Motion Picture (Aug 1938-Jan 1939)

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CORNS The Girl Who Never Played Hollywood's Game [Continued from page 24] come back Bigger, Uglier -unless removed RoofandAII • A corn goes deep. When you cut or pare it at home the root remains imbedded in the toe. Soon the corn comes back bigger, uglier— more painful — than ever. That's why millions of people are using the new Blue-Jay double-action method. Pain relieved by removing the pressure. Then the entire corn lifts out Root and All. Get Blue-Jay Corn Plasters today. 2 5 i for a package of 6. Same price in Canada. BAUER & BLACK BLUHAY CORN PLASTERS REMOVE CORNS ROOT AND ALL * A plug of dead cells root-like in form and position. If left may serve as focal point for renewed development. ^PSORIASIS (SCALY SKIN TROUBLE) MAKE THE ONE l^DGRITIOIL SPOTv TEST. Prove it yourself no matter n long you have suffered »r what you have tried. Beautiful book on Psoriasis ant] Dermoil with amazing, true photographic proof of results also FREE. SEND FOR vCENEROUS ATRIAL SIZE FREE Don't mistake eczema for the stubborn, ugly embarrassing scaly skin disease Psoriasis. Apply non-staining Dermoil Thousands do. Grateful users, often after years of suffering-, report the scales ' have gone, the red patches ^ gradually disappeared and they enjoyed the thrill of a clear '^Hl^^' ^»* skin again. Dermoil is used nv many doctors and is backed by a positive agreement to give definite benefit in 2 weeks or money is refunded without question. Generous trial bottle sent FREE to those who send in their Druggist's name and address. Make our famous "One Spot Test" yourself. Write today for your test hnltle. Print name plainlv. Results mav surprise you. Don't delay. Sold by Liggett and Walgreen Drug Stores. Lake Laboratories, Box 6, Northwestern Station Dent F-36. Detroit. Mich. make-up tabic. "This way I can get myself almost full length," she laughed. A round hat of delphinium-blue crowned her redgold curls. It's her eyes, though, that hold you — pansy-brown, quiet and clear, giving you an inexplicable sense of peace. It's not so long since the smart guys were saying: "Gaynor's through." Even as they croaked, that cunning showman, David O. Sclznick, was laying his plans for A Stalls Born. From that picture Gaynor emerged, as important a movie figure as she's ever been. To play the Hollywood game, she should have gone straight into another picture, capitalizing on her renewed popularity. Over a year passed before she started The Young in Heart for Selznick-International. She had nothing lined up to follow but a holiday. She wanted nothing more, for the time being. Then Metro found themselves in a spot. Three Loves lias Nancy was ready to go into production, and the girl scheduled for the lead was found to be unsuitable. Through Sclznick, they made their plea to Gaynor. Would she do it? Would she, for the love of heaven, postpone her vacation and help them out of a jam? She had to make her decision overnight. She read the script, liked it and agreed to do it. The point is, however, it was Nancy who had to have Janet, not Janet Nancy. Most other stars in land's position would have been scrabbling and lighting and breaking their hearts to get rules. In her attitude lies the story of what she's like. "T WAS satisfied to wait after A Star Is 1 Born as long as Mr. Sclznick thought it necessary to wait. And that was until he found a good script. People said to me, 'But you can't afford to be off the screen so long.' 'Why can't 1 afford it?' 'Because the public will forget you.' "Well," she laughed, "I'd rather have them forget me than be irritated by me in a poor role. You can be forgotten kindly. It's hard to be kind to a source of annoyance. "I don't believe you can keep things by FOREST FIRE RADIO LAMP Forest fire in full colors seems to really burn. Smoke and flames rise through the trees — reflect on the lake. This striking effect is created by an automatic revolving cylinder inside. Amazes and delights everyone. A novel and beautiful lamp. Picture is a handsome reproduction of oil painting on parchment. Artistic metal top and base. Full size. Complete, ready to plug in. ~Njow Only I 00 Duty and Postage Paid PATENTED Send $1.00 bill or money order for prompt shipment, postage paid. PRINT your name and address plainly. iNo lamps shipped C. O. D. or on approval. GIFT SPECIAL Special discount to those who order several. Dozen lots, $10. Six, $5.50. Shipped postpaid to you or to separate addresses. IGNITION COMPANY BO Tompsett Block Omaha, Nebr. NIAGARA FALLS LAMP Beautiful new picture Falls really seems to flow. Price same as above. clutching at them — not people, not possessions, not a career. You're likely to find yourself clutching a husk without substance. I don't mean that you shouldn't light for what you want — up to a point. Nor that I mean to give up the movies till they give me up. But when they do, I'd like to believe that I'll depart quietly, say thank you for a lovely time, and go find me another kind of lovely time someplace else. "Maybe philosophy has less to do with it than my physical make-up. Maybe I'd react differently if 1 weir as strong as a horse — in which case, I'm glad I'm not as strong as a horse. When I worlc, I have to give up everything else. 1 have no other life. With four weeks off, I've got to use the first two tn recuperate from my last picture, and the last two to store up strength for my next. "When I've had any considerable time between pictures, I've gone away on trips. I love to travel. It's like having the inside (if your head refurbished with new ideas and impressions, lint there's always been that sense of pressure. You had to go by this boat, return on that one. You could never fall in love with a place, and say, 'Let's stay awhile,' because the cameras would be waiting. Don't, for heaven's sake, get the notion thai I've been sorry for myself. I know the same thing holds true of all the working world, to a far greater degree. I know I belong to the lucky few — how well I know 1 Ml I'm trying to do is explain one actress' viewpoint. OME of us feel, 'I'll die if I can't go on SOME < in the I love them, the movies are not my life. 1 tow sad, if they were — to have your life end so long before its time. My life is full of a number of other things, which I hope to go on enjoying when the movies are through with me. I'm never been happier, for instance, than I was during that year between . / Star Is Bom and The Young in Heart. It was my first taste of leisure, the first chance I've had since I started work, of hading a tranquil, normal life with time on my hands — time to read, time to see my friends when, how and as often as I pleased, time to loaf if I felt like it. I gloried in that year. I went to New York, and suddenly it occurred to me that I'd never been up to New England." .She turned to me, her small face aglow. "You can't imagine the thrill, when I realized that there was nothing to prevent my going to New England then and there. Then I thought, 'No. I'd like to see it in October, when the leaves are turning.' Well, there was nothing to prevent my waiting till October either. I sent for my car, had my chauffeur meet me, we drove up through New England in October, and I felt like a queen. "There's so much in the world to see and do and think and feel. Nobody who can help it would want to be tied down to one small section, geographically or emotionally. The movies don't owe me a thing. They've given me work. They've withheld freedom of movement, but they've given me the possibility of that freedom later on. If I had to quit now, I'd be in their debt. And what should I lose? Glamor? Being in the limelight?" She smiled softly. "I don't like the limelight. It hurts my eyes." I asked her about other variations from the norm. "I had all that out with myself long ago," she said, "and it's quite simple, once you've decided what's important and MOTION PICTURES ARE YOUR BEST ENTERTAINMENT