Motion Picture (Feb-Jul 1936)

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ing over, lie looked down at her. "Is it me?" he demanded. "^^'hy the freeze-out? Or don't you want to be friends ?" 'T^RACY'S blue eyes looked into those -*■ strange green ones. I think they were green that day. Something happened to the corner of ^lyrna's mouth. It quirked. Spencer grinned. There was a cozy little mess of spontaneous combustion and they both laughed together. The3''re friends now. He guyed her about the fun he had had on the Riffraff set. "Jean Harlow always had music," he'd taunt. "Of course, Jean was a big star. Jean could afford music," he would add. !Myrna said nothing. Till one day, the stage door burst open and in marched two flunkies. In blue uniforms. With thirteen quarts of brass buttons marching up and down plump abdomens. Between them, they carried a nine dollar victrola that played "Eadie Was a Lady," for three days solid. Spencer went noisily nuts. And never teased the Loy person again. She's a man's woman. Her appeal to men is entirely maritalish. They vision Lo}' as the ideal dream-wife. No wonder. ]\Iyrna Loy is the Tliin Man's wife, of¥-screen. A good sport. A giveand-taker. An understander of masculine minds. Better dialogue passed between Bill Powell and ^lyrna Loy, between scenes of that epic, Tlie Tliiii Man, than during scenes. Tliey'd sit side by side on the set. Myrna slouched. As usual. Taking everything in. Quieth'. As if she saw and heard nothing. Suddenly Powell would make a witty remark. Without moving, without turning an eye lash, Loy would come back wath a reply that topped the whipped cream. Just as quietly, they would lapse back into silence. Till Powell again led with an ace. And Loy calmly trumped it. They were I\Ir. and !Mrs. Thin Man. They thought, felt and acted as those people. /CLIPPINGS from newspapers were ^-^ usually exchanged between Bill and ]\Iyrna, each morning on the set. Pieces about people who died laugliing at their own jokes. Or a blonde who sneezed out her upper plate. Or even bits of political news. Or why a IMr. Bumheiser divorced his wife. When putting on make-up before her dressing table, she usually sits on one leg till the thing is so sleepy that it can't stand. It's usually full of jiggers and needles. She wrinkles her nose when she laughs and drinks a glass of lemon juice in hot w-ater every morning before breakfast. Why, she can't figure out. But thinks it has something to do with neutralizing some silly acid. She couldn't be positive. But she alwavs drinks it ! DID YOU KNOW THAT Clara Bow is so crazy about bridge, that on her ranch, she won't hire a cowboy or ranch hand unless he knows the game and can make a fourth when needed? FOUNDATIONS ^^5^ AND GIRDLE Sydf^F^ ^J|^H^^ STYLED ^H HICKORY ^ ^^H r\ ^ ^^m^i^^^^^^^^^tm ■ Fashioned of Figure Controlling Lastex This stunning, patterned two-way stretch. Lastex Garment moulds and trims and stays in place comfortably. It's preshrunk to assure perfect fit, always. The lace bra is specially designed to achieve a beautiful bustHne. "Figrure Flattery" Foundation illustrated $3.50. Panties, crotch and leg-band styles $2. "Figure Flattery" Girdles fashioned of the same beautiful two-way stretch Lasted $2 You should find "Figure Flattery" and other beautiful Foundations, Girdles and Brassieres Styled by Hickory at your favorite Corset Department. If not — write for FREE descriptive brochure. Address 1143 West Congress Street, Chicago, Illinois. A. STEIN & COMPANY • CHICAGO • NEW YORK JNIotion Picture for April, 1936 67