrffll.^-"^:'^^; E'fMffi*, Pnnn 't$JsHurt ■i.t , $ho» s -rr;^:;nRirJari_ Abandoning