Motion Picture (Feb-Jul 1929)

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FEMININE HljqiENE alijoaus conuenient Pariogen, the harmless antiseptic tablet which requires NO WATER, or the usual accessories, makes feminine hygiene convenient anytime or anywhere. Pariogen contains no carbolic acid, bichloride of mercury or other caustic poisons. yet KILLS the most PERNICIOUS GERMS in a few seconds. Prescribed by Physicians. Pariogen tablets come 12 in a tube lor Sl.OO. If your druggist is unable tosupply you.send your name and address with a doUar bilL A full size tube will be sent with the absolute guarantee that if you simply write and say "not satisfied" your dollar bill will come back in the return mail. American Druq & CKemical Co. 422 South Sixth Street. VtinneapoUs, Miaiu lluriis, 3(.J:. II Sli.vl N.W.. \\ashini;lon. D. C, for u pholo of Walla.v lloi.l. \\n,s Brian wus iKini I'Vh. 17. 1 ')()!!, has ,hi.k brown hair ami dark liliio t'\t's. .Si-mi dial nolo to the Paramount Studios. 51,^>l Mara thon St.. Hollywood, Cal. Moro faiiiiros have Ikh'h made hy frowns — more sui" are won by the narrow margin of a smile. KAPI. — Your letter will reach Barry Norton at the Fox Studios, 140 1 No. Western Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. His latest picture is "The Command to Love." Johnny Mack Brown was born in Dotham, Ala., about twenty-five years ago. Playing in "Coquette," starring Mary Pickford. Mary Brian, Feb. 17, 1908, single and her latest production is "Someone to Love." David Lee is three and a half years old. MARY BUD.— Francis X. Bushman, Jr. is placing in "The Jazz .\{;e," F.B.O Studios, 780 Gower St., Hollywood, Cal. Gladys McConnell was Mrs. Trevor in "The Perfect Crime." It was only a dream. \\ rite Clive Brook at the Paraniniint Studios, Si:,! Marathon Si.. llolKxvon.l, Cal. Frr<l Thom.son dic.l Clirislnm llxr. II, • was a great fa\urilo. Ban % .\oi Ion's iir.M |iicture will be ■The Comiuand to Love." Fox Studios, LtOl No. Western Ave., Lo.s Angeles, Cal. DORLS HALDE^L\N.— Haven't the ni !iiL-nuoneil. Gary Cooper and Esther Ra'Nn ill art sui.)porting Emil Jannings in 'An Alpinu Romance." Alilton Sills' piciurc " Tiie Comedy of Life" has been changed to "Love and the Devil." Colleen Moore's "That's a Good Girl" to '•Why Be Good?" Sue Carol and Nick Stuart are plaving in "Girls Gone Wild," Fox Studios, 1401 Xo. Western Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. MISS XO-X\ME.— You forgot to give me your name. Roland Drew.jWarner Baxter and Dolores Del Hio had the leads in "Ratnona." Your letlcr will reach Bebe Daniels at the Paramount Studios, 5451 Marathon St., Hollywood. George O'Brien, Marceline Day and Farrell McDonald are One star in support of another: Blanche LeClair holds Raquel Torres as high on her shoulders as the fans do in their estimation vscmffPeMEN'' hated, feared — by always been a mystery. Voii study ] amazed, bewildered. For > ou can Irulhfully say "I don't understand what men see in her." But you want to know the secret — with all your heart. You want the "dangerous power." It is not that you desire to be the siren tvpe. If you could fascinate men at will, you would use your power ■wilhin reason. Well, then, you may; for at last the secret is known. Lucille Young, the world's foremost beauty expert, will give you the "dangerous power" — give it to yo\xiree. Nature's Greatest Mystery Unveiled All your unavailing study of fascinating women, your failure to succeed by like methods is easily explained. Nature has never desired a race of women, all fascinating. Her plan is for limited charm. She has said, "I'll give w to marry, and mate." n she has said, "I'll give the d of complete fascination." You know that this is nature's jjlan — though you may never have thought of it in just this way. Instead you have been puzzled. You have seen fascinating women possessed of no more than average looks — some that you may have considered homely. You have seen women with poor figures outshine women with perfect figures. You have seen women of refinement cast into the shadow by coarser women. You have heard of "sex appeal," yet you know that thousands of women have resorted to physical charms as the main reliance — with inevitable failure. Strangest of all, you may have known some dangerously fascinating woman as a friend — known that she Vifas willing to give you her secrets. But she could not. For Nature, most cleverly, hi._ . her natural sirens blind to their own methods. One Woman in All the World Can Tell You Amazing, perhaps, but — so far as it is known — Lucille Young is theone w admittedly themosteffectiveia the world — used by scores of thousands of women. But more than beauty is absolutely necessary. Countless beautiful women are 710I fascinating — hardly attractive — as every woman know; So Lucille Young gives you also the very .of gleaning from countless patrons the hidden wa\Vof fascination, by analyzing and pulling together. The revelations are startling, mysterious, strange— things you would never discover yourself. Women are thrilled as never before — because they instantly recognize that all the secrets they have longed' to know are revealed — that an amazing new life has been opened up to them. No woman who reads will again (ear the siren type. She will meet her on her own remember, whatever your present appearance. Lucille Young Methods will give the necessary beauty. Find Out Free of All Cost or Obligation. So mar obligation. Tlucille young. j t 9513 Lucille Voui.k BiiildinK. Chicago. Illinois. ! I Without cost or obligation of any kind, send me ■ J your free book. I want to read and understand | I Lucille Young's Disicoveries. The postage is to | I be prepaid by Lucille Young. • Qf"^ i Street Addrcaa