Motion Picture (Feb-Jul 1929)

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Laugh that off — that grouch, that spell of the blues, that lingeriug >\'orry or dull care. You can laugh off, at the movies — if you select the thea tre that has one of Educationars comedies on the program. Has the talking picture reached your neighborhood, or is your favorite theatre still shoM'ing silent pictures only? It makes no difference — there is one of EducationaVs uj)roariously funny comedies playing somewhere near you tonight. It may be a MACK SENINETT TALKING COMEDY such as "THE BRIDE'S RELATIONS" or "WHIRLS AND GIRLS" —or a CORONET TALKING COMEDY, perhaps "ASK Dad" — or it may be a silent LUPINO LANE COMEDY such as "ONLY ME" or "SUMMER SAPS" — a BIG BOY-JUVENILE COMEDY such as "GINGER SNAPS"— or any one of a number of other rib ticklers. Anyway it will be the spice of the program; and you will laugh off your troubles in a merry round of mirth. Silent or uith sound EDVC.tTIO.\.4L PICTURES are the dominating leaders in the Short Feature field. MACK SENNETT TALKING COMEDIES JACK WHITE TALKING COMEDIES BIG BOY-JLVENILE COMEDIES MEKMAID COMEDIES IDEAL COMEDIES DOROTHY DEVORE COMEDIES TUXEDO COMEDIES (Jack White Production*) EDUCATIONAI, FILM EXrHANUFS, E. W. Hnmmont, Pre.idenl tculi>t Omctf. 1301 Droadway, New Yi CORONET TALKING COMEDIES LUPINO LANE TALKING COMEDIES LUPINO LANE COMEDIES RUSS FARRELL, AVIATOR Series CAMEO COMEDIES OUR WORLD TODAY KliNOGRAMS— NEWS REEL Lymau II. IIohcs HODGE-PODGE