Motion Picture (Aug 1940-Jan 1941)

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BE YOURSELF BE NATURAL ! -K In make-up, as in all things, it is best to "Be Yourself ... Be Natural". Use Tangee for a glorious lip color which is yours and yours alone. Tangee changes magically from orange in the stick to the one shade of red your skin-coloring demands. That's the Tangee way to— M Your Tangee lips will be smoother ...evenly and beautifully made-up because there is no grease-paint in Tangee... its pure cream base ends that "painted look" and helps you— JDeuoaMeaf... ^je/mS^a^ -fc For complete make-up harmony useTangee Face Powder and Tangee Rouge, compact or creme, as well. Then you'll pINTCS "WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS LIPSTICK" SEND FOR COMPLETE MAKE-U P KIT The George W. Luft Co.. 417 Fifth Ave.. New York City. . .Please rush "Miracle Make-up Kit" of sample Tangee Lipsticks and Rouge in both Natural and Theatrical Red Shades. Also Face Powder. I enclose lOit (stamps or coin). (150 in Canada.) Check Shade of Powder Desired: □ Peach D Light Rachel rj Flesh G Rachel G Dark Rachel O Tan NameStreet (l'li-nn« Print) Citv ,F100 PICTURE ME MM 1 MM«>ED — -A.AAV2 ^k. , including HoHyw°°V s„ we awlauO, ™ ^ and Presne"^Sorities. You nray «^*PthW » ltSmediSne? ,TM, J££t much rf ^many todayNazis' greatest their own* fictional mdictmeuons m Qeima y them a do>e ot and while rt ^3 he true co marr,ed ^ a ett and I Mamcd «« ' read the 1^ (Joa„ Ben" d_ Joa »e " {ortn b .ecpgn1ZedT ;yQ{ A«en"n=ces .fl feWg fc„ but aH P th tlonal tad^^SSna in ^a'&an siiiiiiiipsis lCis Leaelc%"e-icannewsi>cii.-" .• (a supv-™ Dc ^OT*.-* ^[^rtt ' : ?l 14 Visit Your Neighborhood Drug Store During Nationally Advertised Brands Week — October 4+h-l 2th