Motion Picture (Aug 1938-Jan 1939)

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c FACIAL J FROM YOUR PURSE^ WITHOUT CREAM! Improved Cleansing Pads Won't Dry the C"» Skin. .Actually Soothe and Soften! *\l Escape at last from ''AFTERNOON FACE" Xate afternoon. ..away from home. ..make-up stale... date with him for dinner... mirror says: "Complete new make-up needed." No cream with you.. .no time for a regular facial... but, thanks to the quickies in your purse, HE sees you at your best! quickies are downy-soft circles of special cloth that come to you all ready saturated with a marvelous cleansing and freshening lotion! One quickies instantly wipes away powder and rouge ...cleanses your skin without drying it— freshens your skin. ..smooths it and gives a base that powder will really stick to. Carry quickies ... for a ^ quick facial any time, anyA where! So economical too! « ... 100 quickies in a boudoir jar and 15 in the purse vanity 55c . . . everywhere. auicmss Anti-Drying CLEANSING PADS Introducing Hose Guaranteed 4 to 8 Months EARNINGS START AT ONCEI Brand new Ford given _ dncers. Everybody buys hose. Guaranteed to wear from 4 to 8 months without holes, snags or runs or replaced FREE. Big r eales. GraceWilber, Iowa, earned $37.10 in 9 hours and rec« 8 Dew cars; Charles Mills, Minn. , earned $120.00 in one week and received 2 new cars, as extra bonuses. Yoar own hose given as bonus. send hose size. Rush name on penny card) " r sample tmtjU.detaiU. ACT NOWI WIIKNIT HOSIERY CO. Dept. 9-L, Greenfield, Ohio jL NO FRIENDS SINCE PIMPLES CAME? Get this help in guarding against skin-blotching intestinal poisons Are ugly skin eruptions spoiling your good times . . . making others shun you? Find out what the trouble may be — and take steps to help it. Between the ages of 13 and 25, or even longer, important gland changes often upset the system. The skin often becomes oversensitive. Waste poisons from the intestinal tract may get into the blood stream . . . and be carried to the skin to cause disfiguring pimples. Many have been helped by the regular use of Fleischmann's Yeast. Millions of tiny, live plants in each cake of this fresh food act to help keep intestinal waste poisons from the blood and so help your broken-out skin. Start eating Fleischmann s Yeast now— one cake % hour before meals. Buy some today! Building-up from an Awful Let-down [Continued from page 39] the Broadway opening was the most brilliant event since George Gershwin conducted the overture at the premiere of Of Thee I Sing. I never expect to live down one episode that happened that evening. I've been razzed about it ever since, and presume I always shall be. It was this way. We'd all been working very hard, and on opening night before curtain time Mr. Cohan appeared to me to be tired and nervous. Believe it or not I was as cool as a wife's greeting to a stay-out husband. And I didn't think I was doing anything out of the way when I gave Mr. Cohan a pat on the back and assured him that he'd be okay the moment the curtain went up ! It just didn't occur to me that this was just another of a thousand first nights to him. I forgot that he was Mr. Broadway and that I was just a kid making my first bow to his street. I acted on impulse to speak a word to one of whom I was fond and admired greatly. But I'll never forget the look that came to the kindly face of George M. Cohan. I wish I could register astonishment that way for the cameras. He smiled and began to chuckle, and anyway I noticed that after that things were okay. But word got around backstage and among the columnists and the story has been told many times. Not as many, however, as it will be told ! NATURALLY, my heart wl beat faster \ hen I saw iny name before the theatre where I'd Ratlin Be Right was playing. But by far the biggest bang came when I taxied down Broadway one evening, and saw Joy Hodges blazing in all its "lory from the marquee of the far-famed Roxy Theatre where my picture was playing. I made the driver go round the block several times so I could get a good look, and was nearly late for my entrance at the theatre. There was a big bang, too, when the film went into the Palace for its second Broadway run. My name went up again, and I have stood and watched it flame into life as the dusk of a dying Broadway day was switched to the light of a Broadway night. Remember that six brief months before Joy Hodges was unwept, unhonored and unsung. She was, indeed, unknown. I've been places, and seen things, and met people. When I gave a party Walter Winchell came. It just goes to show you. The play will run as long as they want it to, so, you see, I'm set. But I'm not satisfied just to stay put. I want to get along with the next step. That's why I was anxious to return to Universal and make my next movie for them. It's titled Private Secretary. And it sounds okay. Movies interest me most, and oddly I've seen screen stars from the stage of the Music Box whom I never saw in Hollywood. There was one night when Joan Crawford sat in the second row with Franchot Tone. I spied them from the Central Park rock on which I'm supposed to be sitting. They enjoyed it all a lot. Both chewed gum, and each whispered to the other. Although Janet Gaynor was in the seventh row one evening, she seemed so tiny that I couldn'f get a good look at her. I wonder if the audience noticed me craning my neck ! I was trying to follow each movement of her bobbing redhead. Another time Constance Bennett sat in the front row and nearly broke up the show by laughing at all the right spots. Jackie Cooper didn't have much fun — at least he didn't look to me as though he did. But Chester Morris had a great time. He's a true, dyed-in-the-wool Cohan fan. He came back-stage during intermission and the whole second half of the show was played right to Mr. Morris in his second row aisle stat. Of course, he's not exactly a movie person but I couldn't help watching Mr. Jim Farley when he saw the show. And I kept an eye on Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., when he was out front. Mr. Farley looked a little green from wondering what was going to come, and was his face red at some of the second-act cracks. But he laughed, and so did FDR, Jr., who almost rolled in the aisle when Sistie and Bnzzie bounced out on the stage! When he came back he called Mr. Cohan "Pop," Jeanettc MacDonald and Gene Raymond looked as much in love as my boy friend and I are supposed to be in the play. She looked very lovely with her red hair contrasting with a light blue satin dress, and Gene was in white tie. The girls in the si icw wire quite excited over Jeanette and tried hard to make her enjoy the evening. One girl forgot to change her shoes for the stroiu] act opening. She spent 'all intermission watching Gene Raymond. Hope Hampton is a star on my own Universal lot, but I saw her first about fourth row i enter enjoying Mr. Cohan's show. Miss Hampton doesn't like those first aisle, center row seats. You'll always spot her a little way back. She laughed at the right places, which is a compliment because she is a constant theatre-goer and they've gotta be good to please her. When Stuart Erwin and his wife, June Collyer, saw us, they didn't seem to like us very much. I thought sometimes that Mr. Erwin saw me watching him. He never smiled, just sat there with that pathetic pout (in his face. June smiled, though, and showed her dimples. The girls voted her one of the most beautiful actresses to visit the show. When Irene Hervey and Allan Jones saw it, 1 noticed a couple of women just behind them whispering all the time. Later Irene and Allan, two of my best friends, confided that the argument was about them and their identities. IT CAUSED quite a commotion backstage when Connie Boswell was spotted out front. That sweet singer of swing can't walk, you know, but she makes a magnificent entrance all the same. Connie is whisked to her seat so briskly that one scarcely notices the specially contrived wheel-chair in which she visits theatres, night clubs and all other spots. She was having a swell time and applauding like a trouper. One night Cecil B. DeMille was out there, a little nervous and impatient. And another time I saw Director William K. Howard, who, unless my eyes deceived me, actually dozed through our show ! I hope all the movie stars who have witnessed I'd Rather Be Right have enjoyed watching me, in person, as much as I have enjoyed seeing them that way. And I hope, too, that they — and you — may enjoy my movies as much as I — and you — have enjoyed theirs ! 74 MOTION PICTURES ARE YOUR BEST ENTERTAINMENT