Motion Picture News (Sep - Oct 1926)

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We O^wn The Exclusive World's Rights {Except U. S. and CANADA) to the foUoiving Special Features, noi^ in the course of production i*;irV ^'rj^ ^^2^ ii^^ Betty Compson Pauline Garon Edith Roberts in and other Stars in "HUMAN PLAYTHINGS" in "EAGER LIPS" "THE ROAD TO "LOVE IN A COTTAGE" "DRIVEN FROM HOME" BROADWAY" "TEMPTATIONS OF A "SUNSHINE OF PARADISE ALLEY" "THE DANCING GIRL" SALESGIRL" "BAD LITTLE GOOD GIRL" "HER BOY FRIENDS" "MISS MANHATTAN" "LIFE OF AN ACTRESS" "MERRY WIVES OF NEW YORK" "THE JAZZ GIRL" ^^]^el#^ "SHAMROCK AND THE ROSE" "LADIES OF EASE" 6%^el^ :— WHITE STAR Series featuring White Star ''THE WONDER HORSE'' in Melodramatic, Thrill Speedramas EXPORT & IMPORT FILM COMPANY, INC. 729 SEVENTH AVENUE, NEW YORK Cable Address: EXIM FILM— New York