Motion Picture News (Nov - Dec 1926)

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2344 .1/ o t i o n /' t r / it r e .V c w s The spirit of the Yuletide season is emphasized in an appropriate Pathe release. "There Ain't No Santa Claus." These shots are taken from the comedy Three Pathe Features for Dec. Western Productions Starring Sandow, Buddy Roosevelt and Buffalo Bill, Jr. THREE Western productions are scheduled £or release by the Pathe feature sales department for December. They are "Call of the Wilderness," starring Sandow; "The Bandit Buster," starring Buddy Roosevelt, and "Bad Man's Bluff," in which buffalo Bill, Jr., lias the stellar rule. "Call nl the Wilderness" was written by l,nn Young and Earl W. Johnson and Jack Nelson directed. Edna Marion and Leslie Sargenl have the human leads and other members of the cast include Sydney D. Grey, Al Smith and Max Asher. This production was released December 5th. Lester P. Scott, Jr., is the producer of "The Bandit Buster," the story for which was written by Frank L. Inghram and directed by Richard Thorpe. Buddy Roosevelt i supported by Molly Malone, Lafe McKee, Winifred Landis, Robert Homans, Charles W hi taker and Al Taylor. December 19th is the release date. "Bad .Man's Bluff" is another Lester F. Scott production from the story by Paul Brian. Betty Burhriduc fashioned the scenario and Alvin J. Neitz directed. The supporting cast tor Buffalo Bill, .Jr., includes Molly Malone, Prank Whitson, Robert Mackenzie, Wilbur McCaugh and Grace Wood. This will he released December 26. Five Stern Films in January Producer Orders Release of Strongest in Line-up During National Laugh Month IN accordance with instructions tele graphed from the Coasl by Julius Stern, president of t lie Slern Film Cor poration, arrangements have I n made l>> the producer's offices in New York to release the five Strongest comedies in the eomedj producer's schedule during Na tional Laugh Month. These comedies, distributed through I lie Universal exi hange . are ' ' Buster's Pic mm ." "Snookum's Playmate," "What'll Y,,m Bave?" ".lane'. Flirtation" and "B3 1 reorge." They are two reel picl • ■ Butter's Picnic" i one of the Buster Bro n Junior Jewel series directed by <hiMeins. The toi proi ided bj R I 1 1 1 ; • . rtoons and the cast 1 made up of Pete, the dog, Arthur Trimble and 1 en Turner. "Snookum's Playmate" is one of "The Newlyweds and Their Babj " series, also directed by Meins. In this issue the cast is enlarged with the addition of another baby who appears with Sunny McKrrh, the baby of the series. Jed Doolej and Ethlyn Clair are the Newlyweds. Earl Mack and Constance Darling are in the east . -What 'II You Eave?" is the latest relea '■ nl' the " Excuse Maker' series in « hieh Charles Bang is -tarred w ith < on stance Darling appearing as the heroine. Francis Corb] directed. Wanda Wiley is Marred in "Jane's Flirtation," the newest two reeler of the " What Happened to Jane .'" 3eries which Francis I iorbj directed. The support in • ca ' includes Earl Mack, Eddie Baker, Madalynne Field and other-. Sid Saylor plays George in "Bj "Duplex Jazz Orch." for Roach Short Theatre AN innovation entirely new that Hal Roach plans for his short ' subject motion picture theatre in the downtown section of Los Angeles, is a "duplex jazz orchestra." Roach believes that two orchestras are better than one and that by relieving each other, they supply continuous orchestral accompaniment without the organ intermissions, which state is preferrable both for cueing of comedies and news weeklies and for overtures, the comedy producer states. Negotiations, according to the comedy producer, have reached a most satisfactory stage and Mr. Roach states that he will make an interesting announcement soon in reference to his "variety" cinema hcuse which will present shows of about one and a half hours' duration. George," which is one of the "Let George Do It" series, also directed by Francis ( 'orbv. Most Territories Sold Castle Novelty for The Castle single reel novelty, "Let's Do Black Bottom," shows each step of the dance individually and in slow motion. It also concludes with a -eric of comedy touches. According to the distributor, twenty-two prints are working in the New York and New Jersey district. Practically every territory in the country has ben sold, it is said. Humorous moments in the Educational-Mermaid comedy. "Much Mystery"