Motion Picture (Aug 1938-Jan 1939)

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CHILLY? Tired? Soaked by Fall rains? What is needed is a quick "pick-up" which leaves no "let-down." Every hostess finds, at the outset of bad weather, that there arises an almost automatic need for hot, stimulating and invigorating beverages. Not only does this cover the usual excellent drinks, tea and coffee, but it goes wider afield to include cocoa, cereal beverages, malted milk, and other popular beverages specially designed for children and the convalescent. The habit of taking a cup of afternoon tea, around the 3 P. M. "zero hour," has much to commend it, and has long been a practice by some of the "hemen" among motion picture stars. On location, on the lot, resting between shots, there's nothing more invigorating than to pause for a refreshing pick-up in the shape of a steaming, fragrant cup of tea. The most charming women stars, too, will be found with a tea-cup and lemon slice, while waiting to have a stray hair put in place before their next walk-on. Similarly it's the sensible thing for the woman at home to brew herself a tonic cup of tea to help remove the day's fatigue before she begins work on her evening dinner. Or, if she expects friends to drop in, what more hospitable than to have in readiness an attractively set tea-tray with all the fixings? [Continued on page 84] 58 Left. A variety of coffee -making devices for your favorite brew. Above, The new. glass double-boiler is excellent for making cocoa. Top. A cocoa or malted diink is ideal