Motion Picture (Aug 1938-Jan 1939)

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. 3&Em A twist of the wrist, and your Pro-Curler makes a curl and automatically slips it on to a *^^^»^^™ concealed bob-pin. Simple, quick, sure. ProCurler is strongly built; it is approved and recommended by the beauty editors of leading women's maga2ines. A necessity if you do your own hair — an easy way to touch up your curls between visits to the hairdresser. Get one today — you'll be amazed at the soft, natural, professional looking curls a Pro-Curler can make. 50£ and $1 Pro-Curlers, complete with bob-pins, at department PRO-BOB PINS stores, good drug and Specially made for use 5 and 10 cent stores. with a Pro-Curler — a superior pin for gen PRO eral use. Made of high tempered steel — double coated. Can be CURLER used over and over GUARANTEED again without losing by GOOD HOUSEKEEPING their spring. 36 Pro as advertised therein. Bob Pins for only 10c. Eastern Trading Co., New York Gone Quick I Safe, Sure Relief in One Minute! You'll forget you ever had a corn or sore toe one minute after you apply Dr. Scholl's Zino-pads. No more pain after that; no more corns, sore toes, tender spots or blisters from new or tight shoes. These soft, cushioning pads are amazingly soothing and healing. Used with the separate Medication included in every box, Dr. Scholl's Zino-pads quickly, safely remove corns or callouses. Cost but a trifle. Sold at all Drug, Shoe and Dept. Stores. Sizes for Corns, Callouses, Bunions and Soft Corns between'toes. FREE sample Corn size, also Dr. Scholl's FOOT Booklet-write Dr. Scholl's, Inc., Chicago, 111. Dr Scholl's "Zino-pads There is a Dr. Scholl Remedy, Appliance or Arch Support for Every Foot Trouble King of the Hoss Operas [Continued from page 50] and there and also worked a day now and then when the operators took a day off. But since this didn't seem to be a very successful way to make much money, one day I took my railroad pass and went to NewYork hoping I might make some phonograph records. Shucks, I certainly found I had bitten off more'n I could chew." Drawly-voiced, quiet, and modest, Gene made the rounds of phonograph recording companies, but without success. No one would give him an audition, and he was about ready to hit the grit for the wide open spaces where men are men whether they can sing or not when he suddenly hit upon what he considered a very brilliant idea. Which it was eventually ! "I went down to the Victor Company," he says, "and sat in the reception room for three days a-running hoping to be heard. Toward the end of the third day I got tired of waiting and took my guitar from its case and began to sing and play, and pretty soon a nice looking girl came along and said Air. Art Satherly was ready to give me an audition. After Mr. Satherly heard me he said I wasn't quite ready and for me to go back to Oklahoma and get on a radio program. "Well, shucks, it was pretty easy with Mr. Satherly's help, and I got a radio job in no time and broadcasted for a year from station KVOO. I was known as Oklahoma's Yodeling Cowboy. Whenever I wasn't yodeling I was working for the Frisco Railroad. Finally, I got tired of doing both so went back to New York to see what could be done about recording in the big city. Sure enough, this time I was ready and I made records for Victor, then signed a contract with the American Recording Company to whom I am still under contract for records." TN jl n records for a year he went on an early morning program for Sears-Roebuck, at thirty dollars a week. Two weeks passed. Then his fan mail began to pour in, and in such large amounts that the contract was torn up and a new one signed. Station WLS kept the cowpoke from Texas on this early morning broadcast daily for four years after which he went on the National Barn Dance show as star and master of ceremonies. In 1934, the president of Mascot Pictures, Nat Levine, went to New York to find a singing cowboy. Mr. Levine, in the course of his inquiries, finally met Art Satherly, and Art it was who suggested Gene. The first meeting between the producer and the cowboy crooner resulted in a one-picture contract. The picture was a Ken Maynard western titled Old Santa Fc in which Gene did a barn dance sequence. When the picture was finished Gene returned to Chicago and his Barn Dance program. But not for long because when Old Santa Fc was released, its reception was favorable enough for the studio to bring him back to Hollywood to co-star with Frankie Darro in The Phantom's Empire, a serial. In December of 1934 he made his first musical western, Tumbling Tumblcivceds, a picture that definitely established him as a musical cowboy with a great celluloid future. He's scheduled to make eight pictures next year and will start immediately upon his return from his personal appearance tour. The late Will Rogers was one of Gene's closest friends. These two met when Gene was working for the Frisco Railroad in MANY NEVER SUSPECT CAUSE OF BACKACHES This Old Treatment Often Brings Happy Relief Many sufferers relieve nagging backache quickly, once they discover that the real cause of their trouble may be tired kidneys. The kidneys are Nature's chief way of taking the excess acids and waste out of the blood. Most people pass about 3 pints a day or about 3 pounds of waste. Frequent or scanty passages with smarting and burning shows there may be something wrong with your kidneys or bladder. An excess of acids or poisons in your blood, when due to functional kidney disorders, may be the cause of nagging backache, rheumatic pains, leg pains, loss of pep and energy, getting up nights, swelling, puffiness under the eyes, headaches and dizziness. Don't wait! Ask your druggist for Doan's Pills, used successfully by millions for over 40 years. They give happy relief and will help the 15 miles of kidney tubes flush out poisonous waste from your blood. Get Doan'a Pills. GIRLS AND BOYS I SEND NO MONEY I SEND NO MONEYI GIRLS' AND BOYS' ""^^^^"" Send Name and Address MICKEY MOUSE WRIST WATCH! with Chrome Finish Case and metal bracelet as shown. Or Big Cash Commission —YOURS for Simply Giving; Away FREE Big Colored Pictures with our Well Known WHITE CLOVERINE SALVE used for burns, chaps, sores, etc., easily sold to friends at 26c a box (with picture FREE) and remitting per catalog. SPECIAL— Choice of <10 gifts for returning only $3. Our 43rd year. Be first. Write today for salve. WILSON CHEM. CO., INC., Dept. SO-K, TYRONE, PA. Relieve Pain In Few Minutes Rheumatism To relieve the torturing1 pain of Neuritis, Rheumatism, Neuralgia or Lumbago in few minutes, get NURITO, the Doctor's formula. No opiates, no narcotics. Does the work quickly — must relieve worst pain to your satisfaction in few minutes or money back at Druggist's. Don't suffer. Get trustworthy NURITO today on this guarantee. MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN EVER! Ull'H'HI.'Irl SEND NO MONEY 50c Pal. Fending 80 EXCLUSIVE ADDED FEATURES! Send any .snapshot or photo and we'll reproduce it In this beautiful onyxFftilurijin the /vrjollke rlnu. PhotoH re / nainfait /,„l„-„rr,l /i;„„„,/„.,/t„rnc,l. I„ ,l,-„t ru.-l 'E,PC'II» Pal<™ SeMinal Iblel W«torcroofl 25c Mtra) Enclose strip of paper for ring size. Pay post< Canadian limn plus a few cents postage. If you send r,()c Or!/»r»/Wi,»<we will pay postage. PHOTO MOVETTE RING Send Cash) CO., Dept. F-26, 626 Vine Street, Cincinnati, O. Want a Career in photography? Profit by the growing demand for photographs! Wonderful opportunities in Commercial, \'Jti-x. Portrait, Advertising and Motion Picture Photography. Train at home or Jn our modern, completely equipped studios. Send for booklet. 28th year. NEW YORK INSTITUTE OF PHOTOGRAPHY 10 West 33 St. (Dept. 29) New York City KEEP PACE WITH FAVORITES You like to keep up-to-date with your favorites, don't you? Then be sure you are a steady reader of MOTION PICTURE. In the December issue are the very newest up-to-date stories on Errol Flynn, Joan Crawford, Don Ameche, Joel McCrea and a host of others. Founded in 1911, MOTION PICTURE is the oldest movie magazine on the stands. It has been serving the public with top-notch stories for 27 years. KILL THE HAIR ROOT Remove superfluous hair privately at home, following directions with ordinai-y care and skill. The Mahler Method positively prevents the hair from growing again hy killing thehairroot. The delightful relief will bring happiness, freedom of mind and greater success. Backed by 45 years of successful use all over the world. Send 6c in stamps TODAY for Illustrated Booklet, "How to Remove Superfluous Hair Forever." D. J. Mahler Co., Dept. 56N, Providence, R. I. MOTION PICTURES ARE YOUR BEST ENTERTAINMENT