Motion Picture (Feb-Jul 1929)

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assumea And Why Not — When You Can Learn So Easily? No one asks you if you speak French any more. It is understood that everyone who really matters has mastered this graceful accomplishment. French phrases are used in conversations here just as they are abroad. You hear them daily — and if you cannot answer them in French you lose countenance — perhaps with the people who mean the most to you, in your social set or in business. No doubt you would already be using French if j'ou knew how easily and cheaply you could learn it. Ten minutes a day for a very short time is enough to give you a fund of conversational French with the true Parisienne accent. NO TIRESOME RULES The Hugo Language Institute of Europe has perfected an easy new method which gives you French in the same simple way that a baby is taught 1 F^REE! to talk. That is — you learn French by actually TALKmG\t\ The tedious schoolroom method with its tiresome rules of syntax and grammar and almost endless lists of "irregular" verbs has been discarded! The Hugo method gives you French that you can begin to use from the very first lesson. You can begin at once, in the privacy of your own home, at your leisure to learn French, as it has been taught abroad for many years. The Famous Hugo Method NOW ONLY $9.85 On Monthly Terms Now there is no excuse for not knowing French. You pay only a few cents a day, in convenient monthly payments — as you learn — AFTER you have seen the course and k7iou> what it can do for The entire course of 24 lessons costs only $9.85, payable on the convenient terms of only ^2.00 a month. And you do not pay your first installment of ^r.85 until you have proved to your own satisfaction that the course will enable you to speak French correctly. The 25,000-word French-English, English-French Dictionary is free with your course. Try It One Week Free Begin learning French at home by the Hugo method at our expe^ise. Look over all of the 24 lessons before you pay a penny. Accept one week's free instruction. So that you can absolutely convince yourself that you will learn to speak French correctly and fluently, we will send you the complete course for seven days' free examination. The coupon brings you every one of the 24 fascinating lessons. The Hugo system must not be confused with any makeshift French "course" calculated to astonish French waiters; it is a carefully arranged scientific system of instruction GUARANTEED to give you a working knowledge of French. Doubleday, Doran & Co., Inc. Garden City, Dept. f-854, New York merican Represen tatives of Hugo' nstitute s Language Doubleday Dept. F-854 Doran & Co., . Gartien City, Inc. New York Attslght-'cou Ti interested in lea method. Kindly se I will either return ime and $1.00 eac t additional cost. d me the ;t£ci peak French by Hugo "French iliP'fF" City Stare Instead of the Course for the Frenc ansua h Course se d me a :.4-lesson Hugo n Spanish D Italiaa D German