Motion Picture (Feb-Jul 1940)

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"fan, who* w UUs otheb woman? From situations such as this comes the real drama oi life. Novels and plays are mere imitations. Real life stories fascinate readers as no fiction story can. That is why the magazine REAL LIFE STORY met with instant success on its first appearance, only a short time ago, and has won an ever-increasing audience since. That is why you will find stories on the pages of this magazine that will hold you spellbound from beginning to end. The February issue of REAL LIFE STORY is now on sale at all newsstands for 10 cents. A magnificent reading thrill awaits you! This is the challenge that REAL LIFE STORY makes: Pick up the magazine and begin reading any one of the twelve complete real life stories. (No serials.) We don't believe you will be able to stop reading until you have finished the entire magazine! NOTE: Because of the overwhelming demand for the first several issues of REAL LIFE STORY — a response far beyond the publisher's expectations — newsdealers were soon sold out and many readers were unable to obtain copies. Sufficient numbers of the February issue have been printed to insure a copy for every purchaser. Get your REAL LIFE STORY today. 10c at all newsstands. PR<NTCO