Motion Picture (Aug 1940-Jan 1941)

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Darlin' — "p\IG 'way back in your closet and pull out those -*-' old tailored dresses you're tired of, 'cause Chic has found some perfectly elegant ways to make them over into this season's latest raves . . . I got my first inspiration from little Ann Rutherford, who spends her spare time thinking up trick things to pep up the clothes she's tired of . . . The day I talked to Ann, she was wearing a plain black wool dress, made along classic shirtmaker lines . . . What lifted this dress out of the ordinary was the full-gathered apron of brightly-figured challis which she had tied around her waist with a bow in the back . . . Simple, isn't it? And there's no end to the variety you can get if you put that old imagination to work ... If you have a plain colored cotton frock left from last summer, you can add a sarong skirt to it and be right up in the fashion parade . . . Gale Storm did that very thing with a white pique sport dress . • . She bought a huge Polynesian print cotton scarf — one of those triangular shaped things . . . Knotted around her waist with the point of the scarf hanging down the left side, she's right up to tiie minute with the current rave for native prints and costumes . . . 3^vcn the designers are going for this business of making two costumes in one with tie-on skirts and aprons ... I saw Ginger Kogers at luncheon the ether day wearing a costume from her latest between-seasons wardrobe . . . When I first saw Ginger, I thought she was wearing a tricky new coat, with a beige wool top, and the skirt of horizontally striped beige-to-chocolate wool. . . . Of course, I started to ooh and ah about her new coat, but Ginger put me in my place by showing me that it wasn't a coat, but a beige wool shirtmaker, with a skirt that buttoned on around the waist and gave that appearance. TF THIS sort of thing keeps up, you're going to have to be a cross between a sleight-of-hand artist and a strip teaser to get the most out of these multiple costumes . . . Using this idea of twoin-one, I saw Constance Moore pull a fashion trick the other evening that had the rest of the Hollywood gals standing around with their mouths open . . . It was at one of those parties which last from early afternoon and cocktail time to evening dancing . . . Constance had been looking cool and smart all afternoon in a navy blue linen dress with a -white pique bolero, topped off with a huge white pique cartwheel hat . . . Just before dancing started I went to the little girls' room to freshen up with some make-up. And there was Constance, buttoning a white pique floor-length flounce to the hem of her blue linen dress! . . . The buttons were concealed on the underside^ of the hem and when Connie finished her dressing by taking off her hat and pinning a diamond-and-sapphire clip in her hair, you would have thought she had just arrived freshly-dressed for the evening. C PEAKING of make-up, Paulette Goddard created 0 quite a sensation at the Victor Hugo the other after dark by wearing midnight blue lipstick and powder with a bluish tint . . . But let me warn you that it's a trick only a Goddard could use, so don't try it out on the boy friend if you expect to keep him hanging around . . .However, something he will go for is the use of fresh flowers ... I don't mean a corsage which he will have to buy himself, but just the casual use of a few blooms you pick from your own garden . . . At least Anna Neagle didn't lack for admirers the other night when she wore a full skirted organza gown with a single rose pinned in the folds of the skirt, just below the waist . . . Anna told me that she changes the flowers to fit her mood. When she feels particularly gay, she uses a nosegay of field flowers. ... I talked to a Hollywood florist the other day who told me that Anne Shirley has a tiny straw hat which she has him pin fresh flowers on . . . The day I was there he had just finished making a crown of tiny yellow rosebuds for her to wear to a dinner party . . . Speaking of Anne Shirley, she told me of a trick she uses with what she calls "foundation hats" that she thought you'd like to know about . . . These foundation hats are knotted turbans of silk jersey — one white and one navy blue . . . For wear with a dinner suit, Anne pins a jeweled pin in the center front, rajah style . . . The same turban, with a pottery or wood pin is just the thing to wear with sports clothes. Mile. Chic s.o.s. — s.o.s. Swell Music-but Wrong Girl Stay popular! Every day.. and before every date prevent underarm odor with Mum IT WAS such swell music— and such a should-have-been swell girl! But just a hint of underarm odor— even in a pretty girl— and men are quick to notice . . . certain to disapprove! To stay popular . . . from the beginning of the evening till it's time to go home . . . smart girls make a habit of Mum. It's never wise to expect your bath to keep underarms fresh! A bath removes only past perspiration, but Mum prevents risk of. future underarm odor. Mum every day saves you worry— makes you "nice" to be near! More girls use Mum than any other deodorant . . . and Mum makes new, de lighted users every single day! You'll be sure to like Mum for dependability and— SPEED! Only 30 seconds to prevent underarm odor for hours! SAFETY! The American Institute of Laundering Seal tells you Mum is harmless to any kind of fabric ... so gentle that even after underarm shaving, it won't irritate your skin. LASTING CHARM! Mum keeps underarms fresh— not by stopping the perspiration, but by preventing the odor. Get Mum today at your druggist's. Use it every day. Then you need never worry that underarm odor is spoiling your charm. MUM AFTER EVERY BATH SAVES POPULARITY For Sanitary Napkins More women prefer Mum for this use, too, because it's gentle, safe . . . guards charm. Avoid off always use Mum TAKES THE ODOR OUT OF PERSPIRATION Visit Your Neighborhood Drug Store During Nationally Advertised Brands Week — October 4th-l2th 17