Motion Picture News (Nov - Dec 1926)

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M o t i o n Picture N e n s jfiort-jjubf eccs -andLS Comedy highlights from "Smith's Visitor," a Pathe two-reel comedy release Five Stern November Releases One of Each Comedy Series Represented in Company's Schedule for the Month STERN Film Corporation releases for the month of November indicate a varied mil put of comedies. The release program includes five two-reelers*, one of which is representative of each of the comedy series produced by Stern I'.n.t hers. The releases include a new Buster Brown comedy, one of the "Newlyweds and Their Baby" comedies, an "Excuse Maker" eomedy, a new "Lei George Do It" emu edy and the latest "What Happened to • lane" comedy. All of these are in the regular Stern Bros, line-up except the Buster Brown comedy, which is being released by I ni\ ersa] as a Junior Jewel. The Buster Brown two-reclor, "Buster's Narrow Escape," was made by <in Meins. Tige is played by Pete, the dog; Buster by A it hur Trimble, and Mary Jane by Doreen Turner. The new "Newlyweds" comedy is ' ' Si kuiiis' Buggy Bide" and it is the third release of tlii series. Sunnj Mc Keen, a baby "find" discovered and in troduced to the screen by Julius Stern, Ethlyne Clair and Jed Dooley comprise the Newlywcd family. (Jus Meins is directing the Snookums series. "Snookums' Buggyride" was released November 3rd. The next Stern Brothers release is "Please Excuse Me," one of the "Excuse Maker" comedies, starring Charles King, which reaches the screen November 10th. Constance Darling plays the leading supporting role in this two-recler. The comedy was directed by Sam Xewlield. On November 17th, the Stern Brothers will release ".lane's Engagemenl Party," ol* the "What Happened to .lane" series. This picture features Wanda Wiley, with Tony Haves in support. It also was directed by Sam Xewlield. The last Stem Brothers release in No vember will be "George's in Love," a new two-reeler of the "Lei George Do It" series, adapted from the George McManus cartoon strip, with Sid Savior as the star. Thelma Daniels plays opposite him in this one. Educa. Publishes Tabloid "Mona Lisa" Press Sheet AN eight-page press sheet, in tablcid newspaper form, for "Mona Lisa," has been published by Educational Film Exchanges, Inc., as was done for "The Blue Boy," the second of the two-reel dramatic short features of the Romance series. Among the features of the press sheet are pages devoted to accessories and publicity advance stories and reviews, a full page of feature newspaper ads available in mat or electro form, a pen and ink reproduction of the Leonardo da Vinci painting which supplies the theme and title of the production, a page of scenic sketches visualizing the principal stage attractions and a complete page of exploitation ideas. In addition there are star cuts and scenes from the photoplay to enliven the publicity pages. To all exhibitors showing "Mona Lisa" Educational supplies a thematic cue sheet free of charge. Charley Chase Starts Work On Christmas Comedy A new Pathe comedy, built around Santa Clans and Christmas, has been started at the Hal Roach studio by Charlie Chase, who is the featured player. The story is the work of the star and James Parrott, who is directing the production. The supporting cast includes Eugenia Gilbert, Noah Young, Kay Deslys and Mickie Bennett, under the direction of James Parrott. Chase has just finished "Many Scrappy Returns" in which his fellow players are Eugenia Gilbert, Eugene Pallette, Anita Garvin, Amber Bormand and Valentina Zamini. Alf Goulding Becomes "Idea Specialist" for Roach Alf Goulding, one time director of Harold Lloyd and Snub Pollard, has come hack again to the Pathe fold after branching out in other fields of endeavor. Hal Roach has signed him as an "Idea Specialist" at the Roach studio. He will collaborate, contribute story ideas, directorial gags and in other ways assist in the making of the Roach comedies. Colliding has been with Sennett, Met ro-( ioldwyn-Mayer and other producing companies. Among his feature productions was "Excuse Me," which he made for Met ro-( Sold wvn-Maver. Trick Bulldog Has Supporting Role in N. Burns Comedy In "Dodging Trouble," the Educational Christie two-reel comedy featuring Xeal Burn-, an important supporting role is played by Buddy, a clever bulldog with a repertoire id' t ricks. The comedy was directed by Harold Beaudine and deals with the troubles of the comedian in avoiding a summons server.