Motion Picture (Aug 1940-Jan 1941)

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Stars Over Broadway [Continued from page 14] the release of The Great Profile is already in secret training". . . . 1,1 ame ROMANCE ITEMS: Anne Shirley flew in for the wedding of her chum, Phyllis Fraser, and Bennett Cerf, Sylvia Sydney's ex . . . Phyllis is Ginger Rogers' cousin . . . Ma Lela fixed up a very nice reception at the Ritz Towers and didn't forget to invite Dan Loper, her favorite companion . . . Lucille Ball insists that Desi Arnaz is the one, but Desi says otherwise . . . Studio romances are always open to doubt, but the pair have been exchanging expensive presents and long-distance calls . . . Desi assured me that it's just "friendship, friendship, that perfect blendship" that makes for jolly times together . . . David Niven is now married to Primula Rollo, an English girl . . . evidently the Jacqueline Dyer twosome blitzkrieged with the advent of the war . . . Gar Kanin's pursuit of Katharine Hepburn was delayed by a bout with the flu . . . People have it that they are on the verge of marriage . . ._ The youthful director's friends think it's just an intellectual friendship, whatever that is ! Katie is at home in Connecticut . . . Gar will attend the opening of They Knezv What They Wanted . . . and meet the Hepburn clan COCKTAIL TIME : It's cocktail season for the girls and boys who like to get together and compare notes on the stars . . . Roy Rogers, second only to Gene Autry as a favorite with the boots and saddle fans, was partied at the Warwick . . . Roy attended a special Roy Rogers day at the Fair the following day . . . Martha Scott, whom you are going to love once you get to know her better, was told only a few months ago by picture producers that she had no looks, glamor or sex . . . Now she's being cocktailed . . . She's dismantling her apartment for a long Hollywood stay . . . Just acquired a husband, radio director Carleton Alsop, who directed her radio series for a year before discovering he was in love . . . Martha knew it all the time . . . BeUe Davis is going to have to look to her laurels once Martha hits her stride . . . Bette was cocktailed, too — at the Gotham . . . Everyone turned out, including Bob Taplinger who came all the way from Hollywood . . . Phyllis Brooks drank milk at her party . . . RKO footing the bills . . . looks much nicer in her darker hair . . . Phyllis drank beer at her party . . . was in a state as to whether to accept a role in Harold Lloyd's Three Girls and a Gob, or the stage musical, Panama Hattie . . . remembering Betty Grable's experience . . . Phyllis took the stage part . . . and a Scotch and soda . . . COAST TO COAST: Bing Crosby, Dixie and the Crosby youngest, trained in . . . They are on their way to South America if Bing's detours don't consume all his vacation time . . . There was the National Amateur Golf Tournament at Mamaroneck . . . The center of attention from the gallery, Bing signed autographs between shots, puffed on his inevitable pipe, and didn't play good enough to qualify . . . But Bing remains good natured . . . even about brother Bob's screen debut ... He thinks it's swell for the kid . . . Spencer Tracy stopped off at the White House before coming on . . . Franchot Tone cancelled his tour of The Fifth Column because of the Dies communist accusation . . . returning to Hollywood for Martin Eden ... If you can imagine Franchot as the lusty Jack London. "Politeness has its limitsI just won't dance with Peg! // Every dcy . . . and before every date . . . prevent Underarm Odor with Mum. Stay popular! Peg's tops on first impression— but you can't be a belle on that! She's plenty pretty, but prettiness alone won't make a welcome dancing partner— when underarms need Mum! In winter— when social life is so important—underarm odor often goes unsuspected. Those who offend may see no moisture, yet winter's confining clothes and indoor heat can actually make the chance of odor worse. After your bath, you're fresh and sweet. Then is the time to prevent risk of future odor with a daily underarm dab of Alum. A bath for past perspiration, then Mum . . . makes you sure you're safe! More women use Mum than any other deodorant— all year 'round. Read why! MUM IS QUICK! Half a minute and underarms are protected for hours! MUM IS SAFE! The Seal of the American Institute of Laundering tells you Mum is harmless to fabrics. Even after shaving, Mum won't irritate your skin. MUM IS SURE! Without attempting to stop perspiration Mum prevents odor, all day or evening. (One reason why men like Mum, too!) Get Mum today. Mum helps keep you popular all winter long! For Sanitary Napkins Wise women everywhere pre fer Mum for Sanitary Napkin use. It is gentle, safe, prevents odor. Avoid embarrassment . . . us; Mum! TAKES THE ODOR OUT OF PERSPIRATION 17