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Motion Picture (Aug 1940-Jan 1941)

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-ir.^ * i T ' T 1 1 \ Luckies' finer tobaccos dec -o m mean less nicotine! FORREST LEWIS (above) is an independent tobacco expert. Like most other independent auctioneers, buyers and warehousemen, he smokes Luckies. These men see with their own eyes that Luckies buy the finer tobaccos. That's important — for Luckies' finer tobaccos mean less nicotine. Yes, authoritative tests reveal that, for over two years, the nic otine content of Luckies has been 12% less than the average of the four other leading brands — less than any one of them.* You see, Luckies analyze tobacco samples before buying — so we can pick out leaf that is ripe and mellow yet mild — low in nicotine. Only Luckies give you such genuine mildness. Try them for a week. Remember — with men who know tobacco best, it's Luckies 2 tol * NICOTINE CONTENT OF LEADING BRANDS From January 1938 through June 1940 Lucky Strike has averaged 9.46.% less nicotine than Brand A 20.55% less nicotine than Brand B 15.55% less nicotine than Brand C 4.74% less nicotine than Brand 0 For this period Lucky Strike has had an avetage nicotine content ot 2.01 parts per hundred. Luckies -the smoke tobacco experts smoke