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Motion Picture News (Apr - Jun 1928)

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2186 Motion Picture N e w s Classified Ads RATES: 10 cents a word for each insertion, in advance except Employment Wanted, on which rate is 5 cents Situations Wanted ORGANISTS and SINGERS, thoroughly trained and experienced in theatre work. Men and women now ready for good positions. Union or nonunion. Write salary, and other data. Address, Chicago Musical College, 64 E. Van Buren, Chicago. A-l Male Organist at liberty. Wurlitzer specialist. Organist, 1112 Lee St., Charleston-Ka., W. Va. ORCHESTRA DIRECTOR (Violin or Baton) desires house. Picture-presentation or Vaudeville-picture. Thoroughly routined, dependable and experienced. Age 33. In New York City last year and half, house closed. Size of city makes no difference. House must be dependable and sure. Large library. Pull particulars and references upon request. Address H. C, care Motion Picture News, 729 Seventh Ave., New York City. EXPERIENCED OPERATOR and mechanic. Best reference. Would like to invest part of salary in same theatre. Address Box 337, care Motion Picture News. YOUNG MAN, five years' experience as moving picture theatre assistant manager desires position in that capacity or opportunity as manager of small house. Experienced publicity and ballyhoo man and in the compiling of programs, etc. Address Box 336, care of Motion Picture News. MANAGER — Thoroughly experienced. Single;. Will go anywhere. Will take position as assistant in good house. Box, 355, care Motion Picture News, 729 Seventh Ave., New York City. ORGANIST— Male. Held three positions in the last 15 years. Specializes in solos and novelties. Prominent With leading the)atres. Address, Box 354, care Motion Picture News, 729 Seventh Ave., New York City. Projectionist. Five years experience. Desires position, where real projection is appreciated. Any equipment, anywhere. Single, reliable. Write or wire. Carr Hilburn, Bladenboro, North Carolina. MANAGER 9 years in last position. Broad experience, married, best references, wants position in motion picture theatre. Can make good anywhere. Address Box 349, care Motion Picture News, 729 Seventh Ave., New York. For Sale FOR SALE— 700 fine upholstered opera chairs from first-class theatre, $2.75 per chair. Also 1,000 strong and durable veneer chairs at $1.10. Can be seen upon request. Box 425, care of Motion Picture News, 729 7th Ave., New York City. FOR SALE — 700 seat neighborhood fireproof theatre, Buffalo, New York, $41,000. For particulars David Krieger, 1346 Jefferson, Buffalo, New York. J A Band of Men Whose Sufelhearf Was Death J THE LEGION the . CONDEMNED FAY WRAY and GARY COOPER Half-Back Hannah "Luista Aplenty" A Peculiar Pair of Pups OEOHGE KAY ™E LEGION £'« CONDEMNED A TOAST On* lajt Xo*tt to Ihost gillMtt boyi' Flfhtlaj fiercely (or • chuc* Id die' Hen wbo >• tried <■,-• ., id Ufe> but dull One lut tout «nd then Folk* yon re golnf to lose «»ery tfirllUng ■mlnote of Uiu picture! UA>\ bIm It! A MAN S PICTUBE THAT WOMEN LOVE ' FAV WRAY-" GARY COOPER M.y 21 Lindbergh Day Boji' A Flu Lind," "WINGING WEST" This Is Aviation Week: A collection of five newspaper displays featuring presentations of "The Legion of the Condemned". The most effective is the display of the Arcade theatre, Jacksonville, Fla., which originally was 6% inches square and features a stock cut mortised for type box at bottom. Other ads shown were used by: Clemmer, Spokane; Southern, Columbus, Ga.; Aldine, Philadelphia, and the Olympia, New Haven.