Motion Picture (Feb-Jul 1932)

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"I insist on [Lucky Strik "There's nothing like a microphone to show up the voice in its true colors. So I insist on Lucky Strike — the cigarette that I know will be kind to my throat. And you've certainly scored another hit with your new style Cellophane wrapper that opens so easily/1 Sally Eilers will always call this her big year. First, she learned to fly a plane. Then she married and found domestic bliss. Then she made a smashing success in "Bad Girl/7 As a reward, Fox is co-starring her in 'Over the Hill/ ** It's toasted Your Throat Protection — against Irritation — against cough And Moisture-Proof Cellophane Keeps that "Toasted" Flavor Ever Fresh MOISTUREPROOF CELLOPHANE Sealed Tight Ever Right THE UNIQUE HUMIDOR PACKAGE and it's open! • is Miss Eilers' Statement Paid For? You may be interested in knowing that not one cent was paid to Miss Eilers to make the above statement. Miss Eilers has been a smoker of LUCKY STRIKE cigarettes for 2V2 years. We hope the pubcity herewith given will be as beneficial to her and to Fox, her producers, as her endorsement of LUC K I ES is to you and to us.