Motion Picture (Aug 1940-Jan 1941)

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vividly this sloe-eyed young Lat without a doubt, was the greatest screen ever produced. You havj young, indeed, to have forgo Great Lover for whose smiles fainted. They would stand for h to see him come out of a hotel — his car drive by. To this day, mid| women who seem far past the h shiping days, write to me to a crumb of information abo idol. Yet out of the millions of woni loved him — the only two womer; ever loved broke his heart. Once, I remember, at his horn con's Lair — he was standing at a looking down over the valley at "It is funny, Louella," he said, "thj women I love — never love me !' I thought those were the strai words coming from the screen idol world — but how prophetically true were ! Rudy worshiped the ground strange, exotic wife, Natacha Ram walked on. He was so deeply inv with her that in contrast she seemc stronger personality of the two. Cert; she bossed him and ran his affairs. T is no one quite like her on the Hollyw scene today. She was the first of the cd spicuous exotics — and wore strange bans wrapped around her head with no1 hair showing. Her eyes were Oriental OUTGROWN HOLLYWOOD!" By GLADYS HALL AFTER A TRIUMPHAL TOUR WITH ITS PRESS RAVES, JEANETTE MacDONALD PROVES SHE HASN'T OUTGROWN HOLLYWOOD. SHE COULDN'T OUTGROW ANY PLACE SHE HAS ALWAYS LOVED laughs (and it's such robust, ringing laughter) you know darn well that Jeanette's heart is in the right place. We were talking about an article published in Motion Picture some months ago. An article which posed the question, "Is Jeanette MacDonald Outgrowing Hollywood ?" I brought the question up because Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's publicity department had handed me a bale of clippings, some billions and trillions of words running amok in the newspapers of the country and all devoted to Jeanette, in spite of Hitler and invasions and presidential elections and Shirley Temple re + i,-ifa +rav ,'. and her gowns flowing and gracei. s day when the smart women were \*v ing short skirts. I think Natacha, after her fashion, loved Rudy. But perhaps she feared that the heavy adulation of millions of women would some day come between them. Perhaps for this reason she seemed forever to be keeping him under her thumb. Once I was visiting Rudy and Natacha while he was sitting for his portrait for Bertram Massey, famed artist. Natacha was so used to bossing Rudy that she practically told Mr. Massey how to paint the picture. I have always felt that this dominating tendency of Natacha's was the thing that really wrecked her marriage to Valentino. He was so much in love with her, if she could have only been more sympathetic, she could have kept him forever. It was I who [Continued on page 64] 25